
Acts 17:26, Does It Teach Miscegenation?

Recently I made several posts against miscegenation and received response from some quoting Acts 17:26 in an attempt to prove that miscegenation was approved of by Yahweh. Therefore, we present the following study showing that such a belief is false and the doctrine of the antichrist jews.

During the past forty or fifty years, there has been increasing media pressure to give ear to anyone who opposes racial integrity, and to demean supports of racial purity. Those in the political arena who support miscegenation have had a great amount of success in passing laws that defeat historical racial integrity and advance miscegenation.

Because these influential estates are pushing for miscegenation, society and the Judeo-Christian church has moved from advancing racial integrity to advancing miscegenation. Miscegenetic Judeo-Christians will not find support for their position in the Old Testament as long as Genesis chapter one and the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, for example, remain scripture. They, therefore, turn to Acts 17:26 for support, whereby believing it teaches that all races are of one blood thus negating the Old Testament.

Acts 17:26 says:

�...and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the grounds of their habitation.�

Therefore, we are left with the question: Does this verse teach that all races are from one blood line, which would mean that all races are related by blood? If Acts 17:26 teaches that, Miscegenetic Judeo-Christians can continue to feel good about miscegenation. But if it does not teach that all men are from one genetic blood, Miscegenetic Judeo-Christians cannot continue using this verse to defend their race mixing beliefs. They are left with no scripture to support their false doctrines and beliefs on miscegenation position, and that they should repent of their serious misapplication of scripture, and feel remorse for leading others into miscegenation.

There are two Biblical explanations for Acts 17:26, neither of which support miscegenation. What we have are two spiritual messages for Acts 17:16. One understanding does not negate the other. These explanations are independent and separate. They address truths related but not equal. Does one understanding prevail over the other, or are they of equal weight? The facts will be given for you to decide for yourself.

The important point is this: neither view supports miscegenation. They are figurative aspects to some of this. If you are unfamiliar with figures of speech then E.E. Bullinger in his Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, can inform you. He wrote:

�It may be asked, �How are we to know, then, when words are to be taken in their simple, original form (i.e., literally), and when they are to be taken in some other and peculiar form (i.e., as a Figure?)� the answer is that, whenever and wherever it is possible, the words of Scripture are to be understood literally, but when a statement appears to be contrary to our experience, or to known fact, revealed truth; or seems to be at variance with the general teaching of the Scriptures, then we may reasonably expect that some figure is employed.�

There will be no violation of Bullinger�s criteria for understanding literal and figurative language used in this study.

Understanding One: Blood Means Essence of Life: Blood, men, and nations are key words. We will begin with blood. Blood has the understanding of �the vital principle� (The Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1955) which Leviticus 17:11 confirms:

�For the life of the flesh is in the blood.�

Notice this says the �life of the flesh� which can also be understood to apply to animals as well as humans.

Without blood, life stops. Its first scriptural use is Genesis 4:10, where the results of Cain�s murder of Abel are described in figurative language. It says:

�...the voice of thy brother�s blood crieth unto me from the ground.�

That is to say, the �vital principle of life� no longer flowed in Abel�s veins because Cain murdered him. With this view, blood does not have the meaning of �genetics� or �family tree.� It is simply the fluid that flows through the body, without which there is no life. There are two pieces of evidence to support this understanding.

When turning to The Oxford Universal Dictionary, no understanding of blood relationship is found until Middle English, which began about 1150 A.D. Under the Middle English definitions, we find this for blood:

�...the typical part of the body which children inherit from their parents and ancestors.�

Blood, is an Old English word, however, Old English pre-dates 1150 A.D. Blood meant then:

�The red liquid circulating in the arteries and veins of man and the higher animals.�

The argument is made that prior to the Middle Ages, English culture lacked the knowledge that blood was vital to one�s family tree. To them, blood was a liquid without which life ended. Since the English are descended from the Israelites of the Bible, it would not be unreasonable to believe that if the English language did not have the blood relationship understanding prior to 1150 A.D., Hebrews did not either.

When turning to the scriptures, Bible usage teaches that blood is not used to describe blood relationships or family tree. The descriptive language of �bone� and �flesh� in figures are used. In scripture, bone and flesh language is used to communicate family tree or blood relationship. Today, however, we would say, for example, �he is m blood.� In scripture, however, we will see the figurative language �he is my bone and my flesh� used to describe blood relationships. The seven scriptural examples are:

1). Adam said of Eve upon God forming her from him: �This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.� (Genesis 2:23)

2). Laban said to Jacob: �Surely thou are my bone and my flesh.� (Genesis 29:14)

3). Abimelech, king of Shechem, said to his relatives: �I am your bone and your flesh.� (Judges 9:2)

4). Tribes of Israel said to David: �...we are thy bone and thy flesh.� (2 Samuel 5:1; 1 Chronicles 11:1)

5). David speaking of the elders of Judah said: � are my bones and my flesh.� (2 Samuel 19:12)

6). Paul said to the church, which is the elect in Israel and Christ: �For we are members of his body of his flesh, of his bones.� (Ephesians 5:30)

With this evidence, it can be seen how Acts 17:26 can have this understanding: �And hath made of one �vital principle� all nations of men.� That is to say, all men have blood as their same vital force. Not the same blood, but blood. Men and animals cannot live without blood. The preceding verse (25) gives contextual support to this view. It reads: �...seeing he giveth to all life and breath, and all things� which points to �the vital principle,� blood, found in verse 26.

��������������������������� Blood, The Liquid of Life

Blood is a matter of life or death. Its kind determines the nature of the life, whether animal or human. Its quality decides health; its type, parentage. Its absence through loss, or destruction, or unavailability of suitable transfusion, spells death.

Absorption of poisons, injection of air or unacceptable material similarly terminates life. A stoppage of the flow will destroy the brain within fifteen minutes, even though circulation may be restarted. Conversely, the transfusion of blood into a patient will visibly renew his vitality.

In 1799, President George Washington died almost certainly as the result of bleeding by his medical advisors. He was probably the most prominent of the many who perished through several centuries in which mistaken practitioners deprived their patients of the very means of life. So demonstrably true is the Scripture verse, "The life of the flesh is in the blood..." (Leviticus 17:11, 14)

This liquid provides the transport system of the body, propelled by the heart, itself dependent on blood; regulated by nerves, salts, and chemical secretions provided by organs that are themselves maintained by it.

Absorbing simple oxygen and air, together with very many complex chemicals from food, in health blood carries them to the numerous organs, depositing them in the right places, with accurate timing and in the correct proportions. At the same time it removes all waste substances and itself is being continually and frequently changed.

Thus it maintains the complexity and high quality of life;� in the case of man, for his threescore years and ten or more. It is essentially the main agent in the body for the maintenance of equilibrium of temperature, fluids, acidity‑alkalinity, food, salts, and general nutrition. Yet such a liquid is regarded by the evolutionist as the result of chance, without cause, yet producing complex orderly effects.

This vital fluid, with a specific gravity of 1.055 represents about nine percent of the total weight of a man, and amounts to some five liters or nine pints. Apparently consisting simply of forty‑five percent by volume of moist solids or cells and fifty‑five percent plasma, a yellow liquid, both parts contain dozens of complex and vital compounds.

The plasma or serum consists of about ninety percent water, nine percent protein material, 0.9 percent salts, and 0.09 percent sugar, urea, and so forth. These salts are chiefly the basic ions: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and the carbonate, chloride, phosphate, and sulphate ions. The concentration of these salts is allowed little variation in health.

The kidneys receive a blood inflow of about seventeen hundred quarts daily, but remove only about .10 percent as urine. It is in this that most of the waste products of protein metabolism are secreted ‑‑ such as urea and uric acid, some dyes and other foreign materials, and excess salts.

Other wastes and excess, except that lost through defecation, are removed in perspiration, which contains a large amount of salt. This simple compound, sodium chloride, is a necessity, not only for gastric juice, but also in the blood to prevent cramps in the muscles. If it falls too low the kidneys cease to excrete it. Other chlorides are significant. Excess of ammonium chloride causes acidosis of the blood and produces convulsions. Too much potassium chloride stops the heart.

Calcium chloride is needed to help plug wounds by assisting clotting. The bicarbonate ions, at 210 mg per 100 ml, help in the removal of carbon dioxide from the tissues and keep the blood just alkaline at the pH value of 7.4. If this alkalinity is lost, increased and violent breathing results, and at 7.0 death is likely. Conversely, if the blood reaches an alkalinity of 7.6 it might prove fatal.

The recent research of Winston H. Price, Harvey V. Harrison, and Shirley H. Ferebee, reported to the New York Academy of Sciences, suggest that such widely different disorders as cancer, coronary thrombosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatic heart diseases, and schizophrenia all produce detectable changes in certain blood substances. These are serum mucoids, which are compounds of proteins and carbohydrates. Seven of these provide, in healthy persons, a pattern which is disturbed by disease.

Such facts hardly allow the development of variation in the composition of serum from the supposed original stock of the evolution of new species. The highly imaginative evolutionists have suggested that life evolved from the sea, as its concentration of sodium chloride and other salts is like that of blood and other body fluids.

However, blood has less than one percent of this salt, whereas sea water has a 2.7 percent on average, and 0.8 percent other salts, of which some are not in blood nor would be acceptable to it.

The evolutionists would find that the Baltic Sea, with its somewhat fresher water, is still too salty; but somewhere, at a yet‑to‑be‑discovered location, a river with suitable concentrations might be found as the site of the start of life!

Of other substances in blood, marked changes from the 10 mg of calcium, 2 mg of uric acid, 30 mg of urea, or 100 mg of glucose per 100 ml are of diagnostic significance. For example, excess of glucose, detected also through urine, is characteristic of diabetes. Nerves and muscles cease to function properly if calcium is below 8 mg.

The plasma contains three essential proteins: fibrogen, which helps coagulation; serum albumin; and serum globin or globulin. These are not for food, but are part of the structure of the blood. Hemophiliacs (bleeders) lack fibrogen. Albumin and globulin, as they are large molecules, exert an osmotic pressure of 30 mm of mercury, which draws water back into the capillary blood vessels. This prevents the accumulation of water in the tissues in the condition called edema.

The blood either makes or receives certain substances called antibodies, which are globulins. These are of many kinds and they provide defenses against foreign particles, including bacteria. Should the evolutionist regard these facts of size, content, and effect as the result of chance? The merciful provision of the wise creator rather is the true view.

There are other proteins than those mentioned above that are found dissolved in the plasma, including hormones and enzymes. These latter remarkable, complex substances are in transit: enzymes to catalyze metabolism, and the hormones to stimulate development and secretions, like the working of the "brains" of a factory.

For the purpose of nourishing or replenishing the tissues, there are also present in the blood amino acids, which are like "building blocks." These come from proteins that are absorbed chiefly in flesh foodstuffs and consist of chains of these acids. The evolutionist will find no comfort from the fact that human blood contains three or four of these acids different from the gorilla and only one in common with fish. Truly Scripture states: "All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one flesh of man, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes and another of birds." (1 Corinthians 15:39)

In different races the proportion of individuals belonging to a particular blood group varies widely:


B��������������� 35�������������������� 14�������������������� 20������������

P��������������� 31�������������������� 80�������������������� 95������������

Rh(D) �������� 100������������������ 84�������������������� 95������������

V(CEs) ������ ?0�������� ���������� 0��������������������� 40������������

J52������������� �0������������������� 0��������������������� 20������������

Fya�� ��������� �99������������������� 65�������������������� 20������������

Dia������������� �� 5������������������ 0�������������������� 0

(Source: Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine Blockwell Scientific Publications Table 5.3, p. 161)


The forty‑five percent of the blood which consists of cells provides yet more striking evidence of the wonderful nature of the substances in blood. These cells consist of three main types: red cells or erythrocytes, whites or leucocytes, and platelets or thrombocytes. Each kind is produced in bone marrow, although in the fetus its liver is the main site for producing red cells, and white cells are formed in its spleen.

All these cells jostle one another through the arteries, the veins, and some fifty thousand miles of capillaries which can be fifty times thinner than a human hair. In 1658 J. Swammerdam in Holland discovered the red cells, and in 1661 M. Malphighi in Italy saw this capillary circulation. William Harvey in England discovered the general circulation of the blood in 1628. The white cells were found by J. Lieutaud in France in 1749.

The various kinds of cells have their own particular structure, functions, contents, and size. The platelets are the smallest being about 2.5 microns in diameter (the micron, a unit of microscopic measurement, is one millionth of a meter or 0.001 mm).

These cells number about half a million per cubic millimeter. They are colorless. On touching anything but the endothelium lining of the blood vessels, they disintegrate, liberating (among other substances) thrombokinase, which assists in producing from the blood protein fibrogen, the fibrin essential for clotting or plugging loopholes. A rash occurs in pupura when the number of platelets is below normal.

The white cells are comparatively few at five thousand to ten thousand per cmm, or one to every five hundred or one thousand red, and are of three main types. These are the granulocytes (60‑70%; themselves divided into three classes), the lymphocytes (25‑30%), and the monocytes (5‑10%).

They are all indefinite in shape and are of sizes varying with their kind, being between eight and twenty‑two microns. Their main, but by no means exclusive function is phagocytic as they deal with foreign bodies, bacteria, and waste material, ingesting and dissolving them. In this process many of these cells become damaged and die, thus forming pus.

The lymphocytes also apparently produce the antibodies which neutralize the effect of poisonous material. When a person suffers from the serious disease leukemia, there is a population explosion in the blood by the uncontrolled formation of the white cells. All leucocytes have the power of free movement, and lead independent lives for up to fourteen days before being removed and replaced by new cells. They are thus separate lives within a life, and give blood the character of a living fluid.

Once again man has proven the Scriptures to be true. Again man has proven that God exists because in ancient times He related in the Scriptures that there was life in the blood!

"For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to� make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off."; (Leviticus 17:11, 14) "Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh." (Deuteronomy 12:23)

The red cells are the most numerous, numbering about five million in women and five and one‑half million in men per cmm, totaling about 25x109 in the whole body, or ten times more than the platelets, and one thousand times more numerous than the leucocytes.

A red cell can travel from the heart to the brain and back in eight seconds, and to and from the toes in eighteen seconds. These cells are specially designed to carry oxygen from the lungs around the body to the tissues.

This is effected by the remarkable chemical hemoglobin. The blood of males contains about 12‑17 grams of the substance, and that of females 11‑15 grams per 100 ml. This compound apparently consists of four molecules of haem linked with the protein globin, which itself contains three hundred amino acids in two chains.

The haem molecule is one atom of iron combined in its ferrous state with seventy‑four other atoms, being nearly nine percent of its weight or four percent of the whole molecule of hemoglobin. This latter substance accounts for most of the thirty‑eight percent solid matter in the red cells.

But the iron in the total hemoglobin of a man is sufficient to make only a single two‑inch nail! It was the German chemist J. von Liebig who, in 1852, discovered the combination of iron and oxygen in the blood. The hemoglobin molecule is very large, having a molecular weight of 68,000, whereas that of glucose is only 180.

Hemoglobin functions by forming a loose compound with oxygen, the ferrous iron being oxidized to the ferric state to make the molecule bright scarlet. When it is reduced in the tissues by giving up the oxygen, it turns dark purple. At the same time one‑third of the carbon dioxide passes into the red cells and two‑thirds into solution in the plasma. The difference in color between the arterial and venous blood is a valuable indicator in medical practice.

The darker venous blood is returned to the lungs where it releases the carbon dioxide into the air, and the hemoglobin is recharged with oxygen. One hundred ml of oxygenated blood containing 14 grams of hemoglobin will hold 18.5 ml of oxygen, whereas a similar volume of water would dissolve only 0.38 ml.

These facts are a merciful economy in the amount of blood the body would otherwise have to carry. If the poisonous gas carbon monoxide enters the lungs, this function of hemoglobin is destroyed. This is due to the fact that hemoglobin has 250 times more affinity for it than for oxygen, and also does not release it in any part of the body. Survival is then dependent on replacement of the poisoned cells by newly made ones, or the body dies of oxygen starvation by its otherwise life‑giving fluid. Anemias are diseases in which the red cells are deficient in number or in hemoglobin content.

These erythrocytes are like envelopes containing hemoglobin. Their life is much longer than that of the other types of cells, being about 120 days, after which they are worn out. This means that about 2.5 million are made and destroyed per second, or one percent of blood is replaced daily in the body. After about three hundred thousand exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide the hemoglobin is destroyed in the spleen, forming amino acids.

In economic fashion, the iron returns to bone marrow and the liver for further use. The red cells are of uniform shape compared with the other kinds of cells, being elastic, biconcave discs 7.5 microns in diameter and 2.2 microns thick. In certain anemias the shape is distorted. Mathematical analysis, confirmed by the applied science department of the International Business Machines Corporation computer, showed that the normal shape is the best for giving the largest surface to the smallest volume for the function of supplying oxygen rapidly to the tissues. The area thus provided for this purpose in the aver person amounts to about 3,500 square yards. Was such a perfect plan for cells the result of chance or the work� of the Wise Designer? The Creator of all things.

A comparison of the size and number of red cells alone in various creatures shows wide differences, which do not help the theory of common ancestry. Whereas man has about five million red cells per cmm, the goat has nine to ten million; but its near relation the sheep has thirteen to fourteen million. Birds have one to four million. Fish, supposed to be less evolved, have from 0.25 up to as many as two million, and the more developed (according to the evolutionist) frog has only 0.5 million.

The average diameter of man's red corpuscles at 7.5 microns is nearly the same as that of his good friend the dog at 7.3. The supposedly related carnivore, the cat, has cells of 6.5 microns. The herbivorous rabbit's measure 6.9, but the goat's only 4.1 and the musk deer's 2.0.

It is obviously difficult to relate these sizes to activity, habitat, food, bodily size, or supposed evolutionary descent. Also of interest here is the fact that frogs and pigeons, as examples of amphibians and birds, have larger oval, red corpuscles measuring 22.3 by 15.7 and 14.7 by 6.5 microns, respectively.

�������������������� Blood Means Blood of Adam/Israel

This understanding sees �blood� from a different light than the first understanding. This view is supported by lexicographers� speaking to �blood� as well as to �men� and �nations,� a look at passages before and after Acts 17:26, and more. To begin with, we shall define blood, men, nations with Biblical sources.

1). Blood (Strong�s Number #129) Jointly Joseph Thayer (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament) and Arndt & Ginigrich) (A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature) peg both John 1:13 and Acts 17:26 as meaning genetics, i.e., blood relationships.

A). Per Thayer: �..blood, whether of men or of animals; c. Since the first germs of animal life are thought to be in the blood, the word serves to denote generation and origin (in the classics also): John 1:13; Acts 17:26)� John 1:12-13 says:

�But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even tot hem that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.�

B). Per Arndt & Gingrich: �a. Of human�s descent to the physical nature John 1:13...The Ancient Physiological Notions Underlying John 1:13a...the blood of one man, Acts 17:26.��The blood of one man� per Arndt & Gingrich will be shown by this study to be Adam (man/men).

To summarize regarding the use of blood in these definitions as used in Acts 17:26, it pertains to and describes genetics or heredity, that is blood relationship.

2). Men: Human being: A defining look at men of Acts 17:26 will be shown to be the same men as Adam (men) of the Old Testament. First, we shall take a look at the Old Testament, which is the root of the men of Acts 17:26, and then a look at men in Acts 17:26.

A). Old Testament man/men (Strong�s #120, means human being, with proof to follow)

1). According to The New Brown Driver Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English Lexicon Strong�s #120 (Adam man) means �man...human being.�

2). According to Young�s Analytical Concordance To The Bible, Strong�s #120 (Adam man) means �a man, human being, Adam.�

3). From Fausset's Bible Dictionary, Electronic Database Copyright (c)1998 by Biblesoft: MAN See ADAM, CIVILIZATION, CREATION.) Hebrew "'Aadaam (#120)," from a root "ruddy" or fair, a genetic term. "'iysh (#376)," man noble and brave.

The conclusion to draw from these three references is that Adam man was a �human being.�

B). New Testament man/men (Strong�s #444, means human being, with proof to follow)

1). According to Arndt & Gingrich, #444 means �human being, man.�

2). According to Thayer, #444 means �man...a human being, man.�

3). According to Young #444 means �a man, human being.�

The conclusion to draw from these three references is that �men� of Acts 17:26 were �human beings.�

The conclusion to draw from looking at the information leaned from A. about #120 (Old Testament), and from B., #444 (New Testament) follows:

* Adam was a human being, #120.

* Men were human beings, #444.

* Adam=human being. Men=human being. Therefore, Adam=men.

That is, men of Acts 17:26 were Adamite Israelites.

3). Nations (Strong�s #1484) According to Thayer �2. A multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus, the human race, Acts 17:26" �The human race� is another way of saying �human being.� But this understanding, there is perfect agreement when �human being�=�nations� with what has already been proven, which is:

* �human being�=�men,�

* �human being�=�Adam.�

Therefore, these �nations� are Adamic nations. To say they are Negro or Oriental nations would be inconsistent with current facts as well as other facts to follow.

������������������������������������ The Setting

Understanding that the setting of Acts 17:26 is couched in terms of Jesus and repentance will help the reader to see that it refers to Adamic Israelites ONLY. It would be important to recall that in Acts 2, Peter preached the first sermon after the coming of the Holy Spirit to the men of Israel and Judah, that is, Israelites. (Acts 2:22, 36)

Paul was given a charge by Christ to �BEAR MY NAME (Jesus) BEFORE...THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL.� (Acts 9:15) Further, Jesus was sent �BUT UNTO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.� (Matthew 15:24) In verse 18, we find that Paul preached to philosophers there abut �JESUS AND THE RESURRECTION.� Paul�s message to the Greek philosophers to be consistent with the passages cited would mean that the Greeks were �THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL,� Israelites.

At Mars Hill, he speaks to those men of Athens (verse 22) who were worshiping an unknown God (verse 23) about the knowable God, Jesus Christ. Then he teaches in verse 29: �...WE ARE THE OFFSPRING OF GOD.��Offspring� is genos, which means �race� or �kind� according to Robert Young in his Analytical Concordance to The Bible. Genos is used three times in the Bible. (Acts 17:28-29; Revelation 22:16, where Jesus says that He is �THE ROOT AND OFFSPRING OF DAVID�)

They could not be, nor could anyone be, the offspring of God unless they are literally the �CHILDREN OF ISRAEL,� which by the meaning of genos and these four corroborating reasons to follow tie together Israelites, sheep, and offspring with the Shepherd Jesus. The first reason is that Adam was made in the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26) Second, Israel is Yahweh�s Chosen.

Third, Israel is Yahweh�s sheep and He is the Shepherd. (Jeremiah 50:6; Hebrews 13:20) Finally, Jesus told John to feed His sheep and lambs. (John 21:15-15)

���������������������������������� Chosen People

�For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: THE LORD THY GOD HATH CHOSEN THEE TO BE A SPECIAL PEOPLE UNTO HIMSELF, ABOVE ALL PEOPLE THAT ARE UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. The LORD DID NOT SET HIS LOVE UPON YOU, NOR CHOOSE YOU, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: BUT BECAUSE THE LORD LOVED YOU, and BECAUSE HE WOULD KEEP THE OATH WHICH HE HAD SWORN UNTO YOUR FATHERS...� (Deuteronomy 7:6-8; 14:2; Isaiah 41:9; 43:1, 10-20; 44:23; 48:10; 49:3; Haggai 2:23)

�������������������������������� My People Israel:

�Now the LORD had told Samuel in his ear a day before Saul came, saying, To morrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be captain OVER MY PEOPLE ISRAEL, THAT HE MAY SAVE MY PEOPLE out of the hand of the Philistines: for I HAVE LOOKED UPON MY PEOPLE, because their cry is come unto me. And when Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said unto him, BEHOLD THE MAN WHOM I SPAKE TO THEE OF THIS SAME SHALL REIGN OVER MY PEOPLE.� (Exodus 7:4; 1 Samuel 9:15-17; 2 Samuel 3:18; 5:2; 7:7; 7:10-11; 1 Kings 6:13; 8:16; 14:7; 16:2; 1 Chronicles 11:2; 17:7; 17:9-10; 2 Chronicles 6:5-6; Jeremiah 7:12; 12:14; 23:13; 30:3; Ezekiel 14:9; 25:14; 36:12; 9:7; Daniel 9:20; Amos 7:8; 7:15; Matthew 2:6)

������������������������������������ My Chosen:

�I HAVE MADE A COVENANT WITH MY CHOSEN, I have sworn unto David my servant.� (Psalm 89:3; Isaiah 43:20; 65:15)

���������������������������������� I Have Chosen:

�BUT THOU, ISRAEL, ART MY SERVANT, JACOB WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN, THE SEED OF ABRAHAM MY FRIEND. Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, THOU ART MY SERVANT I HAVE CHOSEN THEE, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought. For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. FEAR NOT, THOU WORM JACOB, AND YE MEN OF ISRAEL; I WILL HELP THEE, SAITH THE LORD, AND THY REDEEMER, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL.� (Isaiah 41:8‑14; 43:10; 44:1-2; 44:21-23; John 13:18)

����������������������������� Thou Art My Servant:

�Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, THOU ART MY SERVANT I HAVE CHOSEN THEE, and not cast thee away.� (Isaiah 41:9; 44:21; 49:3)

�REMEMBER THESE, O JACOB AND ISRAEL; FOR THOU ART MY SERVANT: I HAVE FORMED THEE; THOU ART MY SERVANT; O ISRAEL, THOU SHALT NOT BE FORGOTTEN OF ME. I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I HAVE REDEEMED THEE. Sing, O ye heavens; for the LORD hath done it: shout, ye lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for THE LORD HATH REDEEMED JACOB, AND GLORIFIED HIMSELF IN ISRAEL. THUS SAITH THE LORD, THY REDEEMER, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.� (Isaiah 44:21-24)

������������������������������� His Chosen Ones:

�O YE SEED OF ISRAEL HIS SERVANT, YE CHILDREN OF JACOB, HIS CHOSEN ONES.�. (1 Chronicles 16:13; Psalms 105:6; 135:4; Isaiah 41:8; 44:1; Acts 9:15)

������ The People whom God has Chosen for His Inheritance

�Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and THE PEOPLE WHOM HE HATH CHOSEN FOR HIS OWN INHERITANCE.� (Psalm 33:12)

������������ I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.

�But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine...For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.� (Isaiah 43:1, 34)

������������������������� God chose Abraham alone.

�Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: FOR I CALLED HIM (Abraham) ALONE, and blessed him, and increased him.� (Isaiah 51:1-2)

Paul, then is feeding the sheep of Yahweh, the Greeks of Athens. Further, verse 29 says: �BUT NOW COMMANDETH ALL MEN EVERY WHERE TO REPENT..� Repentance is a requirement of Yahweh only commands of Israelites, as only Israelites made with Yahweh the Covenant of Law (Exodus 19:5-6), by which sin is known. (Romans 3:20; 7:7) That is why Jesus came to save (Matthew 1:21) His Israel (Matthew 15:24) people and why Peter told Israelites gathered in Acts 2:38 to �REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED.�

It is important to prove that Yahweh created other races not of Adam. Races which are not of Adam cannot be of �ONE BLOOD� (Acts 17:26) with Adam. To establish this truth, we will call upon Cain and secular discovery. After Cain�s murder of Abel, Yahweh cursed him. (Genesis 4:11-12) In verse 14 we find that Yahweh drove Cain from the area of his birth. Cain reacts to this by saying: �EVERYONE THAT FINDETH ME SHALL SLAY ME.� (Genesis 4:14)

Who are the people that Cain is fearful will kill him? He has been removed from the presence of Adam and Eve, so it cannot be them. Yahweh does Cain a favor. He �SET A MARK UPON CAIN, LEST ANY FINDING HIM SHOULD KILL HIM.� (Genesis 4:15) this mark was to let people (not of Adam kind) of the earth know they could not kill Cain without coming under the vengeance of Yahweh. (Genesis 4:15)

Who are the people that Cain is fearful of killing him? We find that in Cain�s new home, Nod, he �knew his wife.� (Genesis 4:17) If Adam and Eve had daughters by now who were not mentioned in scripture, why would one of them want to seek Cain to marry, knowing he had killed her brother and could kill her? Who is the woman that Cain married? Cain �BUILDED A CITY.� (Genesis 4:17) Who are the people that populated the city? The answer to these four questions is this: Yahweh created other races prior to the creation of Adam. There can be no other answer.

Science teaches that the races are of separate origin. For example:

1). �The classification of mankind into a number of PERMANENT VARIETIES OR RACES rests on grounds which are within limits not only obvious, but definite.�������� Whether from a popular or a scientific point of view, it would be admitted that a Negro, a Chinese, and an Australian belong to three such permanent varieties of men, ALL PLAINLY DISTINGUISHABLE FROM ONE ANOTHER AND FROM ANY EUROPEAN. Moreover, such a division takes for granted the idea which is involved in the word race, that each of these varieties results from SPECIAL ANCESTRY, each race thus representing an ANCIENT BREED or stock. However these breeds or stocks may have had their origin.� (The Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition, Vol. 2, Anthropology, p. 112, Races of Mankind)

2). �The meaning attached to the term species, in natural history, is very definite and intelligible. It includes only the following conditions: namely, SEPARATE ORIGIN and DISTINCTNESS of race, evinced by a constant transmission of some characteristic peculiarity of organization. A race of animals or of plants marked by any peculiar character which it has constantly displayed, is termed a �species;� and two races are considered specifically different, if they are distinguished form each by some characteristic which the one cannot be supposed to have acquired, or the other to have lost, through any known operation of physical causes; for we are hence led to conclude, that tribes thus distinguished have NOT DESCENDED FROM THE SAME ORIGINAL STOCK.� (Prichard, Researches, v. ii, p. 105. As quoted in Types of Mankind by Nott & Gidden, (1854, pp. 80-81)

3). �The great, familiar racial stocks, White, Yellow and Black, obviously represent ANCIENT SEPARATION.� (Howells, Mankind So Far (1944) p. 221 as found in Origin of Race and Civilization, p. 40)

4). �All the evidence available form comparative ethnology, linguistics, and prehistoric archaeology, indicates a LONG SEPARATION of the principle races of man...To derive an Australian aborigine or Congo Pygmy from European ancestors of modern type would be BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.� (Professor Carelton Coon, The Origin of Races, (1962) p. 5 as found in Origin of Race and Civilization, p. 38)

These four sources support the truth that the separate races ARE NOT OF ONE BLOOD by these following descriptions:

A). �permanent varieties of races.�

B). �distinguishable form each other and from Europeans.�

C). �special ancestry.�

D). �ancient breed.�

E). �separate origin.�

F). �distinctness.�

G). �have not descended from the same original stock.�

H). �ancient separation.�

I). �long separation.�

J). To come from same origin �biologically impossible.�

In conclusion, this study shows that Acts 17:26 does not teach miscegenation. It has two understandings: that blood is �the principle of life;� without it no person or animal can live, and that blood means the bloodline of Adam/Israel. This verse cannot be used by Miscegenetic Christians to negate the clear cut Old Testament teaching of racial integrity. (Taken, in part, from an article titled �Does Acts 17:26 Teach Miscegenation?, by Gray Clark, putlished in The Watchman, 218E Route One, Schell City, Missouri 64783, (417) 432-3119, pp. 8-11)