

������� Miracles of the New Testament

�� Date:

������� Sat, 28 Jun 2003 20:44:24 ‑0400

�� From:

������� "Church of God Home School Association" <[email protected]>

���� To:

������� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Miracles in black, Place in blue, Scripture in red

Miracles of the Bible‑New Testament

. Of Christ (listed chronologically):

. Water made wine

. (Cana). Jo. 2: 1‑11

. Son of nobleman. healed (Cana). Jo. 4:46‑54

. Passed unseen through. crowd (Nazareth). Lu. 4:28‑30

. Demoniac. in. synagogue cured. (Capernaum). Mk. 1:23‑26. Lu. 4:33‑35

Peter's mother‑in‑law� healed (Capernaum) Ma. 8:14‑17� Mk. 1:29‑31� Lu. 4:38, 39

Draught of fishes (L.� Galilee)� Lu. 5:1‑11

Leper cleansed. (Capernaum). Ma. 8: 1‑4. Mk. 1 :40‑45. Lu. 5:12‑15

Paralytic cured� (Capernaum)� Ma.9:1‑8� Mk. 2:3‑12� Lu. 5: 18‑26

Impotent man healed� (Jerusalem)� ;� Jo. 5:1‑9

Withered hand. restored (Galilee). Ma. 12:10‑13. Mk. 3:1‑5. Lu. 6:6‑11

Centurion's servantcured of palsy� (Capernaum)� Ma. 8:5‑13Lu. 7:1‑10

Widow's son raised� from dead (Nain)� Lu. 7:11‑17

Demoniac healed. (Galilee). Ma. 12:22, 23. Lu. 11:14

Tempest stilled (L.� Galilee)� Ma. 8:23‑27� Mk. 4:37‑41� Lu. 8:22‑25

Two demoniacs cured� (Gadara)� Ma. 8:28‑34� Mk. 5:1‑20� LiI. 8:26‑39

Raised Jairus'daughter� (Capernaum)� Ma. 9:23‑26Mk. 5:23, 35‑43 Lu. 8:41, 49‑56

Woman with issue of� blood healed� Ma. 9:20‑22� Mk. 5:25‑34� Lu. 8:43‑48

Blind men cured� (Capernaum)� Ma. 9:27‑31

Dumb spirit cast out. (Capernaum). Ma. 9:32, 33

Five thousand fed (L.. Galilee). Ma. 14: 15‑21Mk. 6:35‑44 Lu. 9:10‑17 Jo. 6:1‑14

Walking on the sea (L.� Galilee)� Ma. 14:25‑33� Mk. 6:48‑52� Jo. 6:15‑21

Syrophoenician'sdaughter healed� (District of Tyre)� Ma. 15:21‑28Mk. 7:24‑30

Four thousand fed (L.� Galilee)� Ma.15:32‑39� Mk. 8:1‑9

Deaf and dumb man� cured (L. Galilee)� Mk. 7:31‑37

Blind man healed. (Bethsaida). Mk. 8:22‑26

Devil cast out of boy'. (near Caesarea). Ma. 17:14‑18. Mk. 9:14‑29. Lu. 9:37‑43

� Tribute money provided� (Capernaum)� Ma. 17:24‑27

Passed unseen through. crowd (in Temple). Jo. 8:59

Ten lepers cleansed. (Samaria). Lu. 17:11‑19

Man born blind healed. (Jerusalem). Jo. 9:1‑7

Lazarus raised from. dead (Bethany). Jo. I :38‑44

Woman with infirmity� cured (Peraea)� Lu. 13:11‑17

Man with dropsy. cured (Peraea). Lu. 14:1‑6

Two blind men cured. (Jericho). Ma. 20:29‑34. Mk. 10:46‑52. Lu. 18:35‑43

Fig tree blasted (Mt.� Olivet)� Ma.21:18‑22� Mk. 11:12‑14

� Malchus' ear healed� (Gethsemane)� Lu. 22:50, 51

. Second draught of. fishes (L. Galilee). Jo. 21:1‑14

. Resurrection of Christ. Ma. 28:1‑10. Mk. 16:1‑11. Lu. 24:1‑12 \. Jo. 20:1‑18 .