
"Michael V. Lewis" wrote:

Russian Jews face new wave of race hatred; By Guy Chazan in Moscow

JEWS in the western Russian city of Kursk are living in a state of fear after the newly‑elected governor said it was time to rid Russia of Jewish "filth," and an official of the outgoing� administration was beaten up by thugs shouting anti‑Semitic slogans.

The remarks by the communist governor, Alexander Mikhailov, have provoked a political storm in Russia and aroused fears among Jewish leaders of a re‑emergence of Soviet‑style official anti‑Semitism. There has also been dismay at the Kremlin's silence on the issue. Vladimir Putin has made no attempt to distance himself from Mr. Mikhailov,� who claimed the President actively supported his campaign and was an ally in his crusade against the "world Jewish conspiracy".

The scandal first broke when the new governor said in a newspaper interview that the election marked a victory for ethnic Russians over Jews, and showed Russia was beginning to "liberate itself from all� the filth that has piled up over the last 10 years" (should be 87 years, from 1917 to the year 2000 - WM). He said he had defeated not only the outgoing governor Alexander Rutskoi, who has a Jewish mother, but also Mr Rutskoi's backer, Boris Berezovsky, the businessman who� is of Jewish descent, and the Russian Jewish Congress.

The remarks have shocked Russia's Jews who are

inured to low‑level bigotry but unused to open displays of anti‑Semitism by people in government. Jews here have enjoyed a decade of religious freedom and civil rights long denied them by the Soviet communist regime. But many feel the new tolerance is only skin deep. Recently a Jewish school was raided by neo‑Nazi vandals in the town of Ryazan, east of Moscow. Jewish cemeteries have been desecrated from Kursk to Nizhny Novgorod.

Mr. Mikhailov's interview created outrage, with Mr. Rutskoi threatening to sue for libel. A group of MPs in the Duma called on President Putin to sack the errant governor and even ban the Communist Party for inciting racial hatred. The communist leader, Gennady Zyuganov,� called the governor's remarks "ill‑considered" and told him he would be better off trying to solve the region's many economic problems. Mr Mikhailov was forced to issue a grovelling apology, saying he respected people "regardless of their nationality".

The new governor's tirade has already succeeded in sowing panic among Kursk's Jews. Shortly after the election, a gang of youths claiming to be supporters of Mr. Mikhailov attacked the local Jewish community centre, banging on the windows, shouting anti‑Semitic slogans and jamming a log against the door.

"Jews here are worried, especially the older ones, the Holocaust (HoloHoax, make believe) survivors," said Igor Bukhman, a local Jewish leader. "It's one thing to hear anti‑Semitic comments in a shop or a bus queue, but when the governor starts talking like that then of course you get scared." Jewish confidence in Kursk was shaken by another incident last week with anti‑Semitic overtones when Mr. Rutskoi's deputy, Sergei Maksachov, was beaten up in the Kursk regional government building as he was handing in his resignation.

Mr. Maksachov, who says his father is Jewish, claims he was kicked, beaten and peppered with anti‑Semitic insults in a three‑hour ordeal by a group of assailants led by a man claiming to be Kursk's new deputy governor. He was later taken to hospital with concussion and� spinal injuries. The alleged attackers have been arrested, but Mr Mikhailov� has denied that any of them occupied any post in his administration.

While the Russians are just beginning to realize the depth of the evil of the Jews and are beginning to rebel against them; I submit that it is nothing to what the White Race will do to them when they finally understand what evil the Jews have done to them for centuries. That they have murdered hundreds of millions of our White Israel People.