Watchman Willie Martin Archive

������������������������� Mystery of the Serpent

The disposition of being improperly curious caused me to enlist in the United States Navy in 1919.The second ship in which I served was the battleship, U.S.S. Wyoming, in which the chaplain was Father Brady.

After getting accustomed to ship�s routine, I began plying him with questions. First, I wanted to know all about the Catholic Church, because I had been brought up as a Baptist and did not understand his Sunday services, the first portion of which was exclusively Catholic. He gave ma an old �dog-eared� Catholic history book and turned me loose on my own. Next, I wanted to know all about Biblical history, because I could not understand it. I also wanted to know what became of the ten-tribal House of Israel; the ten �lost� tribes.

Father Brady admitted he did not know what became of Israel, although he believed the people still existed amidst the Gentiles in similar manner as the Jews, their brethren. I argued, however, that the Jew is readily recognized by his peculiar mental and physical characteristics, and if he is a brother of lost Israel, the, is it not logical to believe the House of Israel would have the same characteristics? If so, where were thy? You cannot conceal a people who Yahweh declared to Abraham would ultimately be as numerous as the stars above and the sand on the sea shore? Father Brady could not answer.

On one occasion when I inquired of him the reason for wars between Christian nations of white men, he said:

�Sparks, in the first place, it is impossible to understand current events unless one inquires into turmoil of yesterday which STILL HAD ITS ROOTS IN THE REMOTE PAST. WARS DO NOT HAPPEN OF THEIR OWN ACCORD OR BY ACCIDENT; THEY ARE MAN-MADE. One must understand the cause of things which seem of no importance or are incomprehensible. One must discover whether or not there are secret strings moving men to action or binding them to inaction during religious, political, financial and economical crisis which burst forth with warning and without any logical reason.

ONE MUST KNOW WHETHER OR NOT THE RULERS OF NATIONS ARE THE REAL RULERS OR MERELY PUPPETS. Above all, take the attitude of Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922) who once said:

�Never refuse to see what you do not want to see, or what might go against you own cherished hypothesis or against the views of authorities. They are just the clues to follow up, as is all so, and emphatically so, the thing you have never seen or heard before. The thing you cannot get a pigeon hole for is the finger point showing the way to discovery.�

Apparently that was meant for a challenge. I accepted it as such, and in 1931 after being transferred to the U.S. Asiatic Flee, I joined the Masonic Fraternity in quest of more light, and soon advanced to the 32nd Degree in the Scottish Rite in which I began studying the Hindu Scriptures and comparing them with our Bible. That study was supplemented with the Divine Revelation in the Great Pyramid of Giza at Cairo, Egypt, Oriental and Occidental history in out-of-the-way books, papers, pamphlets and manuscripts which had escaped the censors.

Masonically-speaking, while traveling East I meet many Scottish and York Rite Masons and the Light-Bearers of Christ stationed along the Eastern Highway. On traveler was an Indian Sikh of the Scottish Rite Bodies and high in the Sikh Mysteries. With his assistance, THE GODS, DEVILS, AND FANTASIA IN THE HINDU SCRIPTURES WERE SWEPT ASIDE TO REVEAL IN THE LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM THE ENTIRE ANCIENT ADAMIC MESSIANIC PROPHECY FORETOLD BY OUR ENOCH OF THE ADAMIC LINE OF SETH.

Subsequently, I began working with Naval Intelligence of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet and Fourth Regiment of U.S. Marines. In that work and my journeys with the Light-Bearers of Christ, high-degree Scottish and York Rite Masons, I discovered the answer to the major question which I had been seeking: why did He need a Kingdom in the material plane? Why did He send His Christ-son of Righteousness, the Man Jesus Christ, to that people to draw up a New Covenant after they broke the first?

If it was essential to do all of that, then is it not logical to believe the Devil has always been tangible he has race of tangible people to sabotage and destroy God�s Kingdom and its work amidst man? I found the answer: Christ came into the material plane to renew the Covenant with the Children of Israel to destroy the Devil and his race! The Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, and Nordic people are the House of Israel as God�s Kingdom! The people we know AS JEWS ARE THE KINGDOM OF THE DEVIL and he has always been their king! Since time immemorial THEY HAVE BEEN KNOWN IN ASIA AS THE SERPENT RACE! There are three branches of this race: THE ASHKENAZIM-KHAZAR and SEPHARIC JEWS in Christendom and the (Black Zhushus in Asia! They are proud of being Satanic because they say it makes them a race of �god-men.�)

���� They hate Yahweh and man, yet for expediency, Jews in Christendom pretend to worship Yahweh and love man. HOWEVER, IN ALL AGES THEY HAVE BEEN THE SPONSORS AND FINANCIERS OF ALL WARS. They promote republican principles, yet they themselves have no use for them, BECAUSE COMMUNISM IS THEIR RELIGION. The late Stephen S. Wise said:

�Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.�

However, they make use of our freedoms, liberty, and Constitution for a screen behind which to hide while undermining our Church and State and all law and order.

Their system of boycotting, sabotaging, ransacking and destruction is known as THE SERPENT SYSTEM, which is so enormous, silent, and sinister the average person in Anglo-Saxondom does not know it exists.

The Serpent System is the practical application of THE LUCIFERIN DOCTRINE. It is entirely Oriental and occult. IT IS SPONSORED AND DIRECTED BY SATAN AS THE UNCROWNED SENIOR KING OF THE JEWS AND HIS 12 MEMBER CABINET WHOSE CAPITAL FOR CENTURIES WAS THE FORBIDDEN CITY OF LHASA, TIBET. Yet, since 1950, Tel Aviv, Palestine, has been the capital, and Moscow, London, and New York City are the lesser capitals screening Tel Aviv from public view. Under the King of the Jews is one roving ambassador and two princes who direct the international government of the Devil of Jews divided between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

THE RELIGION OF THE SERPENT IS ANTI-GOD, ANTI-CHRIST and ANTI-MAN COMMUNISTIC-SATANISM). The movement is spiritual and material. The former sponsors and practically finances all Oriental occultism in Christendom and the thing going under the name of Scientific Christianity in order to deliberately break down and destroy all faith in the worship of Yahweh.

The material portion of that system sponsors all un-American activities, Anarchistic-Bolshevism, Fabianism and Socialistic-Communism. Behind the two branches stand THE DEVIL who now is the Turk.-Mongol Jew, at the time of this writing, was Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, smuggled into America by the Jew Owen Lattimore, and Jewry�s supreme Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B�nai B�rith in New York City proclaimed him: �Jewry�s god� in March of 1950, then enshrined him in John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, under the guise of Diluwa Hutuktu; the �livings Buddha of Mongolia.� That Devils power reached out through B�nati B�rith to clutch the throat of every government in the world. He was the unseen hand of, the Jews Bernard Mannes Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and U.S. Senator Herbet H. Lehman are the power in that Satanic hand in America.

Prior to being transferred to the U.S. Asiatic Fleet, I did not pay much attention to civilian thought. Rerunning home, however, I saw a people totally strangers even though they were my kindred and countrymen. The change was so drastic as though one were to walk out into bright sunlight from a dark room, yet the average person did not, nor does he today, seem to notice any change. While reflecting on the condition I observed the change was taking place prior to 1931, yet I had been closer to civilian thought than I realized, because I was a part of our national mind, and did not observe the gradual transformation.

Home again, however, I knew the change was produced and is perpetuated by the insidious pressure of the Serpent System in complete control of the very heartbeat of American through our press, radio, recorded music, television, and motion pictures which move our people in one direction then another in vast surging tidal waves of emotion in a deliberate plot to ruthlessly debilitate our national mind so we will not contemplate the gradual undermining of Church, State and even our personal lives. It is a war to destroy the White Race; a war waged by the Serpent Race for the pure love of evil.

I made an investigation and discovered the Serpent Race was dominating the field of religion through the Federal Council of Churches of Christ (Now called the World Council of Churches of Christ) and the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Clergymen by the thousands were spewing forth Modernism, tolerance for anti-Christ methods, mongrelization and internationalism instead of Christ, the Scriptures, the glorious plan of spiritual salvation, the preservation of our rugged white Mental and Spiritual superiority and imitative, and the love of our Nation.

To my dismay, I discovered New-Fair Dealism had undermined the very foundation of our great Republic; The Constitution of the United States of America. I found political corruption had extended its slimy tentacles from the White House to the small villages and farm so as to deliberately destroy all moral and spiritual values. I was appalled at the discovery of sex degenerates employed in our National Capital. I found treason excuse; betrayal of our Nation condoned by the President and his administration; the armed forces sabotage; our natural resources deliberately wasted, and onerous unconstitutional taxes consuming the fruit of all endeavor and labor.

I found the colored minorities sullen, rebellious and in a state of turmoil; the great White Majority perplexed and confused, neither one proud of its race and heritage, and the barriers let down for the destruction of all. Everywhere I turned I met defeat. My own Kin laughed me to scorn: �Do not be carried away with your enthusiasm,� they say;

�Cultivate the team spirit, forget politics, it is only the game of crooks. To hell with Christianity, it is only for feeble-minded people. Relax, enjoy yourself. Has not world turmoil come out all right in the past? A Serpent Race. You are crazy.�

My whole being revolted against such a Satanic system in which Church dogma and doctrine, National and State legislation encourages Christian apostasy, indifference to un-American and un-Constitutional activities to such an extent that the basic and fundamental structure of our personal and national life is in jeopardy.

If the elected guardians of this Nation can do, or will do, nothing about the situation, then it is up to individuals who call themselves MEN to try: The plot and the nature of the conspirators must be exposed. With that thought in mind I got in communication with my former shipmates in Naval Intelligence and laid my 0lan before them and requested their assistance. It is not the business of those people to inquire into motives of cause and effect of world events. Their job is to obtain intelligence about the sponsors of conspiracy, not to seek the long-term motives behind it; and if they could give me names of the key traitors in this Nation, I would have invaluable data with which to work.

With their assistance, I began working to build a tower of truth. Soon, however, I discovered there still were American nationalists worth of being called men. Men with dignity and proud of their White Race. Men still capable of loving God and Country. Men still capable of comprehending Constitutional Government. Men backed up by their women as loyal and courageous as themselves. From our mutual work we have constructed an instrument to fight the Powers of Satanic Darkness with the Power of Light for Christ, for Country, for our race, for the ultimate destiny of man.

It is this study, which, because of necessity, we compose in a series of pamphlets which dedicate to America�s survival in this final struggle of World War III as Armageddon into which Jewry in America, working as one with the Jews in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia and Tel Aviv, have plunged us in order to annihilate Christianity and the White Race or perish in the attempt

�������������������������� The Serpent Race of Jews

In Biblical prophecy, the number 44 signifies the Beast of Lies. He is Satan. Accordingly, after 44 years of lying about the book �The Plot of the Jews: The protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,� being a non-Jewish forgery, the leaders of Jewry in American on the night of February 5, 1949, bragged to hat they supposed to have been an all-Jewish audience in the shiners Auditorium, in Los Angeles, California, that the Protocols are authentically the blue-print of world conquest by the Serpent Race of Jews.

The Protocols are Jewry�s own property, and the conspiracy against God an man in them is an accomplished fact, except to collapse America�s economy and finances, then seize the government and destroy the independence of this Nation. Yet, they declared that would be accomplished before the end of 1953 (Their time table was off a bit). It is time we stood up to be counted.

In the very first paragraph of Protocol No. 3, the leaders of Jewry admit Jewry is the Serpent race of Satan. We first observe that reptilian race in the third chapter of Genesis in our Bible. In the Hindu Scriptures he is called; �Shesha,� which is pronounced; �Shai-tan,� ...Satan. He is symbolized as being a 12 headed cobra. Actually the heads are 12 high-degree B�nai B�rith Jews as the Cabinet of the King of the Jews. That king (at the time of this writing) was the Asiatic Turko-Mongol Jew, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha. He is the �brains� of Shaitan the Serpent. A portion of his teeth and claws are the members of the Anti-Defamation League, which is an un-Constitutional communist world organization, also established in the United States in 1913 by Jewry�s exclusive Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B�nai B�rith so as to force out of circulation any truth remotely-connecting the word �jew� with the world conspiracy against God and man. This was also done to prevent as far as possible the truth being published about the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, Nordic being the House of Israel as God�s Kingdom in the material plane.

The axis of Shaitan�s (Satan�s) spinal column are two Princes of the Jews and one roving ambassador who answers to no one but the king of the Jews. Shaitan (Satan) has seven vertebras in his back bone. His spinal cord has 1,000 nerve fibers. They are the Luciferin priesthood known in Christendom as the Learned Elders of Zion. They are equally divide between Western and Eastern Hemispheres. His nerve system is a 7 x 7 super-secret organization, known as THE CAHILLA.

The vertebras in this back-bone are seven offices form which emanate the nerve system consisting of: Seven Ministers under Seven Arch-censors (7 x 7 = 49 Ministers). Under each Minister are seven Heralds (7 x 49 = 343 Heralds). Under each Herald are seven Couriers (7 x 343 = 2,401 Courier). Under each Courier are seven Scribes (7 X 2,401 = 16,807 Scribes). Under each Scribe are seven Auditors (7 x 16,807 = 117,649 Auditors). Under each Auditor are seven Mutes (7 x 117,649= 832,543 Mutes)

With the 500 Luciferin priest, the Archcensors, the king and prince, there are 961,301 Jews in each Hemispherical Cahilla section. Adding the 24 B�nai B�rith Jews in the two Cabinets of the king and his co-regent and the roving Ambassador, there are 1,922, 627 Jews in the hemispherical brains and nerve system of Shaitan, (Satan) the Serpent. THAT CABAL AND THE JEWISH RACE ARE THE BRAINS, NERVE SYSTEM, TEETH, CLAWS, BACK-BONE AND BODY OF SATAN IN THE MATERIAL PLANE, AND THEIR COLLECTIVE EVILNESS IS THE DEVIL AND HIS DEMONS IN THE SPIRITUAL PLANE.

That is the talking Snake who spiritually-sabotaged our Adamic progenitors. IT IS A RACE OF MATERIAL VAMPIRES. IT IS A COUNTERFEIT RACE OF DEVILS NOT CREATED BY GOD. It is on display as such in Job 26:5, Psalms 88:10, Provers 2:8, 9:18, 21:6, Isaiah 14:9 and 26:9 in which the original Hebrew for the word �dead� is Rephaim, which means...THE SHADES OF SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL DEATH. Jude 12 says they (the Jews) are twice dead (spiritually and materially), plucked up by the roots. Then, Mark 4:11, 12, 15, and Luke 11;44, John 7:33; 8:43-47; 9:27, Acts 2:47, Hebrews 13:20, and 2 Peter 2:4, 12 show that the Jews are born spiritually dead from the womb.

�These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, TWICE DEAD��������� , plucked up by the roots.� (Jude 1:12)

Yahweh put in man a certain genealogical power to cause the marrow of the bones to generate BLOOD for the flesh (Leviticus 17:11). Jewry lacks that power. He steals it form man, however, in mongrelization. The Satanic dead vampire is manifest in what we have believed was Jewry�s white blood corpuscles. In man, they are round, yet shaped differently for each race. That is one reason Yahweh established The Divine Law forbidding all humanity to mongrelize with the Devil�s Serpent race, because the children will in turn, be vampire and totally cut off from Yahweh.

(As a side note, when Yahweh created al the human race, except the Adamic, He did not breathe His spirit into them, but in Chapter Two of Genesis we find that he did breathe His spirit into Adam kind:

�And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.� (Genesis 2:7))

������������������������� Past History of World Jewry

In times past, the Serpent race absorbed entire nations in order to renew the �life-force� in their bone narrow. Ezekiel 38:12-19 and Isaiah 49:26 show the vampire condition. The latter states:

�And I (Yahweh) will FEED them that oppress thee (Israel) with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood as with sweet wine; and all flesh shall know that I am Yahshua thy Savior and thy Redeemer, The Mighty One of Jacob (Israel).�

Isaiah makes it plain that he is speaking about the counterfeit race of Satan who we know as Jews. In Isaiah 14:29, 27:1 and 65:25 he mentions them as the Serpent which is written in the Hebraic to mean, the counterfeit race of the original material Beast who we know as Satan, the same as the father of the Luciferin Beast in Ezekiel 28. In Isaiah 49:26 the word �feed� is �akal,� in the original Hebraic. It means; �TO CONSUME AWAY.� If Isaiah had meant the Serpent race would turn cannibal and feed on itself, the word �feed� would have been �nahal.�

If they were thrown into jail as in Revelation 20 and given Jew flesh to eat when they asked for food and said; �feed me,� the word would have been �laat.� If they could feed themselves and they were given Jew flesh (or any proper nourishment) the word �feed� would have been �kul.� Isaiah, therefore, graphically shows when Zechariah 14:21 and Revelation 20:1-3 are consummated the Serpent race of Jews will be isolated from humanity and the faculty of Jewry�s bones to produce corpuscles will gradually be lost until the race will stagger from weakness which will gradually consume the race.

MONGRELAZATION with man (other races) is essential so Jewry can renew the depleted life-force. Extensive mongrelization can change the outward appearance so much that the Jewish characteristics are difficult, if not impossible to perceive. When that occurs and Satan is about to transform himself into a human automatically possessing the Life Force of God, Divine Law intervenes and the next generation reverts back with all the physical characteristics known as Jewish and that line of Satan is entirely sterile.

The Vampire condition is in three categories and they are spiritual and material.

1). The first phrase I just mentioned above

2). The second phase is the instinctive and craving to murder man spiritually. It is to accomplished by subtle suggestions which causes man to think erroneously which generates a destructive electro-cosmic field of oscillatory disequilibrium in his brain cavity which thrusts him out of conscious contact with God and spiritually-kills him. That field can be measured with electro-magnetic instruments, and scientists know it is directly the presence of that field which makes man�s body deteriorate and eventually die of old age.

Jewry is greedy to shed man�s blood in murder and wars are recorded in John 8:44 and Matthew 23:35.

3). The third phase of the vampire condition is the stealthy approach unto man on his Snake belly of Luciferin piousness (Jew sophisticated graciousness). Drawing near an interned brotherhood, liberalism, equality and fraternity he hyponitizes the victim with a flickering spiritually-black forked tongue of exaggerated friendliness and humane feeling, and by time he is in striking distance, the victim is mentally-paralyzed in respect to Jew chicanery. Then without any resistance, the Serpent swallows the victim by first marrying into his family, then absorbs it in mongrelization in efforts to steal the �Life-Force� put in it by God.

While doing it, he steals every thing that man creates. The prophet Ezekiel calls that characteristic a cormorant because there is no Hebraic FOR A VAMPIRE BAT. While preying on man, that Vampire Race utterly corrupts him, yet pretends to assist elevate him to the zenith of spiritual attainment. 2 Peter 2:11-12 throws light on the condition when he says:

�Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusations against them before Yahweh. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.�

The original Greek for that word �natural� is �#5446 phusikos.� It means �things born in one.� The word �#249 brute,� is �alogos,� or without life. The word �#2226 Beast� is �soon,� meaning �a living creature.� The word �#1080 made,� is �geneao,� which means...�bring forth.� To be, is �eis eimi,� meaning...�to agree in.� The word �#259 taken� is �halosin,� meaning...�with a view to capture.� The word �#5356 destroy,� is �eis phthoran,� meaning...�corrupt.� The word �#5351 perish� is �kataphtheiro,� meaning...�to corrupt utterly.�

Therefore, Peter says:

�But these, as born living-dead things, (are) brought forth to agree in with a view to capture and corrupt, speak evil of things that they understand not; and shall utterly corrupt in their own corruption.�

Accordingly; EVERY JEW IS BORN A VAMPIRE, and from the cradle to the grave they are inculcated by their father and rabbis with the Luciferin Doctrine in the blasphemous Talmud which teaches Luciferin �piousness� in order to capture man in the lie and corrupt him utterly with Jewry�s own corruption in order to destroy God�s influence in human relations.

���������������������� Serpent Jews Are The Nachash

Peter and Jude graphically show they are speaking about nine other than Jewry. They are speaking about the same conditions. In Jude, chapter 9, it tells of the angel Michael and the Brute Beast is the Devil, who, according to the personal family record of Jewry�s current god, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, was the Serpent Prince Butur.

The first record of that counterfeit race is in the third chapter of Genesis. The word �serpent� in that chapter is �nachash,� in the original Hebraic. There are three ways of composing the word �nachash.� The root is composed with three characters, the first of which is shaped similar to a round-bottomed �W� with a dot above the right hand arm. The Second is similar to the �pi ratio sign.� the third, is a very poor figure... �3.� Written thus, it means Divine, learn by experience, observe diligently, use enchantment, an enchanter. When the word contains a dash, or bar, under the second and third characters it means...occult science, witch-craft, black magic.

When a dot is included under the bars, the word means...THE SERPENT RACE FATHERED BY THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL SATAN. And this same race is the racial body of Satan in similar manner as the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and Nordic people are the racial body of Israel (Jacobs children), via Seth, Adam and of Yahweh Himself.

The Serpent in Genesis, chapter 3, is written with the bars and dots under the two last characters to prove he is Satan�s cursed Serpent race of Jews, and the word �Jew� is Yehdim, in the Hebraic, Aramaic and Greek, which means...THE RACE CURSED BY YAHWEH, notwithstanding the Jew LIE, that the word �Jew� means... the sons of Judah.������� Kelhubath (11a‑11b): "When a grown‑up man has had intercourse with a little girl...It means this: When a GROWN UP MAN HAS INTERCOURSE WITH A LITTLE GIRL IT IS NOTHING, for when the girl is less than this [See Footnote] THREE YEARS OLD it is as if one puts the finger into the eye [Again See Footnote] tears come to the eye again and again, SO DOES VIRGINITY COME BACK TO THE LITTLE GIRL THREE YEARS OLD."

The word �serpent,� makes its next appearance in Genesis 49:17. It is written without the bars and dots under the second and third character in the Hebraic. When we study the contents of Genesis 49, we observe Israel is prophesying about the Tribe of Dan who would become an honorable judge in the House of Israel - �nachash,� learn by experience, observe, diligently. Today, Dan is blended into the Irish, Hollanders, Belgians, and Scandinavian people. The �adder� in Genesis 49:17 symbolizes the �nachash� as an enchanter, enchantment. Dan�s ancient �Coat of Arms� was a coiled adder standing on its tail. Dan is standing today while enchanting our people with secular facts that he was the scouts of the Caucasian race moving out of Eurasia toward the Appointed Place of 2 Samuel 7:10 and 1 Chronicles 17:9 in 220 A.D.

The word �serpent� makes its next appearance in Exodus 4:3 and 7:15 in which is �nachash.� It is written without bars and dots under the last two characters. Written thus, and close study of the chapters, we know the word means, �Divine.� Then why did Moses run from it?

The fire in the burning bush in Exodus 3 was �Divine,� yet it aroused his curiosity which brought a warning from Yahweh. We know that FIRE was divine, because it was �esh� in the Hebraic.

It was the manifestation of Yahweh�s Power being translated into the material plane. It was a corona of cosmic-electricity similar to the corona observed at night around a copper transmission line carrying 100,000 or more volts of electricity. In the vicinity of �that bush,� was generated a tremendous field of cosmic energy. That is the reason Yahweh told Moses to remove his shoes; so he would be throughly grounded and would not be spiritually, electrocuted. Or, as the tet says, �the ground was holy.� The Hebraic for that word, �holy,� is qodesh,� or a sanctuary.

If that is so, then what was the serpent that frightened Moses when he cast his rod on the ground? A portion of the answer is the word, �rod.� Originally, it was �matteh.� It means �a staff.� Then, in Exodus 4:8 Yahweh says in Moss:

�If they will not believe you, neither harken to the VOICE of the first SIGN, then they will believe the VOICE in the latter SIGN.�

The first sign was in the rod. The second occurred when Moses thrust his hand into his coat. The first word �voice� is �qol.� It means...crackling. That word �qol� is written with three Hebraic characters. The second �voice� is also �qol,� yet written with only two characters, which means �LIGHTNESS.� It verifies verse 6 as to Moses��hand was leprous as snow.� Then, the first word �sign� is �oth.� It means...ensign, badge, or rank of power. The second �sign� is also �oth,� but it mans...miracle.

We observe, therefore, when Moses cast his shepherd�s staff upon the ground, Divine Power changed it into the �ankh� as the scepter of the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek which Yahweh conferred upon Moses. The �voice� of that �ankh� was the crackling sound of cosmic electricity running over it. That Power was...the nachash, or serpent, which frightened Moses because he was shocked by its spiritual force. In Exodus 7:9-10, and 12 however, Moses cast the �ankh� upon the ground in front of Pharaoh and the Cosmic Energy changed it into a serpent. That word �serpent,� originally was �TANNING.� It means a �howling dragon; a howling lizard which make a noise similar to �chok-you.� In Numbers 21;6 and Deuteronomy 8:15 are �fiery serpents.� That word �fiery,� in the Hebraic, is �seraph.� It means...burning, blazing. Sometimes it is �seraphim.� Both have the same meaning as something �hot.�

That word �serpent� is nachash, and is written without the bars and dots under the last two characters. Written thus, and by close study of the chapters, one observes that �serpent� is an enchanter, something which enchanted the people. Bite, in Numbers 21:6 and bitten in verses 8-9 are �nashak,� sting, painful sensation, smart, to fall prostrate. The word �looketh� in verse 8, is �raah,� meaning �glede,� as to squint.

Therefore, those fiery serpents were heat waves caused by the sun heat radiating from the dry ground, which, when observed from a distance, formed into shimmering undulating mirages (seraphim). That unfamiliar spectacle enchanted (nachas) our Israelite progenitors and they received sunstroke and were dangerously blistered by the tremendous summer heat after; �the people spoke against Yahweh and Moses,� and refused to get in the shade of their tents.

Moses warned them to keep in the shade during the heat of the day, but the stiff-necked people ignored him and remained out doors to look at the enchanting mirages constantly changing from one spectacle to another. Many of the people died from sunstroke and severe sunburn. Those who not dying yet were weakened with high fever appealed to Moses to save them. He could have used His Power and cured them, but it would have been useless. They were rebellious that, as soon as they had been cured, they would have again defied him. To convince them he knew what he was talking about, he let them suffer and learn the herd way. They would not rely on him for anything, especially when the going got tough. Without something to look at and remind them of Moses� warning to remain in the shade during the heat of the day, they would go their head-long way and continue exposing themselves to sunstroke and sunburn while declaring they were rugged enough not to be hurt.

Therefore, in Numbers 21:9, is the record where Moses installed a brass serpent on a pole in the center of the camp. That word �serpent� is �nachash� in the original. Moses, however, did not install it for the people to worship and appeal to, to cure snake bite as many clergymen have preached, or ignored it because their idea of it was that of an idol. No idol-worship is forbidden by Yahweh. To preach it as an idol, which Yahweh told Moses to install, would be contrary to His Word.

Therefore, that portion of our Scriptures is ignored by many clergymen of modern religion as well as many of the so-called �Identity teaching.� The occults have seized hold of that �serpent� and declare our Israelite progenitors worshiped the �Ophidian god� who is Satan symbolized as the serpent of divine wisdom and Yahweh gave approval. Inasmuch as Yahweh told Moses to set it up, the Ophites declare the tribal Father of Israel knows Satan is more powerful than He.

Yahweh, however, never told Moses to install an image of the Ophite Devil! In Numbers 21:8 is where He tells Moses to install the fiery serpent. That serpent is �nachash,� and it enchanter in the original Hebraic text. The word �fiery� is seraphim. What then is that serpent? It is nothing more than a flat or conclave polished brass disc to serve as a �thermometer� installed in the middle of the camp so it could be observed from any angle.

��������������������������� Moses Saves the People

When it became hot in the sun and its temperature increased as the sun approached the zenith, heat waves �seraphim� began radiating from it. At the maximum temperature, the radiation would be so intense, one looking at it would see a spectacle as though the radiated heat was water pouring in every direction similar to water flowing down the outer surface of a glass window pane while one looks at it from inside the room. Moreover, the reflected sunlight illuminated the disc almost as bright as the sun itself, and one could not directly gaze upon it, but had to �squint� at it.

When our Israelite progenitors saw that fiery radiation, it was a solemn warning that the temperature out in the suns rays was too intense and they had better get into their tents and remain until the heat slacked off in the later afternoon. That time was indicated when the reflection and radiation ceased. Those formerly receiving minor sunstroke and sunburn were cured by remaining in their tents.

I do not know how high the temperature rises in the Arabian Desert in summer, but Mr. W.B. Seabrook in his book �Adventure in Arabia� says, that it is so severe, that one will even blister in the shade of a moving motor car. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary (for white men) to wear heavy woolen clothes. He says that he preferred being parboiled that way rather than roasted with light summer clothes on.

On the plains of Cambodia, French Indo-China, I have experienced during the dry season, a temperature rise to 150 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. In the open sun rays the temperature is so intense, the exposure to it is similar to one walking into an open fire, and the flaming fiery serpents (seraphim) are very much �alive� and active on the distant landscape. They are images produced by heat waves rising from the dry ground. They form in various shapes. Occasionally they seem to be a waterfall or cataract, except the �water� falls upward. Other times, they seem to be millions of headless white snakes chasing one another over the landscape. Occasionally, one seems to see a high wave of shimmering molten glass rapidly approaching.

There still lingers in Anglo-Saxondom an �old saying,� that the sun heat waves are Lazy Lawrence. Obviously, the expression has come down from our progenitors� 40 years of probation in the Arabian and Sinai Deserts when they lazed around in their tents during the h eat of the summer days.

In modern steel mills, those same fiery, burning serpents (seraphim) can be observed in the blast furnaces when the temperature reaches a certain degree of white heat. They are a glowing red color, where-as the main fire is white. They resemble big fat lizards about 12 inches long. They are known to steel workers as �fire lizards.� The same fiery serpents are again observed in Isaiah 30:6. I Deuteronomy 32:24, however, the serpent is a snake. In the original manuscript it is �zachel.� The word can be used for a snake, a worm, or to be afraid.

In 2 Kings 18:4 is the record of king Hezekiah destroying the brass �thermometer� made by Moses because the people still believed it contained life and was an object of worship to them.

In Psalm 140:1 the word �man� is �Adam� in the original. It graphically shows the men of Israel�s Household are of the Adamic race. They had sharpened their tongues like a serpent (verse 3). That word �sharpened� is �latash,� or to �instruct.� The word �serpent� is nachas and written with bars and dots to show he is of Satan�s race. Any instruction coming from that source is the philosophy of hate. It is denoted in the word �poison,� which is �chemah,� meaning...heat, fury, or anger. The word �adder� is �akashub,� which is the female viper in Matthew 3:7 and co-relating passages. She is �Kali,� the poisonous female of Jewry�s Beast System.

In Proverbs 23:32 the serpent and adder are the same as in Psalm 140:3. The serpent in Proverbs 30:19, however, is the enchanting, quivering waves caused by rocks and radiating the suns heat. It is denoted by the word �serpent� is �nachash� and written without bars and dots under the last two characters in the original Hebraic.

In Ecclesiastes 10:8, 11; the serpent is nachash and written with the bars and dots to show he is of Satan/s counterfeit race. It is further denoted in the word �hedge� in verse 8 which is �gader� in the true Hebraic, meaning...a wall as one�s protection in the law. The word �bite� in both verses is �nashak,� lend upon usury: �Surely the son of Satan will lend upon usury without enchantment� (verse 11) when one breaks the law: He loans on usury as our bail-bond broker.

����������������������� Jacob/Israel vs. Nachash Jews

In Isaiah 65:25 the serpent is �nachash,� and written with dots and bars to prove he is the cursed race of Jews soon to be banished from Israel�s Christian world. The Wolf symbolizes �people� in the House of Israel who have not accepted Immanuel as Yahweh in a flesh body, whereas the �lamb� are those accepting Him as Yahweh in a flesh body. The Lion of Judah and the bullock symbolizes Ephraim.

The �straw� which they are going to eat together is clean, uncontaminated peace after the Serpent race of Jews has been banished from racial Christendom to eat dust for the next thousand years. That word dust is �aphar� or �rubbish,� which will be the spiritual, mental, and material food of Jewry exiled out in Mongolia and Tibet from whence his ancestral father, Cain, came when he went into the land of Nod, which means �wandering,� in the Hebraic. In Jeremiah 8:17, the serpents and cockatrices are the same counterfeit race of Satan.

In Isaiah 14:29 is a prophecy for this era. The serpent is �nachash,� and written with the bars and dots to prove he is of Satan�s Serpent race of Jews. Isaiah says its offspring would be poisonous cockatrice. It was a female. During Isaiah�s time, she was called �Ishtar.� Today, she has adopted her original Hindu name of �Kali.� She is the deadness in Jewry�s blood system as the vampire of that counterfeit race. She is the adder in Psalm 58:3-4; the viper in Matthew 3:7; 12:34; 23:33; Luke 3:7, the woman in Zechariah 5:7 and Revelation 17:1-6 notwithstanding the Jew lie, the latter is the Roman Catholic Church.

There Serpent in Isaiah 14:29 was the Satanic Luciferin priesthood and Satan in Babylon from 721 to 330 B.C. A relative of theirs exalted himself as God in India in 600 B.C. He was the King of the Naga, or Serpent race in that land. Since time immemorial , the King of the Serpent race has been the current-eldest son of the eldest son of the original Crown Prince of Hell. He was worshiped as Satan, yet called God. The record of the one exalting himself as God in 600 B.C., is the first secular record of the exaltation in India, whereas his record in the Hindu Scriptures goes back to about 35,000 B.C., when Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth said in his Messianic Prophecy, that Satan first came out of the dimension of a spirit a counterfeit material Beast making his appearance amidst man contrary to Divine Law.

Isaiah 14:29 is so big we have to stand at a distance and observe it from Psalm 58:3-4 on through the Book of Revelation and verify it by the Serpent�s own record. At this occasion, however, we will not dwell on Isaiah 14:29 any further than to observe the meaning of the Hebrew words which say:

�Rejoice not, thou, whole Palestine, because the ROD of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the SERPENT�S ROOTS shall come a COCKATRICE, and his (or her) FRUIT shall be a FIERY FLYING SERPENT.�

The original for that word �rod� is �shebet.� It is a SCEPTER. It is the original caduceus as the emblem of Kali�s power; the emblem of witch-craft, or occult science that takes Yahweh�s people away from His Law. The first serpent is �nachash.� It is written with bars and dots under the last two characters. Written thus, it proves he is of Satan�s Serpent race of Jewish vampires. The word �root� is �shoresh,� which means...bottom. It is the bottomless pit of hell in the upside down floor of the Synagogue of Satan. The word �cockatrice� is �tsepha.� It is an adder, or viper, which seems to be an ordinary snake. It would, if it was not connected with Satan�s Serpent race. When connected with that race, we know that �cockatrice� is the whoring mother-spirit, or the vampire condition of Jewry�s blood stream. The �fruit� of that cockatrice is �peris.� It means; �a branch.� The word �fiery� is �seraph,� meaning, the burning one. The word �flying� is �uph,� which be faint, be weary, flee away, wax faint. The second �serpent� is �saraph,� which means, a burning, fiery, stinging.

Yes, she will be a burning, fiery, stinging Reptile. She is Kali, the prostituting blood-drunk, mother-spirit of a race of religious cut-throats and murderers. As the material, or masculine Cockatrice, he is the Ashkenazim-Khazar Jews in Christendom and the black Zhuhu (Kali), the female Cockatrice of Jewry�s Serpent System.

With that whoring spirit within them, they pretend to be faint, always wear because they are persecuted. To hear them tell it, just because they are unfortunate to be born Jews. The flee from justified punishment when their sabotage and destruction smacks them in the face. They wax faint after every pogrom, but they press on with one thought constantly burning within them; a fiery, stinging, spiritually-depraved sense of revenge against people, who formerly gave them sanctuary out of pity, refuse to bow to Jewry and lower themselves to his level then surrender to that counterfeit race and permit it to rule supreme with its subjects clamped in the so-called benevolence of Talmudic slavery.

Satan�s Serpent race bobs up again in Job 26. He is the same breed as the one in Isaiah 14:29. Another track is observed in Job 24 as the low chicanery of Satan�s vampire race whom Job calls �he� occasionally, and �he� is Satan as Bildad�s god. Bildad and his companions are Cainite Sabine; Serpent mongrels.

Another Snake track is observed in Job�s 25th chapter where Bidad is praising Satan and condemning Yahweh. He says to Job; �How then can man be justified with Yahweh?� So, come on over to Satan�s house Job. His light of the Luciferin Doctrine shines on all good men. Yahweh even looks with scorn on the moon and stars, but Satan is wiser; he worships them. How can Yahweh love a man who Yahweh looks on as a worm and the son of a worm?�

But Job answered and said:

�But Job answered and said, How hast thou helped him that is without power? how savest thou the arm that hath no strength? How hast thou counseled him that hath no wisdom? and how hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is? To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee? Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering.� (26:1-6)

That compound word �dead things� is Rephaim in the original Hebrew. It means �the Shades of spiritual and material death.� It is the twice dead Serpent race of Jewish vampires.

In Job 25, the word �dominion� is �mashal,� meaning, to cause to rule. Far is �pachad,� meaning to dread. Peace is �Shalom,� meaning favor. The high places is �marom,� meaning...a person in authority. Light is �or,� meaning... enlightened. The word �arise� is �qum,� meaning to abide.

Thus, Bildad says his god (the Jewish king) causes fear to rule when a Jew favors one in authority. Jewry�s favors to man then and now is preceded with the lowest form of servility, boot-licking, and then loaning money to an individual or a government so as to obligate them to him. When Satan as a Jew has obligated one to his Beast System, his Luciferin Doctrine insures him that man�s instinct to the honorable compels him to respond, and inasmuch as the Jew seems so harmless, while being so meticulous in his duties, he is given a position of authority and trust; to which he is not worthy.

�������������������������� Jewry�s Method of Control

After securing a most advantageous position, the Jew gradually puts forward hidden suggestions for various unnecessary projects which the superior non-Jew ultimately believes are necessary and the initiative seems to be his. The projects are started and he unconsciously does the very bidding of the Jew whose slithering chicanery gradually undermines the business until the dame is beyond repair before the superior awakens to what has occurred. Perhaps he trusts the Jew to such an extent that he will never awaken to the truth. He takes the responsibility as being negligent for permitting his business to decline and he discovers he is denied further credit at the bank presided over by another Jew secretly in league with the traitor in his office.

Satan then offers to �reciprocate� the former favors he received and offers to buy one�s business in apparent sincere efforts to prevent one from becoming a total failure. One has no alternative. The offer is generous. One accepts the offer, and one�s work, created out of one�s genius, passes into the parasitic hands of the blood-sucking vampire who then goes to his brother-Jew in the bank to refinance the business for speculative purposes. The traitorous Beast then sells the property at an enormous profit while his former employer commits suicide because he believes he is a failure.

The traitor and his banker-Jew brother then divide the loot between themselves in accordance with Satan�s law in the Schulchan Aruch section of the Talmud which says:

�When a Jew makes a deal with a non-Jew, and another Jew comes up and deceives the non-Jew, no matter in what manner, whether he gives him false measure or over charges him, then both Jews must share between them the PROFITS THUS SENT BY YAHWEH.�

On other occasions when one becomes obligated to a Jew in any manner and he learns one�s weakness or discovers a secret which one is ashamed of and is desirous of keeping it out of the public cognizance, one is then in the power of the Satanic Reptile. When the superior awakes to the chicanery and takes measures to divest himself of the crawly influence, the Jews bears his poisonous Serpent Fangs and boldly demands to be given supreme power of he will expose the secret to the public view. If the superior defies the Jew, the latter very �piously� gives information about the secret to the newspapers in what he declares is service to the public. Another Jew then broadcasts it over the radio or television so as to kill the confidence of the public in the victim. The blind public does the rest and throws the good man out of office and destroys his public usefulness while the hypocritical, blackmailing Jew is held up as the public benefactor.

When Satan has accomplished his dirty work, he then slithers into the vacant chair to suck his living out of our people if the occasion warrants it. If, however, it is not expedient for him to take the chair at that time, he suggests to other superior non-Jews that a certain man; a non-Jew, is more capable than he to discharge the duties of the office. In that manner, Satan remains in darkness behind the �certain man� who is always of weak character and submits to the Jew�s very bidding out of fear of losing his well-paid job or of being character-assassinated.

In respect to Satan getting peace in high places of our government and Nation, then Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, and President Harry S. Truman are the �certain men� of whose sponsored conspiracy Senator Joseph McCarthy speaks of in the Congressional Record for March 14, 1951:

�...Mr. Owen Lattermore, the State Department�s adviser, praised the State Department for having succeeded in allowing China to fall to the communists without letting it appear to the world that we had shove it. It is almost incredible, but it is a matter of record. He then goes on to say; �The thing to do, therefore, is to also let South Korea fall but do not let it be known that we pushed her; hence the recommendation for a parting grant of $15,000,000.00. The Picture of Western Europe, Mr. President, is much the same. We are preparing to allow Western Europe to fall without having it appear that we pushed her. In other words, the present plan is strictly a �phony plan� for a �phony defense,� a case of those in the back room, where the planning is done by the same crowd that did the planning for China, saying the same thing said about China, namely, �We will let them fall, but we will not let it appear that we pushed them.��

In a caf� in Budapest, Hungry in 1919, the Jew Jacob H. Schiff revealed another phase of that Beast System...It was published in the book, �Geneva Against Peace,� by Comte de Saint-Aulaire in 1936 in which he quotes Schiff:

����������������������� Important Jews in Third-Reich

�The health of our Golden Calf (none-the Jew god of gold) demands that certain nations should be sick, namely, those not of themselves to develop. Take for example pre-war Turkey, the �sick-man,� as it was called by diplomats, which helped to keep us healthy. From it we received concessions of every description: banks, mines, harbors, railroads, etc., in short, its whole economical life was in our care. And we cared so well for it that it died, in Europe at least...

Now that the accumulation of (Turkey�s) wealth has become common (property in the international Jew banking house of Rothschild), and that we have the fulfillment of our mission at hand (of revealing to Christendom the fact, that Jewry is Satan, and the re-establishing the World Empire of Satan) we need another �sick man.� This alone would have been sufficient reason, apart from higher consideration (of annihilation of Christianity) for grafting Bolshevism on to Tsarist Russia. Russia is now the �sick man� of the post war days, and it is much more nourishing than the Ottoman Empire. It also does less in its own defense. It (the god of gold) is now ready for another feast. Soon Russia will be a corpse, and we shall have nothing left to do but to cut it up...Even if a few drops of blood were spilled in the process, we (Jews) have no cause to get excited.�

A few drops of blood spilled in Jewry�s efforts to annihilate Christianity. The record shows Jewry is directly responsible for the death in wars, mass murders in deliberate starvation of more than 144,000,000 people in the past 39 years.

When Adolph Hitler began attracting attention beyond Germany with his anti-Jewishness, the Jew Cahilla in America selected James P. Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. to finance him so as to build up a Nationalist Germany, then push Anglo-Saxondom into attaching Germany and thus, break the back of Christianity in Central Europe so as to pave the way for Jewry to seize all of Europe in the name of Russia in the final prelude to the destruction of the White Race and the establishing of Satan�s World Empire.

Major Robert H. Williams reported in his �Williams Intelligence Summary� for February, 1950, about James P. Warburg�s part in the plot against Christendom. He said:

�Last November, the widow of the late General Ludendroff, on trial at Nuremberg, explained why her husband broke with Hitler, confirmed the reports in convincing detail.

She stated that, � early as the summer of 1929, James P, Warburg had undertaken an assignment from financial circles in America, which desired to exercise solitary influence on Germany in the unleashing of a national revolution. Warburg�s task was to find the suitable man in Germany, and he entered into contract with Adolph Hitler who subsequently received sums of money amounting to 27 million dollars up to January 30, 1932, and still another seven million dollars thereafter, enabling him to finance his movement.��

After the 1919; German Revolution, Jewry took over the country lock, stock, and barrel. Jewry retained power until Hitler came on the scene. Then why was international Jewry so anxious to foment a NATIONALIST revolution in Germany? Because they desired to destroy the Royal Judah tribe of Israel (the Nordic Germans) because Jewry could not absorb them in mongrelization; and to destroy Christianity in Central Europe.

After Adolph Hitler received the financial assistance he disenfranchised the Jews in Germany, then set up a banking system of his own. Nevertheless, Anglo-American Intelligence Services learned that Hitler, Jew Rudolph Hess, and Von Papen secretly called on Jew Baron Kurt von Schroeder in Cologne and obtained his guarantee to further finance Hitler�s schemes.

Schroeder agreed to the proposition after bribing Hitler to place Jews in strategical positions to direct the very heart beat of National Socialism. Hitler made Jew Hjalmar Schachet the Director of the Reich Bank. Rudolph Hess became Deputy Fuhrer. He is the son of an Egyptian Jewess. General von Haushofer was made Geopolitical Minister. He is a Jew. General Milh became head of the Luftwaffe. He is a Jew. Gobles was with Hitler to the end. He was a Jew. All of which is in accordance with Jewry�s protocol No. 15 which says:

�But, if there should arise in its midst a plot, then at the head of that plot will be no other than one of most trusted servants.�

Baron Kurt von Schroeder was related to Baron von Schroeder of J.H. Schroeder & Co., Ltd., London, England, which, together with Messrs. N.M. Rothschild & Sons� Rutgers, Ltd., and the Imperial Chemical Industries assisted James P. Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., finance Hitler in accordance with protocol No. 9, which says:

�Nowadays, if any State raises a protest against us, it is only �pro forma� at our direction and at our discretion, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren.�

Thus, the Jew Devil will murder his own sons so as to get peace (shalom) from one in authority (marom) which causes fear of the Jew (peached) to rule (marshal) amidst those he abides (qum).

���������������������������� The Poison of the Jews

We next observe the Serpent Race in Psalms 58:4, in which the word �poison� is �chemas,� in the Hebraic. It means anger, heat, fury, rage, hot displeasure, wrath, to be furious. That poison is used on non-Jews having high moral and spiritual strength and refuse to lower themselves to the level of a Jew. Usually, the approach is by bribery concealed as a gift. When he fails to reach its intended victim, he lets fly the poison of fury, rage, and wrath in attempts of character assassination so as to kill one�s business or political life. If the person is immune to the poison, and the Jew Cockatrice fails to silence the truth about his skullduggery, then his final effort comes by using the poison of hot displeasure and he becomes furious in premeditated cold-blooded murder. However, if it is not expedient for the Reptile to personally murder his victim, or he is to cowardly to do it himself, he bribes some non-Jew to do the dirty work while the Jew Reptile remains in ambush as a �respectable� citizen whose only crime, to hear him tell it, is being unfortunate enough to have been born a Jew.

In Amos 5:19 is the Serpent �nachash� as the so-called divine wisdom of the Satanic Doctrine of Spiritual Illumination. The way the Hebraic word �serpent� is written in the original passage (with bars - occult science) the Reptile has nothing to crawl under. The �wall� which one is gong to lean against is our national house is spiritual salvation through Yahshua. It is the same wall that is prophesied in Isaiah 60:18. One is inviting the sting of the Cockatrice if one seeks rest in spiritual salvation as preached by the so-called �Christian� denominations banded together in the Communistic Federal Council of Churches of Christ (World Council of Churches) which is sponsored and maintained by Jews in efforts to keep Yahshua out of the church houses, and then enshrine Satan on one corner of the pulpit. He, as a Jew, has even been made the preacher in some of the denominations. One is guaranteed to receive �Snake-bite� if one leans against the false wall of the so-called Christian spiritualist cults which deny the sovereignty of Yahshua.

Christians are requesting their pastors to define the word �leiathan� which is found in Job 41:1; Psalm 74:14; 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1. The Hebraic for �leviathan� is the same as in English. It means crying, mourning, and a great water animal. Job and David are referring to the latter. Isaiah, however, is prophesying about something entirely different, yet he symbolizes it as having characteristics of that great water animal. Isaiah 27:1 says:

�In that day Yahshua with His ore and great sword shall punish leviathan the �piercing serpent,� even leviathan that �crooked serpent;� and He shall slay the �Dragon� that is in the sea.�

That word �piercing� is �bariach� in the Hebraic. It is synonymous with the word �flying� in Isaiah 14:29. The word �serpent� is nachash, and it is written originally with bars and dots to prove it is the Serpent Race of the Jews. Th word �dragon� is �tannin.� It mans a great sea serpent. The word �sea� is �yam.� It means west, west side, western, westward.

One observes, therefore, that particular sea is not a sea of water. Instead, it is the people of Christendom, which is further denoted in the time measurement of �the Day of Yahweh� which is Armageddon. The latter �is a place, and an era.� The awakening of Yahweh�s Jacob/Israel people on the earth is inevitable, so true Israel can sweep out and clean up the Kingdom of God before the beginning of the Reign of Yahshua Who shall sit upon the Throne of David, which, physically is located in England today. The same annihilation of modern Jewry is also portrayed in Isaiah 34:15; 36:5; Zechariah 14:21 where he again is mentioned by name Canaanite; and also in Revelation 20:1-3.

�Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. LET BOTH GROW TOGETHER UNTIL THE HARVEST: AND IN THE TIME OF HARVEST I WILL SAY TO THE REAPERS, GATHER YE TOGETHER FIRST THE TARES, AND BIND THEM IN BUNDLES TO BURN THEM: but gather the wheat into my barn.� (Matthew 13:24-30)

�He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but THE TARES ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE WICKED ONE; THE ENEMY THAT SOWED THEM IS THE DEVIL; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore THE TARES ARE GATHERED AND BURNED IN THE FIRE; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and THEY SHALL GATHER OUT OF HIS KINGDOM ALL THINGS THAT OFFEND, and them which do iniquity; And SHALL CAST THEM INTO A FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.� (Matthew 13:37-42)

We observe the dragon in Isaiah 27:1 is a �tanning,� or a great sea serpent. Then in Exodus 7:9-10, 12; the word �serpent� is also tanning, but it means...a howling dragon (lizard). Inasmuch as he is pronounced in the Hebraic the same as Isaiah�s sea serpent, then both creatures are shaped the same, yet one lives on land and the other in the water. The one in Isaiah 27:1 is symbolical, yet the other is a living lizard, and because the leviathan, serpent and dragon in Isaiah 27:1 are one reptile symbolized as being shaped like a lizard, then, when we observe the leviathan in Job 41:1; Psalm 74:14; and 104:26...all have the same meaning as the one in Isaiah 27:1, we know David and Job are referring to a crocodile. Morever, when we denote the word �leviathan� also means...mourning and crying, and the word �piercing� is synonymous with the �flying� in Isaiah 14:29, then, leviathan is further revealed to be a crocodile.

He is admitted into the sanctuary of the sympathetic nation, and the flying Crocodiles that he is submerging in the cool water of human decency with only his unblinking water eyes showing above the surface at places where trusting people go to slake their spiritual thirst for Yahweh and material needs for the first necessities of life. When they wade out in striking distance of the lurking Beast, he grabs them and spiritually and materially devours them without the least pity. Inasmuch as �leviathan� refers to a crocodile as well as crying and mourning, it is obvious, that, from our ancient Israelite progenitors is where we Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic kindred people obtained the expression of �crocodile tears.�

After coordinating the meaning of the Hebrew words leviathan, piercing, crooked, flying, serpent, and dragon in Job 26; Isaiah 14L29; 27:1, we observe the Jew Crocodile fleeing from his justified punishment in the last hour of the Day of Vengeance of Yahshua when his slithering, silent chicanery back-fires in his unblinking, crying eyes with greater vengeance than in all the annals of history because it will be the national redemption of the House of Jacob from Satan�s counterfeit race.

������������������������ Jewry�s Planned All-Out War

Isaiah has warned us. Take heed, stand steady and observe the hand of Yahweh at work amidst His people.

�O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.� (Isaiah 40:9-10)

Be not deceived by the crocodile tears of the mourning Jew. The only sorrow he will have is when we �stupid oxen of his� refuse to abandon Yahshua for Satan and then bow down and worship the king of the Jews as God and his race as the lesser gods. It is recorded in Jeremiah 46:22 as such:

�The voice thereof shall be like a SERPENT; for they shall march with an army, and com e against her (Egypt) with axes, as hewers of wood.�

It was the cursed Serpent race using the Chaldeans as an axe to chop Egypt to pieces so the Satanic priesthood with the army can move the Egyptian treasure to Babylon and imprison Pharaoh Uahavra in a Babylonian dungeon and consummate the Babylonian Empire in which the Serpent priests of finance would rule from Babylon after consummating the World Empire of Satan in accordance with Isaiah 14:29. The word �serpent� in the above passage is NACHAS in the original, and it is written with the bars and dots to prove it is the Serpent priesthood of Babylon, which is substantiated by secular records.

Jeremiah�s prophecy was fulfilled in 566 B.C., when the Satanic priesthood succeeded in consummating the great Babylonian Empire through King Nebuchadnezzar II. The 29th through the 32nd chapters of Ezekiel prophesy the same episode.

In all the annals of history while the Serpents murdered and robbed on another, Yahweh used them to destroy their own evilness so as to prevent them from becoming too strong. Yahweh placed Nebuchadnezzar II on the Throne of Babylon in order to destroy the Devil in Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:12-19), and imprison the insane Pharaoh Uahabra of Egypt so the king of Babylon could incorporate all western Asiatic civilizations into one empire and set the stage to raise up the �branch of Satan� in whose house his scepter would be broken and Yahweh would not permit him to reestablish a World Empire.

When the Babylonian Empire was consummated, Yahweh had Satan where He wanted him and in rapid succession the Serpents murdered on another in greediness for each to reign as �god.� Yet, the Devil in Isaiah 14 failed to seize open domination and his scepter was finally broken in 330 B.C., when a kinsman of Jewry�s current god, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha (Darius III) was murdered by the satrap, Bessus, and which , terminated the great Persian Empire and the Cockatrice of Isaiah 14:29 came out of the lowest depths of the bottomless pit as the devils in 429 B.C., in the SELUCIDIAN DYNASTY.

The Devil, who is also called Satan, left Babylon in 429 B.C., when he moved to Pergamos, Greece, FROM WHERE TO PLOT TH ANNIHILATION OF THE ISRAELITE HOUSE OF JUDAH in order to defeat Yahweh�s plan for man�s (Adam�s seed) ultimate destiny. He failed however, and Yahweh removed His House of Judah out of Palestine to the Danube Basin in 70 A.D. The Satanic race of Jews remained in Palestine and the Devil in the form of Jew Bar-kochab again attempted to regain a One World Empire by conquering the Roman Empire. Yahweh using Michael, His Archangel, used the Romans for His battle-ax and weapons of war and broke the Devils� scepter again in 135 A.D.

Amos 9:3 says Yahweh would permit the Serpent to bite the House of Israel. The word �serpent� in that passage is NACHASH with the bars and dots under the second and third characters to prove he is the Devil�s counterfeit race of Jews. The prophecy is for this era, and the House of Israel who was promised all the things for the �latter-days� the White Christian dispensation, is the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people. True to that prophecy, we, as a people, indeed have been struck by the skulking Jew Snake hiding in the ambush of sham patriotism, in the pulpits, and we have descended to the lowest depths of spirit, morals, and national apathy, the bottom of the sea in Amos 9:3 during the past 100 years.

By the Grace of Yahweh Alone, will we rise to the surface in time to prevent being drowned by the Jewish Devils who are not attempting to inveigle our government to sign treaties so as to make it impossible for us to grub Jewry out of or Nation once our people are awake to the fact that, Jewry has not pushed us into World War III in which he purposed to cause the heathen; millions of Asia and Africa to exterminate the White European Race from the face of the earth.

"There is a Jewish conspiracy against all nations; it occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power ‑ a double assault of Jewish revolution and Jewish finance, revolution and finance. If I were God, I'd clean this mess up and I would start with cleaning the Money Changers out of the Federal Reserve. He does say in His Word that the gold and silver will be thrown in the streets. Since they aren't using money in Heaven now, we won't need any when He gets here. It will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Oh, I do thank God for that! Hallelujah! I'll bet you haven't heard this much praises, ever." (La Nouveau Mercure, Paris 1917, Rene Groos)

���������������������� Jews Are Devils in Flesh Bodies

In Micah 7:17 is a prophecy repudiating Jewry�s grandiose plot of destroying the House of Israel and our racial faith in Yahweh. Micah says the non-Israelite nations will lick dust.

�For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth. And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the� waters that are poured down a steep place. For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Judah? are they not Jerusalem? Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard: and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will discover the foundations thereof. And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot. Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls. For her wound is incurable; for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem. Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah ROLL THYSELF IN THE DUST. Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Beth‑ezel; he shall receive of you his standing. For the inhabitant of Maroth waited carefully for good: but evil came down from the LORD unto the gate of Jerusalem. O thou inhabitant of Lachish, bind the chariot to the swift beast: she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee. Therefore shalt thou give presents to Moresheth‑gath: the houses of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel. Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah: he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel. Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate children; enlarge thy baldness as the eagle; for they are gone into captivity from thee.� (Micah 1:3‑16)

It symbolizes cringing fear of being annihilated. However, it is not natural for them to lick dust in the makker of the Jew Serpent who licks it in accordance with Genesis 3:14 and the meaning of the word: flying: and CROOKED in Isaiah 14:29 and 27:1 which is proven when we denote the word SERPENT in Micah 7:17 as NACHASH and is written with the bars and dots in the original. The nations will lick dust when world Jewry pushes them in front of Russia and China in the final effort to annihilate the White Race of Western European blood. It is inevitable. All of Israel�s prophets saw it in the dimension of the spirit and we lack only time to bring us in proximity with it.

The final struggle is set forth in Ezekiel 38 and 39 in which he names Russia and China as our adversary; and the HE in 38:17 is Jewry headed by the Devil, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, whose image, the Turko-Mogol Jew, Josef Vissarionovitch Djugashvili...alias Josef Stalin, sits on the Serpent Throne in Meshech, which is also called Moscow.

�Woe is me, that I sojourn in Meshech (Moscow), that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.� (Psalm 1205:7)

Meshech: Strong�s Concordance #4902 Meshek (meh'‑shek); the same in form as OT:4901, but probably of foreign derivation; Meshek, a son of Japheth (the Jews), and the people descended from him: KJV ‑ Meshech, Meshech. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek‑Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

In Matthew 7:10 and Luke 11:11 is Jewry�s Ophidian religion of the Satanic Doctrine of Spiritual Illumination. It is denoted by the Greek for the word SERPENT is OPHIS. In them, Yahshua says:

�Of if he asks a fish will he given him a serpent?�

Since time immemorial, the worship of Yahweh has been symbolized by a fish. The very early Christian Israelites identified one to another by the image of a fish instead of the cross, which was brought forth by the Catholic Church. They are regarded as Yahshua�s fishermen in Jeremiah 16:16; Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17. The symbolism is carried on into Matthew 7:9 in the word �BREAD.� It is Yahshua/Immanuel Which is the Spiritual Bread of Life for Jacob/Israel.

In Matthew 10:6 Yahshua tells his disciples to become as wise as the serpents. That word �SERPENT� is �OPHIS� in the original. As Yahshua/Immanuel uses the word, we know that �SERPENT� is on the same order as the one in Genesis 49:17 where Israel tells Dan he would become a serpent. That is what Yahshua is telling his disciples; observe diligently, and learn by experience.

Mark 16:18 says that the disciples would take up �SERPENTS.� From that passage and Acts 28:3-6 Christian clergymen have preached the serpent in Mark 16:18 is a snake, and the deadly thing is a dose of poison. In the original Greek, however, a snake is �HERPETON.� He is found in James 3:7. The on in Mark 16:18, however, is an �OPHIS,� which proves it is of the Serpent race of Jews and its Ophidian religion of worshiping Satan�s �DIVINE WISDOM.�

Moreover, in the original Greek of Mark 16:18, the compound word �TAKE UP� is �ARIO.� It take away. It does not mean to take up as one would pick up anything, or, as Paul took u0 the snake in Acts 28:3-6 and shook it off into the fire. The compound word �DEADLY THING� in Mark 16:18 is �THANASIMOS� of �BELONGING TO THE DEAD.� That word �DEAD� is synonymous with the �DEAD THINGS� in Job 26:5. It is the �SHADES� as the Jew Serpent race. If Yahshua was referring to the disciples drinking a lethal potion, the original for the word �DEADLY� would be �THANATOS.� The drinking is not literal. It is the same as one would say: �I DRANK-IN HIS PHILOSOPHY.�

Yahshua/Immanuel, therefore, was telling His disciples they would take away the Satanic Doctrine from Jacob/Israel by teaching His glorious plan for spiritual salvation which will eventually culminate in racial spiritual salvation after national redemption of the House of Jacob/Israel from Satan�s Serpent Race of Jews.

Anyone of White European blood after hearing the message of Yahshua/Immanuel, and yet turns from Him to the Serpent�s Doctrine of the modern Judeo-Christian churches, WILL BE DESTROYED by the Serpent in accordance with 2 Chronicles 10:9. The Serpent there is an �OPHIS.� One taking that deadly thing to one�s bosom renounces spiritual life, because the portions of the Satanic Doctrine (ophis) which the Serpent race (the Ophites) permits us to see seems so logical it appears to be the true way of spiritual salvation.

However, it leads one into the desert of spiritual death, and if one goes all-out for it, one �DRINKS the Serpent�s �DEADLY� misrepresented liberalism, fraternity, brotherhood and equality...then marries a Jew or of a alien race or sub-race, and one�s racial tree lineage is destroyed and killed in the Satanic blood system of Jewry, and if by a Jew, the person in turn becomes a vampire with the blood of Satan in his or her veins.

The serpent in 2 Corinthians 11:3 is an �OPHIS.� He is the Serpent race of Jews, the same WHO BEGUILED MOTHER EVE. Paul is worried about the Israelite racial Christians being influenced by the new Gnostic version of the Satanic Doctrine revised by Simon Magus (the Simmon of Acts 8:9-13) to sabotage the faith in Yahweh. In Revelation 9:19 is the record of something observed by St. John when Yahshua took him into the dimension of spirit in 35 A.D. He says:

�For their power is in their mouth, and their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents.�

That serpent is an �OPHIS,� yet it is not the serpent race of its religion. It symbolizes the type of cannon used by the Turks in 1453 A.D., when they conquered the Eastern Holy Roman Empire. The war, however, was financed and fomented by Jewry�s Greater Sanhedrin which had been in Constantinople since 79 A.D. That Jewish Cabal remained there until 1552. Archeologists have recovered guns used in the campaign. Their muzzles were cast in the image of a lion�s head (Revelation 9:17), and their �TAILS� were fuses ignited by torches. John describes them as being similar to the Serpent, who, in 1453,had his tail anchored around Lhasa, Tibet, from where the spark came that caused him to belch forth the fire and brimstone of geopolitics which caused the Turko-Mongol invasion of the White Christian Israelites. In accordance with the genealogical record of Jewry�s current Devil-god, Prince Abdul Barba Baha, the Serpent of Constantinople in 1453 was the Turko-Mongol Jew, Amurath II.

From Genesis 3 to Revelation 9, we have observed the people we know as Jews who are the Serpent race of the Devil, whose evils is the Devil and his demons in the dimension of spirit. To prove this fact, without leaving any doubts in our minds, Matthew 3:7; 11:12; 12:39; 12:45; 23:15; 23:35; Luke 9:41; John 8:23; 8:44; 8:47; 10:25-26; Acts 1:6; 2:40; 13:6-10; Romans 2:14; 4:15; 6:16; 7:7; 1 John 3:4; 3:10; Revelation 2:9; 3:9; 12:9; and 20:2 lays Jewry wide open and exposes him all at once as the Red Dragon, that old Serpent, which IS the Devil and (or) Satan.

Irrespective of that fact, let us not end this expose at this occasion, because one may yet ask:

�How can the Devil be the king of the Jews, and Jewry be Satanic, for is not the Devil purely a spiritual being down in the lower regions of the earth?�

Does not the Bible declare the Jews are God�s chosen people?

The answer to both is, emphatically NO! And the Biblical message of Yahweh prove it. Any historian knows they are not God�s chosen people, THEY ARE NOT OF ISRAELITE EXTRACTION, and the Bible sets forth in plain English that Jewry is the literal household of the Devil. In 1920, Dr. Oscar Levy, a Jew in England stated in the preface of the book, �The World Significance of the Russian Revolution:�

�Are not the Jews the inventors of the �Chosen People Myth?� The theory of hell being in the nether regions of the earth, or any other place, where the Devil resides to burn human Souls after death of the body IS JEWISH, and they obtained it from their ancestral Devil-god, Nergal-Shar-Usur, a son of king Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon,� which was slipped over the head of White European Christendom in order to deceive us with the lie so we would not see the truth that Jewry is Satanic.

��������������������� Why Yahweh Came in the Flesh

Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth says in his Messianic Prophecy, that the Devil came out of the dimension of spirit about 41,000 years ago. He did it on his own accord, and Yahweh did not create him. Yet, Colossians 1:16 says that Yahweh created everything, and John 1:3 says:

�All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.�

That is true. Yahweh however, DID NOT CREATE THE DEVIL! Therefore, he and his counterfeit race of Jews are unreality�s as a lit and an error in the tangible form (physical 3rd dimension) of humans (John 8:44). Yahweh, however, created Lucifer, yet he died when he failed to conform in accordance with Divine Law, and the spiritual deadness became Satan, or Yahweh�s adversary. He was then thrust out from the Throne of Yahweh in the high planes of spirit (energy), or heaven, to the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit. He was totally cut off from Yahweh and he thought of ways of getting revenge, but he could not touch Yahweh in any manner.

Therefore, Lucifer came out of the pit of spiritual upside downness to the material plane without Yahweh�s approval in order to get revenge against Yahweh by spiritually and physically-killing man, because man�s Life Force is from Yahweh. And by killing man, the pain would also hurt Yahweh. When he was in the pit he was intangible spiritual evilness, yet when he transposed himself TO THE 3RD DIMENSIONAL PHYSICAL PLANE, he became tangible flesh, yet he was still a counterfeit because he was in no manner a part of Yahweh and the trans-position was in direct violation of Yahweh and His Divine Law of the heavens and earth.

In Genesis 19:1-22 is the record of two of the archangels who stepped out of the dimension of spirit and into the material plane in the interest of Lot and his family. They ate tangible food cooked by Lot�s wife. They were tangible. In Genesis 32:24-30 is the record where another archangel stepped out of the spiritual plane and wrestled with father Jacob all night. He was as tangible as Jacob. In Luke 1:1-38 is the record where Gabriel stepped out of the dimension of spirit to inform Zacharias that his wife would conceive and bear John. He then made himself manifest to the virgin Mary and informed her that she had been selected to be the mother of Yahweh, Who was to come from the highest spiritual dimension and be born from her womb in the 3rd dimension of physical substance. Her son was Immanuel (Yahweh with us). He as Yahweh could have stepped out of the dimension of spirit (energy vibration) and into full stature if He so desired. But he promised to Adam 5,500 years before, that He also would be born from a womb of a virgin in a cave, and would be coming to redeem Adam and his pure race. But if He would have just appeared into the 3rd dimension without being born flesh from the womb of Mary, He would not have been subject to death which He had to endure in order to destroy Satan in the 3rd dimension upon this earth.

It was thus, essential, for His Spiritual energy to be... �BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF YAHWEH,� (John 1:13), so Satan could murder Him, and He could then be resurrected in order to cancel spiritual and physical death in the House of Israel, and then ultimately for all humanity after Israel teaches men the truth about Yahweh and things spiritual and things material without the Devil and his Satanic race of Jews being around to sabotage and destroy the work.

In the book of Acts 1:11 are two of the archangels talking to the disciples of Yahshua/Immanuel after the latter passed back into the spiritual plane after His resurrection from death. He passed back into the spiritual plane in the same Body His disciples loved, walked and talked with, ate and drank with, and that which was pierced on the tree of the cross.

Yet, at the moment of ascension, His Powers of the Cosmos changed the vibratory impulses of the Spiritual Energy of which His Body was made, and the intensity of vibration changed Him to tangible, visible Spirit as He presented Himself to James, Peter and John in Matthew 17. The record, therefore, proves when it became necessary for Yahweh/Yahshua/Immanuel and His arch-angels to come into the material plane in accordance with Divine Law, all that was necessary was merely to change the WAVE-LENGTH of the Spiritual Energy of which they are made, and the lowering of the VIBRATORY IMPULSES made them visible to human eyes without discomfort, and they were as tangible as any human. They ate, they breathed, and they had all the prerogatives of man.

And because they were in direct communication with the Eternal Father, they could step into the material plane and back into the spiritual plane with impunity. If it had been in accordance with Yahweh�s plan for them to remain in the material plane and they had married human women, they could have fathered children as tangible and real as we ourselves.

On the other hand, however, Satan was totally displaced from Yahweh, and when he transposed himself into the dimension of the material of the 3rd dimension physical, he was contrary to Divine Law, AND IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO GO BACK INTO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRIT because, Yahweh�s Spiritual Energy was not the composition of the counterfeit substance going in to make the microcosmic order of his body, or the state of being material. Form that TWICE DEAD BEAST mongrelizing with human women sprang the people we know as Jews, whose god for all ages has been the current Devil which is proven by Genesis 4; John 8:44; and Matthew 23:35 proves that THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for all bloodshed in our Adamic-Israelite Household.

Today, the Devil is the Asiatic Jew, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha. He was in John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He was proclaimed in 1950 to be Jewry�s god by Jewry�s grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B�nai B�rith in New York City. He is the prophesied king of fierce countenance in Daniel 8:23-25. He is the Jew god as recorded in Zechariah 8:23; the king of all Jew anti-Christ�s in Matthew 24:24; the current Jew god in John 5:43; the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2 and the Dragon as recorded as Revelations 13:13-18.

Enoch says when the Devil transposed himself into the dimension of the material, he was also MATERIALLY-DEAD, although possessing a type of animation. Then, the word �DEAD� used by Jude to describe the condition of the Devil�s household of Jews is �APOTHENESKO� in the Greek. It�s meaning is the same as that for the �BRUTE� in 2 Peter 2:12, the �DEAD� in Matthew 9:24; John 6:49 and the other places too numerous to mention at this time. It means precisely what it says; WITHOUT LIFE, BE A DYING, TO BE DEAD. John 8:43, 47 shows the spiritual deadness when Yahshua/Immanuel accused the Cainite-Akkad-Idumean Devils of not being capable of hearing His Word. They were and remain, void of spiritual perception, which is the �DARKNESS� in 2 Peter 2:4, because THEY ARE TOTALLY CUT OFF FROM YAHWEH.

������������������������� False Teaching of Churches

Despite our expose of Jewry being Satanic, however, there are many �CHRISTIANS� of White European lineage who attempt to repudiate us. They refuse to accept secular records, and even Jewry�s private epistles and base their contention solely on the surface appearance of 2 Kings 19:30; Isaiah 37:31; Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16, Joel 2:32; Zechariah 12:5, 7, 12; Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13.

There are more than 16,000 words in the King James Bible translated erroneously and an innumerable number used improperly. Therefore, let us look at the Hebraic and Greek in the above citations: The Hebraic for the words �AGAIN� and �TAKE� in 2 Kings 19:30 and Isaiah 37:31 are synonymous as �YASAPH.� It add. Root, is �SHORESH,� or...root as a means of support. Downward, is �MATTAH,�...underneath. Bear, is �ASAH,� meaning... bring forth. Upward, is �LE-MAALAH,� meaning...high degree, as being exalted. Then, inasmuch as the place underneath is synonymous with the �UNDER� in Job 26:5, that place is the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit.

In both passages, Isaiah is prophesying about a remnant of Judah escaping from Palestine. They were the two daughters of deposed King Zedekiah, Princess Tamar (Tea) Tephi and Scota, evacuated from Palestine in 584 B.C., Tamar Tephi�s descendants are the Royal line of Ireland.

Some of those are the ones who would descend to the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit, then bring forth fruit that would be exalted. That fruit is anti-Christ Fabianism and Communistic-Socialism brought forth by the Jewish mongrels who added it to the British government for a means of support after exalting it above the government by White European Christians.

The Hebraic for the word �SAVED� in Jeremiah 23:6 and 33:16 is �YASHA.� It be safe. It is synonymous with dwelling safely. In Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13 the word �SAVED� is �SOZO� in the Greek. It means be whole. The word �DELIVERED� in Joel 2:32 is �PELETAH.� It means...escape. All are synonymous as escaping without injury during the Day of Yahweh, when once calls on Yahshua for deliverance. If they were to receive spiritual salvation, the Hebraic for the word would be �CHAYAH,� or quicken. In the Greek, it is �SOTERIA.� Today, Yahshua does not offer spiritual salvation to any Jew (John 7 :33-34; Mark 4:11-15), because the Jews are totally cut off from Yahweh (Genesis 4:14, verified by Luke 11:51 as to the Jew being Cain; the Talmud also says Jewry is Cain). He is the counterfeit race cursed by Yahweh (Isaiah 34:5-6) Yahweh or Yahshua offers Jewry NO PHYSICAL SAFETY IN THE DAY OF YAHWEH, and Isaiah 34:5-6 proves it. It even mentions Jewry by name in that passage; IDUMEA, the descendants of the Cainite-Horim Serpents who absorbed Esau, then took his name of Idumea, or the Edomites.

Joel 2:30 and Zechariah 14:12, 15 prophesy the thing from which Judah will be safe in the Day of Yahweh. It is atomic bombs and radioactive contamination. Joel describes the explosions as PILLARS OF SMOKE. That word �PILLAR� is �TIMEROTH,� in the Hebraic. It means ...symbolical palm trees, and everyone knows the tempest released from atomic bomb explosions take the shape of palm trees. Then, 2 Peter 3 shows the Holohoax wrought by the hydrogen bomb which the Jew David Eli Lilienthal assisted to give our secrets to his brother Jews in Russia to use against Yahweh�s Kingdom of Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred Israel.

In Zechariah 12:5 it is prophesied that, Judah (German-Scottish-Irish) will say:

�The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength in Yahshua of Host, their God.�

Verse 7 says:

�Yahshua shall also save the tents of Judah first.�

That word �SAVE� is �YASHA,� or to be preserved. That city in Palestine, and the so-called Israelites in that city is Serpent, whose object of worship is the Devil. When we purge our House of that cursed race of Serpents and return to Yahweh, He will do the rest. The Germans, Scots, and Irish will observe the change, and;

�In that day, will I make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people around about, on the right hand and on the left hand.� (Zechariah 12:6)

Prophesy shows that Western Europe will be over-run by Soviet Russia and China, yet she will break clear and annihilate the Jews in revenge against that counterfeit race attempting to destroy the German Nation by the Morgenthau Plan and forcing German women to yield to Mongolian men to destroy the remnant in racial mongrelization. Germany will defeat Russia in Europe and win the respect of all Israel (Verse 7). Verse 10 shows the House of David (which is now magnifying itself against Germany in the Jew Morgenthau Plan) are the murderers of Yahshua. But this is not true.

When the Cainite Jew Reptiles murdered Yahshua, the only members of the House of David in Palestine were Joseph of Arimathea and his family, Joseph the husband and uncle of Mary the mother of Yahshua, and their kin. All others were already in the British Isles. Those in Palestine did not murder Yahshua. The ones who pierced Yahshua, are the bastard race of Jews, who True Israelites mixed with the Edomites, Canaanite, and the other races and people in and around Palestine; in other words the bastard cursed race.

The House of David receiving grace and supplication in the Day of Yahshua is the immediate family of the late King George VI and other families of the British Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and Nordic German blooded aristocracy who have withstood the tremendous pressure of the Jew Serpent and kept their blood lines of David pure Israel.

Even Edward VIII married a Serpent, one Mrs. Simpson, Bernard M. Baruch�s protege in who Baruch hoped to put a Devil on the Throne of Yahweh. Yahshua had the last word, and He inspired Edward VIII to abdicate the Throne of David and turn it over the George VI whose wife is a pure Israelite, daughter of Yahweh.

Those mongrels are the children of Satan and are as guilty of the murder of Yahshua as the Serpents in Jerusalem in 30 A.D., when they asked that HIS BLOOD BE ON THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN. Being Jew, therefore, they are totally cut off��� From Yahweh. When they look upon Yahshua in the Day of Yahshua, they will mourn with bitterness, yet it will profit them nothing, because they are of their father...THE DEVIL.

Zechariah 12:12-14 says those and other Jewish mongrels will �MOURN APART.� That word �MOURN� is �SAPHAD� in the original Hebraic. It beat the breast in lamentations and wailing. The word �APART� is pronounced �BAD� in Hebraic. Now �BAD� has several meanings and is written four different ways. These four ways are:

1). It means bars, branches, staves, strength;

2). Is �LE-BAD,� which be alone, by self of each other, only;

3). �BAD� is...linen cloth;

4). �BAD� liar, lies.

The word �ALONE� in Zechariah 12:12-14 was originally written in the latter manner. It is the Jewish mongrels pretending to be of the House of David and other families of Israel who will lie and shed crocodile tears (Isaiah 27:1) in the Day of Yahshua in efforts to win sympathy and escape their punishment so as to be given another opportunity to sabotage and destroy man, beat out of him his faith in Yahweh so the Jew Devil can set-up his One World Empire of Satan and have the world all of his own in similar manner as his ancestral father Cain, is doing in Genesis 4:14. (The Mystery of the Serpent, by: B.F. Jackson, Distributed by: I.C. Corporation, P.O. Box 784, Munising, Michigan 49862, (906) 387-3774,

But there is yet a more fearsome factor in world Jewry of which the average layman knows next to nothing, which must be now considered. The ancient Sanhedrin Jesus had excoriated in language that left nothing to diplomacy, and that had sent the pleasing response to the Sephardim Jews being "persecuted," had by no means been inactive throughout this time.

"Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation." (Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist Textbook on Psychopoli�tics, page 8)

Outgrowing Palestine, capitalizing on all Jewish "persecutions," effectively carrying on the fight for Christian tolerance toward this scheming, predatory people, it began to adopt a world‑wide aspect after the admirable maneuverings of the Mayer clan. Thus do we arrive at the impressive construction of the Cahilla.

Americans living in New York frequently hear of the Jews giving Cahilla parties in various city blocks, but that the Cahilla is a vast network of espionage and predatory activism for worldwide Jewry, and that it correlates the progress of the Jewish nationalists all over the earth, has only been authentically uncovered since the Boer War, mostly by British military and secret service agents. Try to grasp fully what now is to be disclosed.

In the time of George Washington there were about 4,000 Jews in this country. Most of them were already well‑to‑do traders.

In 1783 the United States became the first country to grant them full civil equality, and ever since then they have enjoyed political equality. Today there is said to be, taking the Jew's word for it, 18,000,000 Jews in the world, and about 4,400,000 of that number are in the United States, where they control 60 percent of the vital interests of our country [remember this was written in the 1930's].� Taking the word of the military of the various countries, instead, however, it is probable that the figure of 23,000,000 Jews for the whole world is the more nearly accurate.

Whether the true figure is 14,000,000 or 23,000,000, when the statement is made they are entirely effectively controlled by one International Organization, so constructed that one man rules it from the top, the information is labeled fantastic.

But wait! Listen to what espionage agents of several countries have attested before responsible committees: "The Jews of the World divided the earth first into two hemispheres, the Eastern and the Western." As the United States lies in the Western Hemisphere, we will confine ourselves to that alone. The Cahilla is constructed on the symbol of Seven.

First, however, over each hemisphere is put a Prince of Jewry known as a Sponsor. There is a Sponsor for the Eastern Hemisphere, and a Sponsor for the Western Hemisphere.

Reliable authority has attested by the way, the Sponsor for the Western Hemisphere is none other than "a pinch hitter for Presidents" which explains why this gentleman occupies his position of such tremendous economic, financial and political importance in American State affairs. He is the absolute overlord of about ten millions of Jews in this Western Hemisphere. He orders their lives and their affairs, and they in turn make it their business to see that he is kept ensconced in his power over American Officialdom.

The Sponsor for the Eastern hemisphere is not of consequence in this article. But do not miss the very important fact that both Sponsors for both hemispheres are accountable only to Akad Ha'am, the Unknown and Uncrowned King of Jewry throughout the earth, whose identity is kept a guarded secret.

Akad Ha'am rules the Jews of the earth by an effective devastating system. He has, as has been said, his Prince‑Sponsor in each hemisphere. Then under these Prince‑Sponsors falls the seven‑times‑ seven organization.

Under each Sponsor there are Seven Arch-Censors.

Under each Arch-Censor there are Seven Ministers.

Under each Minister there are Seven Heralds.

Under each Herald there are Seven Couriers.

Under each Courier there are Seven Schrivenors.

Under each Schrivenor there are Seven Auditors.

Under each Auditor there are Seven Mutes.

This figures out to almost 1‑million influential Jews in each hemisphere organized into a tight, rigidly‑controlled body, every man knowing all the men under him but only the one man above him, and all responsive to the Prince-Sponsor at the top.

THERE IS NO JEW OF CONSEQUENCE IN HORTH AMERICA WHO IS NOT INVOLVED IN THIS TERRIBLE ORGANIZATION: terrible at least in its power for predatory control of Christian society ‑ or who is not listed somewhere down the line on the roster of its obedient adherents.

Until this organization is broken and stamped out of American life, the United States can know neither peace nor stability, not to mention safety. For its control puts it in perfect working mechanism with all the influential Jews of the European continent and the Orient.

At this moment it is making and unmaking governments, starting or stopping wars at its pleasure, controlling the most intricate dealings of the League of Nations [presently the United nations], dominating political officialdom, determining the money standards of nations, including America's, directing its economics, intimidating or controlling the nation's newspapers, radio, and movie screen, so that nothing can be released by any of these that is inimical to its far‑ flung interests.

��� "Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100‑million of them, and the end is not yet." (Chief Rabbi in France, Rabbi Reichorn)

��� Careful students and economists who are not in its pay, have traced the prevailing depression in America directly to its threshold. Presidents have been elected by its money.

Small wonder with the whole Christian World hoodwinked into an International War, killing each other�s nationals off by the hundreds of thousands, the Cahilla Jews celebrated Der Tag, the day of Judaism coming into its own as Christian corpses were buried and with that many Christians, removed from Terra Firma.

Its directing heads and their satraps often camouflaged politely in press and congress as "International Bankers" have been assiduously engaged at Buying‑in‑America at bankrupt prices, completely looting and eliminating the United States permanently from its pathway as a major power, reducing it to the status of a third rate vassal state subject to their officer ‑ Isaacs, Sassoon, Samuels, et al ‑ in the so‑called "British" Cabinet.

This is the atrocious cabal to whom President Wilson referred on his return from Versailles when he said that "there was a secret power in Europe with which he could not cope."

This is the terrible power that had started the World War in furtherance of its schemes, so powerful in British as well as German affairs, that the statement is made on reliable authority that orders were given to the British Admiralty and air forces that at no time during the war were Berlin, Hamburg or Frankfort to be raided, shelled or bombed, because their homes and families were there and they had no intention of suffering physically or jeopardizing their lives in this war which they had conceived for their own world plans and financial profit.

Sir Douglas Haig, English Field Marshal, strictly under the thumb of his CAHILLA‑agent secretary, Philip Sassoon of the family of Baghdad Jews, gave it out that the English were too "humane" to bomb cities holding innocent women and children. That suited gullible Christians, and heaped full odium on the "Germans" who ordered such atrocities from Berlin to be perpetrated on London.

The Cahilla officials had perfected their power over Germany and the Germans long before the outbreak of the war. In fact, their ascendancy dates back to Bismarck, the half‑Jew (Bismarck's mother was the Jewess Louisa Menken) who saw to it that Germany was turned over to the Princes of Jewry back in 1870 exactly as America is being turned over to the Princes of Jewry in 1934. The Youth Movement of Germany, smashing this oligarchy, will be viewed in the proper perspec�tive as one of the great social phenomena of our times. Consider the war situation and its aftermath in Germany.

The Jews were the only people who were able to use Bismarck so that all liberal reforms in Germany would turn out to be profitable for them. An industrialist who visited the Prussian War Ministry in September, 1914, told with amazement that he found Jews predominating in this high office, and not German officers and military officials as he had expected.

Herr Walther Rathenau, a Jew, sat in a large room, at an enormous secretary writing table and "dispensed" or gave away army contracts. Around him were seated, almost without exception, Jewish clerks and Jewish business people.

The feeble government under Emperor Wilhelm II which had already favored Jews in all important positions, allowed this to happen, owing to its embarrass�ment and perplexity.

In the course of the war, the fact arose conspicuously to the surface that since the beginning of Wilhelm II's reign, the Jews had been the real rulers of the German Empire.

For the previous 15 years those in immediate personal contact with the Kaiser were mainly Jewish financiers, Jewish manufacturers and Jewish merchants like Emil and Walther Rathenau, Balin, Schwabach, James Simon, Friedlander‑Fuld, Gold�berger, Guttman, Hulshinisky, Katsenstein and others.

Upon the change from the old regime to the new, that is, from the monarchy to the so‑called republic the cabinet composed of six men which substituted the Ministry of State, was dominated by the Jews Haase and Landsberg. Haase had control of foreign affairs. His assistant was the Jew Kautsky, a Czech, who in 1918 was not even a German citizen.

Is it any wonder that with such a state of affairs obtaining, Hitler should have been espoused by the pure‑blooded German people as a leader who would rid them of this CAHILLA Frankenstein, whose American arm has already become quite as offensive to enlightened persons here in the United States.

"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later..." ( The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934)

Hitler preached a doctrine of "Germany for the Germans" and we should preach a doctrine of "America for Americans." Hitler used a steel wedge to "split a hardwood block" and immediately when he had gained power and started breaking up this Cahilla monopoly, the Cahilla set its machinery at work all over the world to vilify and misrepresent him, suggest boycotts, and to introduce resolutions in the houses of government which if acted upon would easily have led to war.

It is obvious that the public Cahilla press ‑ which constitutes about 90% of American metropolitan newspapers; the radio and the screen received their orders to acclaim Hitler as a monster and "persecutor" who had "set Europe back into the Dark Ages."

Protest meetings were held, the old whine about Christian tolerance for God's Chosen People was dragged forth again, dusted off, and made to do service in stirring up protests.

Hitler had thrown a big monkey wrench into the Cahilla's machinery in its steady progress for international domination, and with characteristic lack of any sportsmanship, the Jews began to gather around a new wailing wall and fill the air with their hypocritical lamentations. Wherever a Jew is blocked in the accomplishment of a predatory scheme against Gentiles, he will immediately whine "persecution" or "lack of tolerance." Just as blacks will cry racism when they do not get their desires.

The story of what happened in England, placing England in Jewish CAHILLA power, is too long to be told here, but Great Britain's vassalage to the Sassoons, the Samuels, the Monds, is quite as complete as that of pre‑Hitler Germany. The conquest of Russia by them, resulting in Jewish Communism, would require several reams to be told completely.

It is obvious that here in the United States, since 1917, the oligarchy has been conducting affairs with a very high hand, until America has been pulled down to ruin and near‑chaos. It is obvious that the sack of the United States Treasury, the collapse of American Industry, the taking of America off the gold standard, the repudiation of its fiscal contracts by the Federal Reserve, the agitation for the cancellation of the war debts are naught but carefully laid maneuvers for so emasculating and undermining Christian America that she can never again offer effective resistance to Europe, or to Jerusalem, when the latter City has been made the Capital of a completely Judaized world.

The following concerning Senator Joseph McCarthy was taken from "Defenders of the U.S.A. Republic," a Compilation of the works of Helen M. Peters, about whom the Preface states:

"Time has proven that Helen Peters knew the origin and direction of the conspiracy to destroy the American people and America. She discovered that America is not only being subverted through religion, but is also being used to subvert the whole world in the name of [today's false form of] Christiani�ty."


"Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever: George Washington's surrender: 'And many of the people of the land became Jews.' ( Esther 9:17) The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

�Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that 'a holy war will now being in America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.' Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction: 'Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government.

�That government they believe to be divine will be the British Empire [under the control of the Jews]. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry [Lucifer - as Albert Pike disclosed in Morals and Dogma].' And indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army."

Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of World Catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. WHAT HE PREDICTED HAS COME TO PASS!!! Of that, there is no longer any doubt.

A brief study of American religious history will show that Masonry and Judaism has infused into every church in America their veiled Phallic Religion. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell [both Jews] started Jehovah Witnesses' in order to spread Judaism throughout the world under the guise of Christianity.

Our so-called Judeo-Christian leaders are so ill-informed regarding the race of the Book, and the many marks of distinction that separate the House of Israel, the House of Judah, the House of David and the Jews from one another, that THEY ARE ASSIGNING TO THE JEWS AN INHERITANCE THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM.

These Judeo-Christian leaders are so sure that the Jew is Israel now returning to his homeland in accordance with their preconceived expectations of how prophecy is to be fulfilled that they are unaware of the counterfeit role being assumed by the Zionists who have even adopted the name Israeli.

A definition of this modern term is given as follows:

"Israeli: The term 'Israeli' properly describes the people, citizens and institutions of the State of Israel. 'Israeli' is a term connoting a specific nationality: the nationality confined to the territory now known as Israel. Accordingly, an Israeli may be a Jew by religion, but he may equally be a Moslem, agnostic or atheist."

With the foregoing as a brief background, you will grasp to some extent, the scope of the rehabilitation which must be accomplished in America. Nothing is the matter with America but the aliens who have been admitted to her hospitality, and who have shamefully abused Christian sportsmanship and tolerance to sack her commerce and debauch her institutions.

"It seems to me, when I consider the power of that entombed gold and the pattern of events...that there are great, organized forces in the world, which are spread over many countries but work in unison to achieve power over mankind through chaos. They seem to me to see, first and foremost, the destruction of Christianity, Nationhood and Liberty...that was 'the design' which Lord Acton perceived behind the first of the tumults, the French Revolution, and it has become clearer with later tumults and growing success. This process does not appear to me a natural or inevitable one, but a man‑made one which follows definite rules of conspiratorial action. I believe there is an organization behind it of long standing, and that the great successes which have been achieved are mainly due to the efficiency with which this has been kept concealed." (Smoke to Smother, page 315)

It only remains for enough American to grasp the facts which are daily becoming everywhere more apparent. What will happen then? We must sweep out our half‑baked radical theorists with whom we have been tolerant too long. We must prevent the approaching Jewish domination and insure Anglo‑Saxon supremacy that is free from international control.

We must not persecute a minority group and, on the other hand, we must not permit such a group to enslave the majority. The racial theorists should find no shelter in our schools or churches where they spread their poisonous doctrines among the young. We must sweep from our legislative halls the tainted and dangerous meddlers and replace them with practical men who know the difference between an unworkable theory and a workable fact.

We must acquire the sturdy stamina of our forefathers whose grim determination knew no compromise with the forces of Anarchy wherever found. It is true that there is no time to waste; but before we act, we must be in possession of the facts that have been withheld. These facts have not been spread before the reader for his examination and his verdict. The hour for decision has come. America's fate hangs in the balance.

Whether we are to continue an orderly march towards a higher civilization or are to witness the overthrow of our progress, depends upon the action we take not next year nor next month but upon the action we take today.

The situation will be corrected when the now unorganized majority realizes that our times demand that the majority must organize and, matching organization against organization, regain the ascendancy because of their superior numbers.

The hour has passed for disputations. "Actions, not words," must be our motto. It was through action, following straight thinking, that our country was fashioned and formed and only through action and straight thinking will America be preserved.

�If loyal Americans, the majority of the population, organize without further delay to combat the organized subversive minorities that have made headway only because of organization, the menace of internationalism, socialism, communism and all other anti‑Americanisms, and anarchy will be stamped out and real liberty will be preserved. Any further delay will be fatal.

The perpetuity of our ideals and our institutions depends upon immediate action and immediate organization of right thinking, patriotic Americans. We must drive from control those organized minorities who are conspiring to overthrow the Republic and the Constitution of the United States of America. Surely no one can deny that the American Constitution has been and is the victim of assault by those whose vagaries would wreck a world. (This has been reprinted as a tribute to Lt. Col. Edwin Marshall Hadley and the Paul Reveres)

Reference Materials