
��� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7236 NW 36th St. #293

���������������������������������������������������������������������� Bethany, Oklahoma 73008

������������������������������������������������������������������������������ (405) 495-5852

James Lloyd

Jacksonville, Oregon 97530�

Dear Mr. Lloyd:

I have hear you state several times that you don�t believe in the Identity Truth belief and call it British Israel; which it is not. And if you were to study the old writings of the founders� of our country, and some of the earliest church fathers, you would find that the Israel Truth was known long before the Jews invented the term British Israel, to divert peoples minds away from the truth. Just as anti-Semitism is an invention;H.H. Beamish, in a New York address, October 30 ‑ November 1, 1937: "In 1848 the word "anti‑Semitic" was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word "Jew." The right word for them is "Jew"

������� We are told by Jewish authorities the same thing: "It was (is) the instinctive policy with the mass of the Jewish nation, a deliberate policy with most of its leaders, not only to use ridicule against anti-Semitism but to label as 'anti-Semitic' any discussion of the Jewish problem at all, or, for that matter, any information even on the Jewish problem...If a man alluded to the presence of a Jewish financial power in any region, for instance, in India, he was an anti-Semite. If he interested himself in the peculiar character of Jewish philosophical discussions, especially in matters concerning religion, he was an anti-Semite. If the emigrations of the Jewish masses from country to country, the vast modern invasion of the United States, for instance (which has been organized and controlled like an army on the march), interested him as an historian, he could not speak of it under pain of being called an anti-Semite. If he exposed a financial swindler who happened to be a Jew, he was an anti-Semite. If he exposed a group of Parliamentarians taking money from the Jews, he was called an anti-Semite. If he did no more than call a Jew a Jew, he was an anti-Semite. You cannot long confuse interest with hatred, the statement of plain and important truths with mania, the discussion of fundamental questions with silly enthusiasm, for the same reason that you cannot long confuse truth with falsehood. Sooner or later people are bound to remark that the defendant seems curiously anxious to avoid all investigation of his case...I say it was a fatal policy; but it was deliberately undertaken by the Jews. Christians must face them in this country (America). The Jew should be satisfied here. I was here forty‑seven years ago; your doors were thrown open to the Jews and they were free. No he has got you absolutely by the throat ‑ that is your reward." [1]

Now I know full well you will reject what I have just shown you, but at least given me the courtesy to read the rest of this presentation and the book that I have sent; You might learn something that you did not know. So if you are going to condem those Christians who do believe in the Israel Truth, then you should in all fairness condem Judaism with the same vigor and condemnation.

Being a Christian and a "Watchman" as spoken of in the Book of Ezekiel, I wanted to be just as close to God as possible in this life. And having been told all my life that the Jews were God's Chosen People, I decided to convert to Judaism. Being one who wishes to be as informed as possible I began to read their books to obtain knowledge of what they actually believe. Which I believe is in keeping with a Christian's responsibility as related by Paul in 2 Timothy 2:15. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." And in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

As I began to study, one of the very first things that I came across was the following on the Kol Nidre. The text of the Kol Nidre is found in "The Jewish Encyclopedia" and published by Funk and Wagnalls Co., The History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, page 539.

This is a typical Talmudic situation: Knowingly, in advance, every shred or TRUTH is to be cast away, with religious support. A Scriptural verse of no relevance whatsoever is used for justification. Christian Americans and non‑Christians have been drenched with propaganda concerning "brotherhood" between Christian, non‑Christians and Jews. Such propaganda could never be effective if the true nature of Talmudic Judaism were known!

KOL NIDRE: It is the prologue of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is recited three times by the standing congregation in concert with chanting rabbis at the alter. After the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest holy days of the "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. The official translation into English of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is as follows:


The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer are referred to in the Talmud in the Book of Nedarim, 23a‑23b as follows:

"And he who desires that NONE OF HIS VOWS MADE DURING THE YEAR SHALL BE VALID, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, EVERY VOW WHICH I MAKE IN THE FUTURE SHALL BE NULL (1). (HIS VOWS ARE THEN INVALID) PROVIDING THAT HE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE TIME OF THE VOW." (Emphasis in original) A footnote (1) relates: "(1)...THE LAW OF REVOCATION IN ADVANCE WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC." (Emphasis in original text)

The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was made by Theodor Reik, a pupil of the [I]nfamous Jewish Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of the historic, religious and psychological background of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor Reik presents the Talmud in its true perspective. This study is contained in "The Ritual, Psycho‑Analytical Studies." In the chapter on the Talmud, page 163, he states:


The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms that the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual value as might be believed because it is recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue of the religious ceremonies which follow it. The SECULAR significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is forcefully indicated by the analysis in Vol. VI, page 441:

"The Kol Nidre HAS NOTHING WHATEVER TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL IDEA OF THE DAY OF attained to extraordinary solemnity and popularity by reason of the fact that it was THE FIRST PRAYER RECITED ON THIS HOLIEST OF DAYS."

Being amazed at this revelation on about the Kol Nidre, I happened to notice in the index the "Star of David." So I decided to look it up and see what the Jewish Encyclopedia had to say about it and found the following.

���������������������������������������������������������������������� The �Sacred� Star of David

Non‑Jews have been drenched with propaganda that the six‑pointed "Star of David" is a sacred symbol of Jewry, dating from David and Solomon, in Biblical times, and signifying the pure "monotheism" of the Jewish religion. In actuality, the six‑pointed star, called "David's Shield," or "Magen David," was only adopted as a Jewish device in 1873, by the American Jewish Publication Society, it is not even mentioned in rabbinical literature.

MAGEN DAWID ("DAVID'S SHIELD" - The STAR of DAVID): �The hexagram formed by the combination of two equilateral trianglesY; used as the symbol of Judaism. It is placed upon synagogues, sacred vessels, and the like, and was adopted as a device by the American Publication Society in 1873, the Zionist Congress of Basel, hence by 'Die Welt (Vienna), the official organ of Zionism, and by other bodies. The hebra kaddisha of the Jewish community of Johannesburg, South Africa, calls itself 'Hebra Kaddisha zum Rothn Magen David,' following the designation of the 'red cross' societies...IT IS NOTEWORTHY, MOREOVER, THAT THE SHIELD OF DAVID IS NOT MENTIONED IN RABBINICAL LITERATURE.

���� The 'Magen Dawid,' therefore, probably did not originate within Rabbinism, the official and dominant Judaism for more than 2,000 years. Nevertheless a David's shield has recently been noted on a Jewish tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, which may date as early as the third century of the common era. The earliest Jewish literary source which mentions it, the 'Eshkol ha‑Kofer' of the karaite Judah Hadassi (middle of the 12th cent.) says, inch. 242: 'Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Garield, etc...Tetragrammation protect thee! ������� And likewise the sign called 'David's shield' is placed besides the name of each angel.' It was therefore, at this time a sign on amulets. In the magic papyri of antiquity, pentagrams, together with stars and other signs, are frequently found on amulets bearing the Jewish names of God, 'Sabaoth,' 'Adonai,' 'Eloai,' and used to guard against fever and other diseases. Curiously enough, only the pentacle appears, not the hexagram. In the great magic papyrus at Paris and London there are twenty‑two signs sided by side, and a circle with twelve signs, but NEITHER A PENTACLE NOR A HEXAGRAM (Wessely, i.e. pp. 31, 112), although there is a triangle, perhaps in place of the latter.

���� In the many illustrations of amulets given by Budge in his 'Egyptian Magic' (London, 1899) NOT A SINGLE PENTACLE OR HEXAGRAM APPEARS. THE SYNCRETISM OF HELLENISTIC, JEWISH, AND COPTIC INFLUENCES DID NOT THEREFORE, ORIGINATE THE SYMBOL. IT IS PROBABLE THAT IT WAS THE CABALA THAT DERIVED THE SYMBOL FROM THE TEMPLARS. THE CABALA, IN FACT, MAKES USE OF THIS SIGN, ARRANGING THE TEN SEFIROT, or spheres, in it, and placing in on AMULETS. The pentagram, called Solomon's seal, is also used as a talisman, and HENRY THINKS THAT THE HINDUS DERIVED IT FROM THE SEMITES [Here is another case where the Jews admit they are not Semites. Can you not see it? The Jew Henry thinks it was derived originally FROM THE SEMITES! Here is a Jew admitting that THE JEWS ARE NOT SEMITES!] ('Magic dans l'lude Antique,' p. 93, Paris, 1904), although the name by no means proves the Jewish or Semitic origin of the sign. The Hindus likewise employed the hexagram as a means of protection, and as such it is mentioned in the earliest source, quoted above. In the synagogues, perhaps, it took the place of the mezuzah, and the name 'SHIELD OF DAVID' MAY HAVE BEEN GIVEN IT IN VIRTUE OF ITS PROTECTIVE POWERS. The hexagram may have been employed originally also as an architectural ornament on synagogues, as it is, for example, on the cathedrals of Brandenburg and Stendal, and on the Marktkirche at Hanover.

���� A pentacle in this form, (a five pointed star is shown here), is found on the ancient synagogue at Tell Hum. Charles IV, prescribed for the Jews of Prague, in 1354, A RED FLAG WITH BOTH DAVID'S SHIELD AND SOLOMON'S SEAL, WHILE THE RED FLAG WITH WHICH THE JEWS MET KING MATTHIAS OF HUNGARY in the fifteenth century showed two pentacles with two golden stars. The pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among the Jews. It occurs in a manuscript as early as the year 1073. However, the six‑pointed star has been used for centuries for magic amulets and cabalistic sorcery." [2]

I was devastated by what I found, and for the next few years I devoted intensive study on the Talmud and other Jewish writings. Below are just a few of the things that I found.

I full well know how hard it is to throw off the mystique that has been spoon fed all Christianity for the last 50 to 75 years, about the Jews being the Chosen of God. I also know the sick feeling one gets in his guts when he is speaking against them for the first time, or at least for the first few times.

But as one studies they are struck with the fact that most of what they believed about some things all their lives are simply not true. For instance: There Was No Such Thing as a Jew in the Time of Christ. The word did not come into existence until sometime in the 16th century.

In Strong's Concordance #2453 we find the word "Jew" means Judean, belonging to Jehudah, of Judea. In #2455 The name of the ten Israelite, also of the posterity (descendants) of one of them and its region, Juda. So just because the Jews were citizens of Judea, that did not make them Israelites. Just as all Americans are not White, Black, nor any of the other races which inhabit our country, yet members of all these different races can truthfully be called Americans. The World Book Encyclopedia by the following, states: "The Jews were once a sub‑type of the Mediterranean race, but they have mixed with other peoples until THE NAME JEW HAS LOST ALL RACIAL MEANING."

Now as you will see later on in this letter, the Jews were the followers of the Oral Traditions which Christ denounced so venomously, and called them the children of the devil in John 8:44; and said their teachings was contrary to God's Word.

However, the best book, by far to learn about the real beliefs of the Jews without reading a hundred volummes is "Plot Against Christianity," by Elizabeth Dilling. The name was recently changed, when it was republished as "Judaism and Its Effect on the World Today." I think that is the name, but if you order it by the name Plot Against Christianity, you will get the correct book. You can order it from the Following:

��������������������������������������������������������������������� Scriptures For America

�������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 766

������������������������������������������������������ LaPorte, Colorado 80535

It costs $11.00 and you will never spend $11.00 for a more valuable book, if you wish to learn the truth about the Jews, and their religion!

The religion practiced by the Pharisees in Jesus' time was based exclusively on the Babylonian Talmud. This, according to Rabbi Morris Kertzer, "The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical and historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. It is a compendium of law and lore. IT IS THE LEGAL CODE WHICH FORMS THE BASIS OF JEWISH RELIGIOUS LAW AND IT IS THE TEXTBOOK USED IN THE TRAINING OF RABBIS."

In his lifetime Michael Rodkinson, the assumed name of a "Jew" who was one of the world's great authorities on the Talmud, wrote "History of the Talmud." This classic on the subject was written by Michael Rodkinson in collaboration with the celebrated Rabbi Isaac M. Wise.

In his "History of the Talmud" Michael Rodkinson, on page 70, states: "Is the literature that Jesus was familiar with in his early years yet in existence in the world? Is it possible for us to get at it? Can we ourselves review the ideas, the statements, the modes of reasoning and thinking, ON MORAL AND RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, which were current in his time, and MUST HAVE BEEN EVALUATED BY HIM DURING THOSE THIRTY SILENT YEARS WHEN HE WAS PONDERING HIS FUTURE MISSION (Christ, during these thirty years, had sailed to England with His uncle, Joseph of Armatheia, where He built the first church in England. It is known today as Glastenberry and the land it sits on has never been taxed by the British Government. The Jews tried to destroy it many years ago, but failed. Although badly damaged it still stands today)? To such inquiries the learned class of Jewish rabbis ANSWER BY HOLDING UP THE TALMUD...and the question becomes, therefore, an interesting one TO EVERY CHRISTIAN. What is the Talmud? THE TALMUD, THEN, IS THE WRITTEN FORM OF THAT WHICH, IN THE TIME OF JESUS WAS CALLED THE TRADITIONS OF THE ELDERS AND TO WHICH HE MAKES FREQUENT ALLUSIONS."

Arsene Darmester in the book "The Talmud" states: "Judaism finds its expression in the Talmud, it is not a remote suggestion and a faint echo thereof, but it...has become incarnate, in which it has taken form, passing from a state of abstraction into the domain of real things. The study of Judaism is that of the Talmud, as the study of the Talmud is that of Judaism...they are two inseparable things...they are one and the same...the Talmud, is a complete expression of religious movement, and this code of endless presumptions and minute ceremonials represents in its perfection the total work of the religious idea...The miracle was accomplished by a book, The Talmud...The Talmud is composed of two distinct parts the Mishna and the Gemara; the former the text, the latter a commentary upon the text...term Mishna we designate a collection of decisions and traditional laws embracing all departments of legislation, civil and religious...This code, the work of several generations of rabbis...nothing can equal the importance of the Talmud unless it be the ignorance that prevails concerning it...

���� This explains how it happens that a single page of the Talmud contains three or four different languages, or rather specimens of one language at three or four stages of degeneracy...many a Mishna of five or six lines is accompanied by fifty or sixty pages of law in all its authority; it constitutes dogma and cult; it is the fundamental element of the Talmud...

���� The daily study of the Talmud which among Jews begins with the age of ten to end with life itself necessarily was a severe gymnastic for the mind, thinks to which it acquired incomparable subtlety and acumen...since it aspires to one thing: To establish for Judaism a 'Corpus Juris Eccleiastict!'"�

Now, for a summary of references to Jesus in the Talmud:

Sanhedrin 67a: Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier. Mother a prostitute.

Kallah 1b. (18b): Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation. Mother a Prostitute.

Sanhedrin 67a: Jesus was hanged on the eve of Passover.

Toldath Jeschu: The Birth of Christ related in most shameful expressions.

Abhodah Zarah II: Christ referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier, a����������������������������� Prostitute Mother.

Schabbath XIV: Christ again referred to as the son of Padira the Roman soldier.

Sanhedrin 43a: On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.

Schabbath 104b: Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.

Toldoth Jeschu: Says Judas and Jesus engaged in a quarrel with human excrement.

Sanhedrin 103a: Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.

Sanhedrin 107b: Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.

Zohar III (282): Died like a beast and buried in animal's dung heap.

Hilkoth Melakhim: Attempt to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus.

Abhodah Zarah 21a: Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.

Orach Chaiim 113: Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.

Iore Dea 150, 2: Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.

Abhodah Zarah (6a): False teaching to worship on the first day of Sabbath.

Following are references to Christians:

Kerithuth (6b p. 78): Jews called men, Christians are not called men.

Makkoth (7b): Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.

Sohar (II 64b): Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.

Schabbath (116a) Tos: Gospels called volumes of iniquity, heretical books.

Schabbath (116a): Talmudists agree that the books of Christians are to be burned.

Chullin (91b): Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.

Hilkoth Akum (V. 12): Quote Scriptures FORBID MENTIONING THE CHRISTIAN GOD.

Choschen Ham (226 1): Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.

Babha Kama (113b): It is permitted to deceive Christians; Jew may lie and perjure to� ������������������� Condemn a Christian; Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.

Kallah (1b p. 18): Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.

Schabbouth Hag. (d): Jews may swear falsely with subterfuge wording.

Zohar (1 160a): Jews must always try to deceive Christians.

Choschen Ham (425 5): Jews are not to prevent the death of a Christian.

Hilkkoth Akum (x,1): Do not save Christians in danger of death, instructed to let die.

Abhodah Zarah (25b)T: Even the best of the Goim [Christians] should be killed.

Sepher Or Israel 177b: If Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin.


Hilkhoth Akum (x,1): Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians.

Hilkhoth Maakhaloth: Christians are idolators.

Abhodah Zarah (22a): Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.

Abhodah Zarah (22a): Christians have intercourse with animals.

Iore Dea (198, 48): Female Jews contaminated when meeting Christians.

Makkoth (7b): Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian.

Zohar II (64b): Christian likened to cows and asses.

Kethuboth (110b): Psalmist compares Christians to beasts.

Sanhedrin (74b) Tos: Sexual intercourse with Christian same as intercourse with beast.

Kethuboth (3b): The seed [children] of Christians valued same as the seed of a beast.

Iore Dea (337, 1): Replace dead Christians like you would a lost cow or ass.

Schabbath (116a) Tos: Gospels called the volumes of iniquity, and heretical books.

Schabbath (116a): Talmudists agree the books of Christians are to be burned.

Chullin (91b): Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.

Sanhedrin (58b): To strike a Jew is the same as slapping the face of God.

Zohar (1, 25b): Those Jews who do good to Christians never rise when dead.

Iore Dea (148, 12H): Jews are to hide their hatred for Christians.

Babha Bathra (54b): Christian property belongs to the first Jew claiming it.

Choschen Ham (193, 7): Keep any overpayment Christians make in error.

Babha Kama (113b): It is permitted for a Jew to deceive Christians.

Iore Dea (157, 2) H: Jew may deceive Christians.

Babha Kama (113a): Jew may lie and perjur himself to condemn a Christian.

Babha Kama (113b): The name of God is not profaned when a Jew lies to Christians.

Kallah (1b, p. 18): Jew may perjure himself when lying about Christians.

Schabbouth Hag (6d): Jews may swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording.

Zohar (1, 160a): Jews MUST ALWAYS try to deceive Christians.

Choschen Ham (425, 5): Do not prevent a Christians death.

Iore Dea (158, 1): Christians who are NOT Jews' enemies MUST ALSO DIE.

Hilkkoth Akum (X,1): Jews are not to save Christians in danger of death.

Sanhedrin (59a): Christians who study the Jews' "Laws" {Talmud} to be put to death.

Zohar (1, 25a): CHRISTIANS ARE TO BE DESTROYED WHEN NO DANGER OF� ������������������������� DISCOVERY.

Abhodah Zarah (26b)T: Even the best of the Goim [non‑Jews] should be killed.

Sepher Or Israel (177b): IF A JEW KILLS A CHRISTIAN HE COMMITS NO SIN.� HE HAS ���������������������� DONE GOD A SERVICE.



Zohar (L, 38b, 39a): A JEW TO RECEIVE A HIGH PLACE IN HEAVEN IF HE KILLS A ������������������ CHRISTIAN.


These are JUST A FEW selected from a very complicated arrangement in which MANY references are obscured by intricate reasonings. Speaking of the "Tradition of the Elders," Jesus said: "Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?...But he [Jesus] answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? have made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition." [3]

Jesus said a second time: "Then the Pharisees and scribes [The Jews] asked him [Jesus], Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders...He [Jesus] answered and said unto them...Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." [4]

Paul said of the "Tradition of the Elders." "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and NOT AFTER CHRIST." [5] Peter also spoke of them. "Forasmuch as ye know that ye [Jews] were not redeemed...from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers." [6] So Jesus' teaching could not have possibly come from this blasphemous book. The Babylonian Talmud is the Jewish holy book, used in the training of rabbis, taught in the synagogues by the rabbis and studied by the Jews from an early age until death.

Without any question, THE TALMUD (Known to Jesus in His time on earth in a flesh body as "The Tradition of The Elders") STANDS AS THE SUPREME AUTHORITY OF JEWISH LAW [Their lies to the contrary notwithstanding], philosophy and ethics; it contains the unchanging moral code by which the religious and social life of the Jews has been regulated to this day. The Jews believe in the teachings of the Talmud and act in accordance with its commands. Whereas the teachings of the Christian Bible are available to all, for it is to be found everywhere.

On the other hand, only a very few non‑Jews have even so much as heard of the Talmud, and still fewer know of its teachings, for it is scores of volumes in length and shrouded in secrecy by the Jews. Are you naive enough to believe that a religious book which encourages incest, such as the Sanhedrin volume of the Talmud does, or unnatural intercourse, or rape of non‑Jews; or bestiality, as found in this filthy book; do you believe this could be the basis of Jesus' teaching? If you do, then you are guilty of the vilest form of blasphemy.

Are you willing to believe that statements found in the Talmud, such as those which follow, are those of Christianity? Listen closely, while we give you a few more by chapter and verse:

Kallah, 1b, (18b): "Jesus was illegitimate and conceived during menstruation."

Scabbath XIV: "Jesus is referred to as the son of a Roman soldier and a Jewish Prostitute."

Sanhedrin, 103a: "This passage suggests that Christ corrupted His morals and dishonored ������������� Himself."

Sanhedrin, 107b: "This passage states that Christ seduced and destroyed Israel."

Hilkoth Melakhim: Suggests that Christians sin by worshipping Jesus Christ.

Hilkoth Maakhaloth: "Christians are idolaters."

Abhodah Zorah (15b): Suggests that Christians have sexual relations with animals.

Chaggigah, (15b): "A Jew is considered to be good in the eyes of God, in spite of Any sins ����������������������� he may commit."

Babha Kama (113b): "The name of God not profaned, if a Jew lies to a Christian."

Kelhubath (11a‑11b): "When a grown‑up man has had intercourse with a little girl...It ������������������ means this: When a GROWN UP MAN HAS INTERCOURSE WITH A LITTLE GIRL IT ����������������������� IS NOTHING, for when the girl is less than this [See Footnote] THREE YEARS OLD it ������������������ is as if one puts the finger into the eye [Again See Footnote] tears come to the eye ����������� ������� again and again, SO DOES VIRGINITY COME BACK TO THE LITTLE GIRL THREE �������������� YEARS OLD."

Tract Mechilla: "Almighty GOD STUDIES THE TALMUD STANDING, because He has such �������������������� respect for that book."

Sanhedrin (59a) & Abohodah Zarah 8‑6: "Every goy [non‑Jew] who studies the Talmud and ������������ every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."

Szaaloth-Utszabot The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when �������������������� the goyim [non‑Jew] asks if our books contain anything against them."

Simeon Haddarsen fol. 56‑D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Midrasch Talpioth 225‑L: "Jehovah created the non‑Jew in human form so that the Jew ����� would not have to be served by beasts. The non‑Jew is consequently an animal in ���������� human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Nadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "A Jew may do to a non‑Jewess ��������������������� what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat."

Josiah 60, 6, Rabbi Abarbanel to Daniel 7, 13: "As soon as the King Messiah will declare ������������ himself, and He will destroy Rome and make a wilderness of it. Thorns and weeds ����������������� will grow in the Pope's palace. The He will start a merciless war on non‑Jews and will ��������������������� overpower them. He will slay them in masses, kill their kings and lay waste the ��� ������� whole Roman land. He will say to the Jews: 'I am the King Messiah for whom you ���������������� have been waiting. Take the silver and gold from the goyim."

Schulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "A Jew may rob a goy [non‑Jew] that is, he may ������������ cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him."

Schulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the ������������������ Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples����������������� [This is what the Jews use for justification to steal the land of the Palestinians]. An ����������������� orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other ����������� tribes. He may act contrary to mortality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in ������������������� general."

Tosefta, Erubin VIII, 1: "On the house of the goy [non‑Jew] one looks as on the fold of ����������������� cattle."

Tosefta, Abhodah Zarah VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy [non‑Jew] is �������������� forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a ����������������������� Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."

Schulchan Aruch Edit, I, 136: "All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearing, ����������������� which, beginning this very day of reconciliation till the next day of reconciliation, we ���������������������� intend to vow, promise, swear, and bind ourselves to fulfill, we repent of� before-������������������ hand; let them be illegalized, acquitted, annihilated, abolished, valueless, ��������� ������� unimportant. Our vows shall be no vows, and our oaths no oaths at all."

Schulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 539: "At the time of the Cholhamoed the transaction of any �������������� kind of� business is forbidden. But it is permitted to cheat a goy [non‑Jew], because �������������� cheating of goyi at any time pleases the Lord."

Schulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "IT IS PERMITTED TO KILL A JEWISH ������������������� DENUNCIATOR everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."

Livore David 37: "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought �������������������� to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to �������������������� death."


And on and on, and on it goes, for 63 volumes of filth and blasphemy. This is what the Jews are taught in their synagogues. Do you after reading these words, believe the Christian religion got its start from this kind of blasphemy and filth?

This is what the Judeo-Christian ["Minister"] teach, when he tells you that we have a Judeo‑ Christian culture. "It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew's ancestors 'never' lived in Palestine 'at all,' Which Witnesses the Power of Historical Assertion Over Fact." [7]����

In addition, under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: "STRICTLY SPEAKING IT IS INCORRECT TO CALL AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE A 'JEW' OR TO CALL A CONTEMPORARY JEW AN ISRAELITE OR A HEBREW." [8]

I sincerely hope you receive this in the spirit it was sent.

Sincerely yours,

In His Name

Willie Martin

[1]Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, pp. 160-161.

[2] See pages 548, 549 and 550 of the Jewish Encyclopedia.

[3]Matthew 15:3‑6.

[4]Mark 7:5‑9.

[5]Colossians 2:8.

[6]1 Peter 1:18.

[7]H. G. Wells, The Outline of History.

[8]1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.