
������������������������������������������������������������ Last Will and Testament

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�������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Granville Martin

In the name of God and in the Blessed Name and Authority of Our Sovereign Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ, by His direction and Mandate and under His Warrant in His Testament, Amen;

I, Willie Granville Martin, a Good and Lawful Christian Man, and father of Beth Arnette Martin, Linda Sue Martin, David Granville Martin, and Karla Jean Martin, all of whom I love very much, now dwelling on a close of land in Dallas County, in the State of Texas, not a resident of a Federal Judicial District, hereby make this My last Will and Testament, and revoke all prior wills;

I give, devise, and bequeath My entire Estate, corporeal and incorporeal hereditaments, real, personal, or mixed, wherever situated, or to which I may be or become in any way entitled, or have any interest, to four children equally; as My Heirs of descent according to the Testament of My Sovereign Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ, that they shall inherit My Estate according to His Law and Testament obtaining title, possession and ownership in My Estate by Inheritance;

Whereas, all Estates originate in and are of Inheritance vested by the Testament of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ, because by Him all things consist and exist, so that His act establishing the original Estates and state is regarded the highest and paramount in Law, for all other estates are derivative from and dependent upon that original Act, and His reason for bringing His Estate into being always governs all within and every part derived from His Estate which He created, and any act done against His Reason is not Lawful, the Policy of His Law for which His Estate is created governs all within and derived from it, for He is Perfection, and in Him is no corruption, evil, error, or sin; and,�

Whereas, in that original Act, there is no Precept, Provision, or Warrant for a person dead in Law, i.e., a legal entity be it a natural person, corporation, or any other collection of natural persons, to have any Inheritance or any part of the Estate which is formed by, in, of or from the Original Act of Our Sovereign Testator Jesus, the Christ, which, when extended, evidences that any corporation, including but not limited to the State of Texas or the United States, can have no part, i.e., a lien or shetar, in or over any Estate derived from that original Act; and,

Whereas, no Good and Lawful Christian possesses the original Title of any part of the Estate of Christ, but only freehold Title of succession through, of, in, and by Him as a sovereign Heir with Christ Jesus by His Testament, because the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; therefore no Executor can convey what he or she does not possess, and there is no provision or Warrant in the Testament of Our Sovereign Testator, of which I and My Heirs are of several joint heirs and appointed co‑Executors, to Lawfully grant, convey, transfer, derelict, trade, mortgage, pledge, exchange, Surrender or otherwise give up to a person dead in Law all or any part therein, and,

Whereas, there is no presumption in Law which presumes that any Executor, a Good and Lawful Christian, has authority to encumber or waste the Estate of His Testator, so that it is incumbent upon those third persons, i.e. any corporation, who make engagements with the Testator's Executor to inquire of His authority to encumber or waste said Inheritance therein, which bind either Him, the Christian successor and possessor, or those in His or Her Christian family, My Self or My Heirs, to any obligations with any natural persons dead in Law; and,

Whereas, neither I nor My Heirs can make any engagement Lawful which prejudice either Our Testator, His Testament, or His Estate of Inheritance therein, which bind either Him or My Self or My Heirs to any obligations with any natural persons dead in Law;

I appoint My eldest Christian daughter, Beth Arnette Martin, to be personal representative of My Estate according to the Christian common Law, the Laws of God, and the Testament of My Sovereign Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. If Beth Arnette Martin can not serve, then I appoint my Christian daughter and child Linda Sue Martin. If Linda Sue Martin can not serve, then I appoint my son David Granville Martin. If David Granville Martin can not serve, then I appoint my youngest daughter Karla Jean Martin as My personal representative. The appointment of a personal representative in this, My last Will and Testament, shall not be taken or construed in any manner whatsoever as a direction that My estate be administered;

I have not mentioned my beloved wife, Frances Elizabeth Martin; the only woman that I have ever loved, is because she will be entitled to my Social Security Check upon my death should she out live me. Therefore, she is not listed above with my children. As such upon my death, she will begin receiving my Social Security Check to disperse of as she wills. Frances, I have always loved you, but for some reason that was not enough. Be it known to you that I forgive you for the wrongs that were done to me and for those wrongs that I �thought� were done to me. May God bless you as long as you shall live, as well as our children and grandchildren.

The personal representatives named in this Will shall have all additional Powers and protection granted to them by Christian common Law and the Laws of God;

My said Heirs to have and to hold, in the Name of My Sovereign Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

However to avoid any conflicts occurring after my death, I hereby direct that any and all assets be sold and the dividends divided equally among my surviving children. With the sole exception of the portion or part that it can be agreed upon that one of them should received such portion or part as their sole property. Otherwise, it will be sold also, and the dividends equally divided among the surviving children.

��������������������������������������������������������� Verification by Asseveration

In Witness, Knowing the punishment for bearing false witness before Almighty God and Men, I solemnly aver, that I have read the foregoing last Will and Testament and know fully the contents thereof; that the same is true of My Own Knowledge.

Sealed by the voluntary act of My Own Hand on this first day of the third month in the year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ, two thousand and one.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a Good and Lawful Christian Man.

On this First day of the third month, in the year of Out Sovereign Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ, two thousand and one (2001), I, the undersigned, a Good and Lawful Christians in this state, in the county of Dallas, Texas, having ascertained that my three daughters and one son, has read and Knows the contents of this My last Will and Testament, and do hereby testify to the foregoing, by voluntary setting My Hand and Sealing this last Will and Testament.

Solely by the Grace of God do I have the Honor of being a Good and Lawful Christian Man.

Signed digitally:

Willie Granville Martin