

��������� [TheTruthZone] LIFT UP YOUR HEADS

���� Date:

��������� Fri, 2 Nov 2001 09:22:48 ‑0800 (PST)

���� From:

��������� Stacey Miller <[email protected]>

� Reply‑To:

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������ To:

��������� TheTruthZone <[email protected]>


By Dr. Bertrand Comparet

GOD KNEW THAT THE Conditions and events of the last

few years of this age would be very terrible, so He

has provided many Scriptures to encourage us as we

find ourselves in the final, titanic death‑struggle

between good and evil. The Scriptures tell us plainly

that the awful events we see are marks of the end of

the Age and therefore mean that our Savior Jesus

Christ will soon thereafter return. If they did not

reveal our position in history, they would be of no

comfort: what good are mere platitudes to a person who

is wondering if his family is about to be fried in an

atom‑bomb explosion? But these Scriptures bring hope

because they show that we have reached almost the very

end of our troubles.

Unfortunately, much of this is lost by mistranslation

out of the Hebrew and Greek in which the Bible was

written. Passages of clear, specific meaning in the

original languages are mistranslated into vague

uncertainty. One of these is found in Luke 21:25,26,

where Jesus Christ is giving the signs by which we may

recognize the end of the Age. As found in your King

James Version, it reads thus: "And upon the earth

distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the

waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and

for looking after those things which are coming upon

the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."

While this sounds vaguely foreboding, just what does

it mean? Can you find in it anything which people in

any century could recognize? But let us examine the

meaning of the Greek words which have been

mistranslated in this passage. In the first place, the

Greek word "sunoche" (soonokh‑ay) which was

mistranslated "distress" is derived from "sunecho"

(soonekho), meaning to hold together," as in a group

or organization. And the Greek word aporia " (aporeea)

mistranslated perplexity," is derived from "aporeo"

(apor‑eho), meaning "to have no way out," or to be in

"impassible straits." The Greek word here translated

"the earth" is "ikumene" (oy‑koomcnay), and refers

more particularly to the civilized parts of the earth.

Then this passage speaks of "the powers of heaven;"

where the same statement is recorded in Mark 13:25, it

says "the powers that are in heaven" shall be shaken.

Now the Greek word here translated "heaven" is

"ouranos" (oo,ran,os), a word of particular interest

to us in the last twenty years, for the name of the

metal which made possible the atom bomb, uranium, is

derived from this same Greek word, ouranos," which was

merely ended with the letters, i‑um, always used to

designate a metal. The history of this metal is

interesting. Before it had been discovered on the

earth it had been found to exist in the sun, being

found by its characteristic lines in the spectrum of

sunlight examined with a spectroscope in a great

astronomical observatory. Since this metal had been

found "in the heavens" before it was found on earth,

it was decided to call it by the name which means "the

heavenly metal," so they called it "uranium." There

seems to be much more than mere, coincidence in the

relation between "ouranos" in this Bible passage and

"uranium," in view of what uranium has done to bring

about exactly the, conditions of which the Bible is

here speaking. And finally, the Greek word "salcuo"

(sal‑yooo), translated "shaken," means also to agitate

or stir up.

Now let us retranslate our brief little passage.

Remember, your King James version of the Bible reads

this way: And upon the earth, distress of nations,

with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's

hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after

those things which are coming upon the earth: for the

powers of heaven shall be shaken. But correctly

translated, it will read thus: ... and on earth, the

nations banding together, in impassible straits and

roaring storms, men's hearts failing them for fear and

expectation of those things which are coming upon

civilization, because the power that is in uranium

shall be stirred up.

Now, isn't it a true picture of this present time? The

nations banding together in the so‑called "United

Nations" (not really united in anything but schemes to

fleece the American taxpayer) but entangled in an

organization which serves only to frustrate all good

plans and finally force compromises with evil,

compromises which need never be made if the nations

were not in this unholy association with Zionism.

Because they have violated God's warning to have

nothing to do with evil, pagan nations and the race

who hate our Christ, the nations now find themselves

"in impassible straits" ‑ no way through, no way

around, no way out at all ‑ and this in the increasing

tumult and danger of inter‑national storms of

diplomacy and recurring wars. By abandoning Christian

principle to compromise with wickedness and to avoid

discrimination against the groups who seek to destroy

us, even the Western, Christian nations have

maneuvered themselves into impassible straits and

desperate circumstances. And now, as they see the

consequences of their own misdeeds approaching, many

are disheartened with fear and expectation of the

disasters which threaten the civilized nations. Again,

note the peculiar accuracy of Scripture, for it is

only the civilized nations which are threatened, as we

are only in this position because we lack the moral

courage to turn the great weapons against our

barbarous enemies until they surrender unconditionally

to civilized rule. We have even helped to arm them

with the weapons which they now prepare to use against

us. And what is the cause of this abject terror which

affects so many? The power which is in uranium the

atom bomb is about to be stirred up and released

against us.

Well, what shall we do about it, now that we recognize

the picture as a true one? Fall unto despair with the

others? No, just go back to the Bible for the answer.

The next two verses give it. First, what follows

immediately; after the atomic warfare? Luke 21:27

reads: And then shall they see the Son of man coming

in a cloud, with power and great glory‑the second

coming of Jesus Christ, the event the world has waited

two thousand years to see. Shall we be downhearted at

this prospect? What greater event can life offer you?

So the following verse says, And when these things

begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your

heads: for our redemption draweth nigh.

Now do you recognize your place in history? When these

things begin to come to pass. They have already begun;

the nations have banded together in an organization

they are already amid the storms which threaten to

swamp all civilization; they are already trapped in

impassible straits though many people still lack the

courage to see it. These things have begun to come to

pass. Therefore, it is time, not for craven despair,

but to look up, and lift up our heads. This is the

very thing our God spoke of, telling us more than 1900

years in advance, so we could recognize it when it

happened. As He tells us in Isaiah, Have Ye not known?

Have ye not heard? Hath it not been told you from the

beginning? Have ye not understood from the foundations

of the earth? Behold, the former things are come to

pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring

forth, I tell you of them. So He has told us, when

these things begin to come to pass, then your

redemption draweth nigh.

Everything you have ever dared to hope is included in

that redemption. It is the restoration of all that was

lost in the fall of Adam. It is the restoration of our

immortality as the sons and daughters of God, it is

freedom from the crushing pressures of the Satanic

world order; it is the leisure to live in peace and

dignity in a world where the wicked dare not raise

their heads; it is an age in which righteousness never

has to yield to evil in which poverty, sin and tragedy

are banished from the earth. With this ahead of us,

shall we fear the end of the old, to begin the new? We

welcome it!

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look

up and lift up your heads: for your redemption

(deliverance) draweth nigh.


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