

����������� Re: Request for Information]

������ Date:

����������� Sun, 10 Feb 2002 11:23:45 ‑0500

����� From:

����������� Charles <[email protected]>

�� Reply‑To:

����������� [email protected]

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����������� 1

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��������������� THE KOSHER FOOD TAX

�The Kosher Food Tax is the biggest consumer fraud existing in

�America. Examine every item in� your cupboards for either the

�(U) or (K) labels. These symbols represent a Jewish "blessing"

�and� when these small symbols are detected, it means that you

�have unwittingly paid a tax to a Jewish� religious group.

�They will not always be on the front of the package; they may

�be hidden amid the� small print near the label's seam. This

�cryptic code has to do with a Hebrew "secret," a heist, which

�illuminates the Jews' power in the United States. The circled

�"U," sometimes with the word� "Parve," stands for Union of

�Orthodox Jews (UOJCA), the "K" stands for Kosher (KOV K).

�Both will not be found on the same package. These symbols mean

�that the product's producer paid� the Jews a kind of "tax" to

�have some rabbi "bless" it. Don't confuse� these letters with

�the letter "R"� which stands for registered trade mark or a

�letter "C" which stands for� copyright. These two letters

�will probably be there too. You have now discovered what the

�Jews call "hechsers," a rip‑off code� found on most grocery

�items. �In 1959, the Wall Street Journal estimated that this

�massive Jewish� payola at about $20 million. That is almost

�forty years ago. Since that time, the Jewish owned Wall Street

�Journal has remained silent. The rip‑off is thought to be in the

�hundreds of millions today.

�The Jewish Post of July 30, 1976 reported that Rabbi Harvey

�Sentor admitted that Kov K was a "profit‑making concern." The

�UOJCA extracts exactly the same levy as Kov K, and in exactly

�the� same way. Jews, of course, defend these "blessings" in any

�way they can, but what this rip‑off� really boils down to for

�the Gentile is legalized extortion. After all, the Jews represent

�but 2.9% of� the population. It is not an option for the Gentile

�to have this "tax" removed from products he buys� or have the

�little Jewish letters erased. He has to pay this "tax" to the Jews

�whether he wants to� or� not. If this was nothing more than a

�bizarre religious ceremony, giving rabbinical approval to food

�and food products prepared in a specific way to meet an unusual

�diet, then why are steel wool and� kitchen utensils also included?

�The Jews have a strange diet indeed! If these "blessings" are so

�important to Jews, why do they charge for them? You would think that

�they would be willing to� give this service free‑‑for benefit of their

�own people‑‑and perhaps pay something to food product� companies for

�providing this Kosher identification. Instead, it's the reverse‑

�companies have to pay� to have the Kosher identification. Since Jews

�represent a small percent of America's population, why is it that

�they place most of the burden of this "tax" on the shoulders of the

�Gentile? Why have� the Gentile consumers been so silent for so long

�about this perennial extortion by the Jews? And� since this burden

�comes off as a "tax," don't Gentiles have a right to know where and

�how this� money is spent? How on earth do the Jews get away with

�this daylight robbery? The answer is that� the Jewish blessing

�agencies wield enormous power through Jewish domination of the

�retail and� distribution trades..and Jews own America's press.

�Non‑compliance by a food producer would� quickly bring about a Jewish

�boycott of the product. Bankruptcy! Here is how this clever scheme

�works. An Orthodox Rabbi will approach a company and warn the owners

�that unless their� product is certified as Kosher, or "fit for a

�Jew to eat", they will face a boycott by every Jew in� America.

�Once they succumb to this BLACKMAIL, they are required to keep

�the total amount� paid the Rabbis every year a strict secret! The

�growth of this Kosher racket has been nothing less

�than phenomenal. In 1960, only 225 food products paid the Kosher tax.

�By 1966, this�� figure grew� to 476 and jumped to 1000 by 1974. Today,

�a whopping 17,500 companies have been� intimidated into paying this

�multi‑level tax.

�How The Kosher Tax Operates

�The Union of Orthodox Rabbis which issues the (U) symbol controls

�80% of the Kosher� certification business. They employ some

�300 Rabbis who travel nation‑wide "inspecting" food� processing

�plants. First, the company must pay an annual fee for the use of

�the copyright� symbol‑‑the (U) or (K) or a version thereof.

�Second, the company must pay a separate heavy fee� each time a

�team of Rabbis shows up to "inspect" their plant (Certain meat

�packers are required to� hire Rabbis full time at extravagant

�salaries). Third, the company must pay these fees over and over

�again for each different product they make. Thus, General Foods

�pays dozens of separate fees. Also, each sub‑contracting company

�which provides any type of ingredient which goes into the

�finished product must also pay separate fees to the "visiting

�Rabbis". Sometimes a single product� may eventually be taxed as

�many as a dozen times right down the line before it reaches you the

�consumer! Last, but not least, these fees must be paid annually and

�they are increased each year.� Only by increasing the public

�awareness of the Kosher Food Tax and doing our best to refrain

�from purchasing products with the "K" or "U" symbols, can we begin

�to end this outrage being� perpetrated upon our people. With the

�purchasing power of the dollar less all the time, we cannot

�afford this outrage to continue unchecked.



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