Watchman Willie Martin Archive

���������������������������������� Karl Marx

It has been said with good reason, the origin of Leninism and Bolshevism was firstly the Encyclopedists, and secondly, Marxist and other Socialist systems. The first were the atheists, philosophies, and economists of the Hotel d'Holbach, a lodge or literary academy founded about 1769, of which Voltaire was honorary and permanent president, having d'Alembert, Condorcet, Diderot, La Harpe, and others as members.

Most books and pamphlets against religion, morals, and the Government were written and controlled by them; in this lodge they were revised, added to, cut, and corrected to suit their revolutionary propaganda, creating the mental, moral, and political outlook which brought about the French Revolution of 1789. Further, we have shown how Freemasonry, Carbonarism, and Martinism spread their cankers, secretly initiating the ideas which eventually led in part to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Out of this secret Masonry was built up the simpler outside manifestations, the Marxist and other Socialist systems, which in Russia culminated in the present Society regime of collectivism, slavery, immorality, and atheism. Their aim was that of Weishaupt ‑‑ liberty and equality of the forests, upon the ruins of religion and property. In 1850 several towns of Germany possessed workers' associations called communes. The heads of this conspiracy were Engels and Marx, and at the head of their manifesto, 1851, was written: "Proletarians of all countries unite!"

In 1862 the association developed immensely under the name of the International Association of Workers, and finally in 1864, at an assembly of workers in London, a committee was nominated of fifty members, who elaborated the statutes. Mazzini's manifesto and statutes were rejected and those of Marx unanimously adopted and ratified later at the Congress of Geneva in 1866.

The International had two characteristics: the simple, non‑political Socialists, and the political Jacobin Socialists; it is also curious to note that the latter almost inevitably eliminated or absorbed the former. Each year the all‑supreme Congress indicated the seat of the General Council and nominated its members. This seat was at first in London, but in 1873 it was transferred to New York.

From 1864 to 1870 the International continued to develop; at its congresses the most revolutionary motions were heard and applauded, and in 1870 it was the promoter of the short‑lived Paris Commune. Everywhere it was felt; the poison of its doctrines ate into the social life of all countries. As Dupont said at the Brussels Congress: "We no longer want Governments, for Governments crush us with taxes...we no longer want armies, for armies massacre us; we no longer want religion, for religion stifles the intelligence."

And at a meeting of the International in London, 1869, Vezinier said: "The negation of Divinity is to affirm man in his strength and liberty. As for the family, we repudiate it with all our force in the name of the emancipation of mankind..."

Besides the proletarian International and the universal republican International, there was that of L'Alliance Internationale de la democratie‑ socialiste, organized by Bakunin, 1850‑1860, which published its manifesto in 1868. It aimed at the complete leveling of all men, it declared itself atheist, it desired the abolition of cults, the substitution of science for faith, and human justice for Divine justice.

The workers' International inscribed on its banner: "Community of Property;" the republicans' International: "Community of Power;" the democrats' International: "Community of Property, Power, Women, and War Against God." This last was more terrible because of its advanced negations. In 1860 this Socialist‑Democrats' International was affiliated to the International of the Workers, retaining a secret organization, becoming a state within a state. Trouble arose, and the alliance was dissolved, but was soon reorganized by Bakunin as the Federation jurassienne, and was excommunicated later by the International Congress at The Hague. Of these anarchists the Nihilist Kropotkin wrote: "Two great currents of ideas were found, the popular State and Anarchy ‑‑ 'an‑archy,' that is to say, complete abolition of States and organization of free federation of popular forces, production, and consumption."

In Russia the Nihilists were what the Socialist‑Democrats, or the Federation jurassienne, were elsewhere, only they increased to the utmost the principles of anarchy and destruction. Their dogma, which has given them their name, is that all is nothingness, zero, such as we find among the Manichaeans and Martinists; they profess gross materialism, a return to nature. As Winterer wrote: "Nihilism is not a system, it is a negation of all religious, moral, political, and social order." It spread like the canker it was throughout Russia, and deeply attacked all organs of the social body; it included all ranks of Russian society ‑‑ nobility, clergy, bourgeois and officials, but few peasants. Its most valuable members were the cultured women of the universities.

The heads of Nihilism were not in Russia, but in Western Europe, chiefly Switzerland. As Winterer continued: "If Nihilism could for a short time only have at its disposal the enormous resources of the immense Empire, we would see a devastating torrent such as the world has never seen before precipitate itself from east to west, carrying upon the entire continent its terrible ravages."

The creators of theoretic Marxism were Jews, or of Jewish families, from Karl Marx to Trotsky and his band. The Jew, Dr. Angelo Rappoport, member of the Bund and of the Poale Sion, in his book, The Pioneers of the Russian Revolution, in 1918, wrote: "The Bund, or General Union of the Jewish Workers, was founded in 1897. it is a political and economic association of the proletarian Jews...It carried on active propaganda in Yiddish...[it] served as model to those who fought for liberty and were pioneers of the Russian Revolution. There was not a political organization in the vast Empire which was not influenced by the Jews or directed by them ‑‑ the Social‑Democrats, the Revolutionary Socialist parties, and the Polish Socialist Party, all had Jews among their directors..."

Moreover, The Jewish World, June 25, 1931 said: "The real author of the Five‑Years' Plan, Kaganovitz, is a Jew, and what is more, a great favorite of Stalin."

Are we not, in Bolshevism, witnessing that devastating torrent, feared by Winterer, having at its disposal the enormous resources of the immense Empire, pouring its ravages ‑ economic, social, religious, and political into the life of all countries, working for this Jewish World Revolution and World Domination. In his book, "Le Temps de la Colere," 1932, R. Vallery‑Radot writes: "It is well to observe that in April 1917, the Judeo‑Mason and financier of Wall Street, Jacob Schiff head of the firm of Kuhn Loeb and Co., had publicly boasted of having had a share in the Russian Revolution."

And of the Bolshevik philosophy, M. Pierre Dominique, editor of "La Republique," said: "The Bolsheviks have therefore a philosophy. Let us ask from whence have they got it? To be frank, they have drawn this philosophy from L'Encyclopedie, which was a vast enterprise of atheism and which, politically speaking, expressed itself in a precise way at the end of the eighteenth century by the French Revolution. They are attached to a philosophy which we find at the root of all socialist systems propagated during the nineteenth century, and particularly at the root of the Marx system. Thus its early source: L'Encyclopedie; later source and very diverse: the series of contemporaneous socialist systems... Such are the deep origins of Leninism and of the Soviet revolution."

Further, both Bolshevism and Judeo‑Masonry work for a Universal Republic by World Revolution. In his Catechism, as given in the Revue des Deux Mondes, June 1, 1889, Bakunin describes the revolutionary tool: "The revolutionary is a man dedicated. He must have nether personal interests, business, sentiments, nor property. He must be absolutely absorbed in a single exclusive interest, a single thought, a single passion, revolution. He despises and hates actual morals; for him all is moral which favors the triumph of revolution, and immoral and criminal which impedes it. Between him and society there is a fight to the death, incessant and irreconcilable.

He must be prepared to die, to endure torture, to put to death with his own hands all those who are obstacles to revolution. So much the worse for him if he has in this world links of family, friendship, or love. He is not a true revolutionary if his attachments stop his arm. Nevertheless, he must live in the midst of society feigning to be what he is not. He must penetrate everywhere, among the upper classes as among the middle, in the shop, the Church, the Army, the literary world, the secret police, and even the Imperial parlour. He must consider his subordinates as part of the revolutionary capital placed at his disposal, and he must dispose of it economically so as to draw all possible profit from it."

Further one reads in the statutes of L'Alliance humanitaire universelle: "Kings, nobles, the aristocracy of money, employees of the police or of the administration, priests, and permanent armies are the enemies of mankind. Against them one has every right and every duty. All is permitted to annihilate them: violence, ruse, shot and shell, poison, and the dagger; the end sanctifies the means."

The mind is delicate and it can be manipulated. It doesn't make any difference if it is the followers of the Jim Jones cult or a President of the United States or a Prince of Wales. When a secret society, using the occult, initiates a member, he or she is almost always captured for life. There hasn't been a war or a revolution that has occurred since Oliver Cromwell that hasn't used the secret societies and the occult to prepare, not only the target country but the invading country, for the onslaught that is to follow.

The late war with Iraq was a prime example. The propagandizing of the American people was a wonder to behold. It is beyond description as to how successful the propaganda was. Another factor that is common to this new system of using the secret societies and the occult to control the world is the total disregard for human life. This system is totally ruthless and it pales by comparison any technique used in past times. "There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. We Jews today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyer's, its incendiaries." (Jewish Writer, Oscar Levy, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution)

��������������������� Karl Marx's Racial Views

Little has been written about Marx's racial views, the contempt in which he held not only non‑whites, but whole groupings of Europeans, especially the Slavic peoples. In his book, Karl Marx: Racist, Nathaniel Weyl showed how Marx privately developed an entire racial hierarchy and racial view of history by the 1860's. In the middle of that decade, Marx was casting about for some scientific or pseudo‑scientific justification for his racial notions, which he found in the work of P Tremaux. He and his friend and financial benefactor Friedrich Engels went so far as to advocate wars of extermination against the White Race and the destruction of the Russian people.


"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," Weyl writes, "were neither internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all the races and peoples. They opposed the struggles for national independence of those races and peoples that they despised. They believed that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable future." They regarded them as obstacles to the forward sweep of history. They considered them as objects rather than subjects. They were people who ought to be conquered and exploited by the more advanced nations. Some of these inferior stock, "...were people who ought to be eradicated and swept from the earth."

Marx took from Georg Hegel, another German philosopher, the idea that certain raced, peoples and nations were "ahistoric." Either they had never played any role in history and never would, as in the case of the African Negro, or they were insignificant peoples whose history was irrelevant, or they were frozen at civilizational levels at which the more advanced portions of mankind had already left them behind.

Private Racists

"These were ideas," the author notes, "which Marx would adopt and transform...Publicly and for political reasons, both Marx and Engels posed as friends of the Negro. In private, they were anti‑black racists of the most odious sort. They had contempt for the entire Negro Race, a contempt they expressed by comparing Negroes to animals, by identifying black people with 'idiots' and by continuously using the opprobrious term 'Nigger' in their private correspondence."

Marx, for example, wrote to Engels on July 30, 1862, about one of the leaders of socialism in Germany and his rival, Ferdinand Lassalle, who he referred to as "that Jewish Nigger, Lassale." He wrote: " is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt {assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger}. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also Nigger‑like."

It was a great joke between Marx and Engels, those two great lovers of humanity that their fellow‑Jewish‑ socialist Lasalle was suffering from syphilis. Marx wrote to Engels, May 10, 1861: "Apropos Lassale‑Lazarus. Lepsius in his great work on Egypt has proved that the Jews of Egypt was nothing but the history which Manetho narrates of the expulsion of the 'leprous people' from Egypt. At the head of these lepers was an Egyptian Rabbi Lazarus, the leper, is therefore the archetype of the Nigger Jew {Black Jews}, and Lassalle is the typical Lazarus."

Quite outside the offensive tone of these letters, Weyl points out, they; "...illustrate Marx's tendency to twist and invent evidence to express the envy and hatred he felt for his successful contemporary. Judging by surviving photographs, Marx was so swarthy that he was called 'The Moor' by acquaintances ever since his university days. He had a thick, flattened nose. One observer described his complexion as 'dirty yellow.' Nobody in his right mind would have though Marx's physiognomy German."


Marx even championed slavery in North America. When Pierre‑Joseph Proudhon, probably the leading French socialist at the time, published a book called The Philosophy of Poverty, Marx replied with a vitriolic rebuttal entitled The Poverty of Philosophy (1874). Proudhon had been childish enough to advocate the emancipation of Negro slaves in the United States. Marx answered contemptuously: "Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe out North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy ‑ the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations."

The interesting thing about this paragraph, says Weyl, was that Marx again makes it abundantly clear the Jew has no interest whatsoever in the fate or welfare of the Negroes. The second is his preposterous prediction that, were slavery abolished, America would become a "patriarchal country." What does that mean? A nation of primitive shepherds? American Socialists early in the 20th Century adopted Marx's racist views. On September 14, 1901, the Social Democratic Herald characterized Negroes as "inferior, depraved elements" who went around "raping women and children."

In an article in the paper dated May 31, 1902 Victor Berger, one of the national leaders of the Socialist party, wrote that, "There can be no doubt that the Negroes and mulattos constitute a lower race."

Enemy of Russia

Marx called the Slavic people a "rabble" and looked forward to the time when the Christians of Russia would be destroyed. Marx called for "the most determined terror against the Slavic peoples." Weyl writes: "...again the phrase sounds as if it had been uttered a century later by Adolf Hitler. When Hitler was a half‑ vagabond, half‑artist, living in Vienna and soaking up an enormous amount of racist hate literature, did he come across these early appeals for genocide by Engels and Marx? It would be interesting to know the answers."

While people who call themselves "Marxists" today claim that they are against "imperialism," Karl Marx himself supported the control of the non‑white peoples by European and American Jews. Concerning the annexation of California after the Mexican‑ American War, Marx wrote in 1894: "Without violence nothing is ever accomplished in history...Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?...All important nations must in the last analysis owe a debt to those who, under the laws of historic necessity, incorporate them in a great empire, thus allowing them to take part in an historic development which would otherwise be impossible for them. Evidently, such results cannot be achieved without crushing a few sweet little flowers."


Marx more a chauvinistic Jewish nationalist than most of his race of that era, urged Jewish control over Belgium, the Netherlands, Silesia and Alsace‑Lorraine. Nathaniel Weyl, whose previous books include The Creative Elite in America and The Geography of Intellect, has painted a picture of Karl Marx which most of his biographers have sought to avoid. The Karl Marx who emerges from these pages is one filled with hate and rancor against Slavs, blacks, Asians and "lesser" nationalities such as the Belgians and the Dutch. Few would argue with Nathaniel Weyl's characterization of him as a "racist." That such a man has emerged as the symbol of the oppressed is one of history's proof of Jewish propaganda.

New Faith of a 'Creed of Hate'

None is more dangerous to the Marxist cause than a disillusioned former communist! Take former activist David Horowitz. Son of devout Communist parents, he grew up to become a fervent New Leftist, heavily involved both in the anti‑Vietnam war campaign and the radical Black Panther movement. Too intelligent to be permanently hoodwinked by the Communist doctrine, he is today an articulate and extremely active anti‑Communist. Writing in the Washington‑based political journal, Human Events, earlier this year, he said, about Marx:� "The founding prophet of the leftist faith, Karl Marx, was born in 1818, the son of a Jewish father who changed his name from Herschel to Heinrich and converted to Christianity to advance his career. The young Marx grew into a man consumed by hatred for Christianity.

Internalizing the worst anti‑Christ stereotypes, he incorporated them into his early revolutionary vision, identifying Jews as symbols of the system of private property and bourgeois democracy he wanted to further. 'The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of this world,' Marx wrote.

'Money is the jealous god of the Jews, beside which no other god may stand.' Once the Revolution succeeds in 'destroying the empirical essence of Christianity, he promised, 'the Jew will become the rulers of the world. This early Marxist formulation is the transparent seed of the mature vision, causing Paul Johnson to characterize Marxism as 'the anti‑Christian of the intellectu�als.'

The international Communist creed that Marx invented is a creed of hate. The solution that Marx proposed to the Christian 'problem' was to eliminate the system that 'creates' the Christian. The Jews, he said, are only symptoms of a more extensive evil that must eradicate capitalism.

The Jews are only symbols of a more pervasive enemy that must be destroyed: capitalists. In the politics of the left, racist hatred is directed not only against Christian capitalists but against all capitalists; not only against capitalists, but anyone who is not poor, and who is White; and ultimately against Western civilization itself. The Marxist Revolution is anti-Christ elevated to a Global Principle."

Using Marx as a "front," the Illuminati attempted to implement their plan for a world‑wide social revolution, but it proved a total failure.

Marx's teachings never really fired the imagination of the people at any level of society ‑ least of all the working class! In London, in 1864, Marx organized the International Workingman's Association {later known as the First Socialist International}. Their headquarters was moved to New York eight years later. Shortly afterwards they merged with the Socialist Party that had been founded there in 1868.

In his own personal life Marx was a total failure. He was a leech {like most of the rest of his race} who lived off other people: it is doubtful if he ever did an honest day's work in his life. His marriage resulted in six children, Marx, however, was so busy formulating theories to "uplift the downtrodden" that he never found time to support his own family. Three of his children died of starvation in infancy. Two other committed suicide. Only one lived to maturity.

When he died in 1883, six people attended his funeral!

Reference Materials