
The Millennium Watch As the year 2000 gets closer there is an increasing zeal to attach every event to some Bible prophecy and give dire warnings of approaching disasters and judgments. Many of these prophecies were fulfilled long ago, but they are still useful for the Judeo-Christian preachers to get attention and use them to form the basis for sensational sermons; and the Judeo-Christian dupes throw money at them like there is no tomorrow.

The real end of the 2000 years from the birth of Christ came in 1996. That�s because there was a mistake of four years made in our present calender, so that according to it Jesus was born in 4 B.C. Events which the modern Judeo-Christian prophets claim are to happen at the end of the 20th century would have happened two years ago in 1996, had the Judeo-Christian prophets been correct.

However, there is apparently a very real disaster looming on the brink of the year 2000, even if it isn�t found in Bible prophecies. It is known as the �Year 2000 computer bug.� or the �Y2K� problem, which I believe to be a government disinformation ploy to administer martial law over the country; but there is also much proof that such a thing will happen too.� In the early days of computers the programmers saved space, which was at a premium, by omitting the first two digits of the year, so that 1956 was simply 56. When the computers change from 1999 to 2000 they will go to �00" which the computer will interpret as 1900, so the programers say. This �could� cause chaos in transportation, banking, utilities, hospitals, factories, and just about every service and business in the country, to the extent that many fear that it will cause the greatest problems the western world has ever faced.

Many, who�s personal computers are compliant with the year 2000, say that it�s no big deal, but it is a big deal to government, banks and industry as they scramble for programmers to �fix it,� but can�t find enough of them, even at $300 an hour. Programers say it will take much longer than the time left from now until December 31, 1999, and the cost is estimated at $600 billion. At a recent congressional hearing, Gene Dodaro of the U.S. General Accounting Office warned that �critical services could be severely disrupted.� A bank run could bankrupt thousands of banks. Some think the emergency could call for Martial Law to be declared. Newsweek of June 2, 1997 calls it �the day the world shuts down,� and suggests that it will be a matter of survival.

Many newsletter writers and financial advisors are selling books on how to survive the Y2K catastrophe. Some are selling instructions on how to take advantage of the situation and get rich. They are suggesting that we find some remote area to live, with plenty of ammunition to protect ourselves against hungry mobs.

Al of this may sound very practical, but somehow it doesn�t seem to fit with the teaching Jesus gave His disciples. When the disciples were warned of the coming judgment on Jerusalem they were told to get out when they sw the Roman armies surrounding them (Matthew 24:15-16), but this was God�s judgment on a specific people in a specific place, quite different from the Y2K problem which is the result of a serious mistake, but not an evil act of the programmers.

It would be foolish not to take some precautions, as per my prior warning. See that all your money is not in the bank (now), as a run on the bank might cause its closure. Small bills are better. Have several days supply of food and water, as utilities may be disrupted for a time. Prepare for emergency cooking, lighting and heating. Get several hundred dollars in change, 10 cent pieces, 25 cent pieces, 50 cent pieces (these are already hard to get hold of in some areas, as people begin to realize they must have some real currency in case of the emergency, and some small paper bills also.

But this brings up a serious question for Christians. In such times of disaster, should we, the people of God, merely try to survive? Should we try to gain from other people�s losses? Jonah tried to escape what he thought was an unbearable situation, but in the end God used him to bring a great city to repentance. Elijah tried to survive the wickedness of Jezebel (Hillery - some believe) and Ahab (Clinton - some believe) and their corrupt government by fleeing to the desert, but God reprimanded him, and told him to get back in the thick of things and do his job. Peter�s idea of survival was to go incognito and hide himself in the crowd. It didn�t work, and resulted in his shame and sorrow. Later he was to write, �Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail amongyou, which comes upon you to prove you, as though a strange thing happened to you: but insomuch as you are partakers of Christ�s suffering, rejoice; that at the revelaiton of his glory also you may rejoice with exceeding joy.� (1 Peter 4:12-13)

Jesus said that His disciples are the light and salt of the world. The light must shine where the darkness is found and the salt must be applied where the people are. It is in just such times of distress as the Y2K problem might create that a Christian may have the greatest influence upon family and neighbors, and demonstrate that God give confidence, strength, and peace to those who trust Him.

On several occasions Jesus warned the disciples of perilous times to come, and admonished them to �watch.� Speaking of the coming judgment on Jerusalem and the nation of Israel, Jesus said, �Take heed, watch and pray: for you know not whne the time is.� (Mark 13:33) Other admonitions to �watch� can be found in Matthew 24:42-46; 25:11-13; 26:38-41; 1 Cornicles 16:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-10 and Revelation 3:2.

A study of these verses will reveal what it means to �watch.� Certainly it doesn�t mena to watch the stock market, or the criminal activities of world leaders, nor dose it mean to watch for events in the Zionist Anti-Christ State of Israel, as Christian/Zionists are doing.

To �watch� is to watch ones own actions, to be spiritually and mentally alert at all times, not just when one may expect Christ�s return. In the parable of the ten virgins, �watch� meant to act wisely and make decisions with a view to the ultimate purpose; being ready to meet Christ the Bridegroom

In the parable of the talents, �watch,� eant to be faithful in serving the Master at all times, not wastin abilities, but putting all our resources to His use.

In the garden the night before His crucifixion, Christ said to Peter, James and John, �My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: abide here, and watch with me.� He returned to find them sleeping, and said to Peter, �What, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.� (Matthew 26:36-41) If we are not vigilant we will fall into temptation.

When Paul met with the elders of the church at Ephesus, he warned them of wolves in the flock, drawing away the disciples after themselves, and told them to �watch.� (Acts 20:29-31.

To the Corinthians he said, �Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.� (1 Corinthians 16:13). Here, as in other places, �watch� means to be conscious of your own obedience and faithfulness to the Lord.

These admonitions were made at a time when the Roman Empire was in a state of turmoil, leading up to God�s judgment on Israel, and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Yet the Christians were urged to focus on their own spiritual condition. Those who are committed to Christ are living every day as though it were their last. They are seeking �first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,� and praying for wisdom and boldness to declare the gospel to others. They are not isolating themselves, but giving of themselves to bear one another�s burdens.

The question is not whether one survives, but whether or not one will be found faithful to the end. The world is reeling from man being out of harmony with the Creator, and a nation steeped in sin will reap the wages of its sin. Because of this, we may have to go through fiery trials, but we must let them purify us and not dim our faith, that all may see the light of faith and hope we have through Christ.

Therefore, we watch, not as the fearful and godless children of the world, but as children of God, �and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also fortified with him.� (Romans 8:17)

We are to watch, but not to worry. Computers are temporary, and like all other material things, they will pass away. Our joy and hope is in Christ�s promise: �Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.� (Revelation 2:10)