
����������������������������������������������������������������������� Adam & Eve Adam Was Not The First Man

The Bible tells of the creation of MEN, IN THE PLURAL, in Genesis 1:26‑28, saying, �Male and female created He THEM� (1:27), and God told these people, �Be fruitful and multiply, and Replenish the earth� (1:28).

�Plenish� is an obsolete English word, meaning �to fill�; and you cannot REPLENISH what was never plenished, or filled, before.

In the next chapter, Genesis 2 we find THE ADAM (in the singular) formed. The Hebrew word, �aw‑dawm� (rendered �Adam� in English) is from a root word meaning, �To show blood in the face� or �of a ruddy complexion�...a word obviously not applicable to the dark races, which we know from scientific evidence to be much older than the White Race.

Bible scholars know the latter part of the passage in Genesis 3:20... �and Adam called his wife�s name �Eve�; because she was the mother of all living� a later interpolation, which was not in the earlier manuscripts (See Moffatt�s Translation). It follows that Eve (which means �life‑giver�), being Adamic, could not have mothered the earlier Yellow or Black races; an idea which is only a popular misconception engendered by fallacious Christian Education.

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Eve Did Not Eat an Apple!

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Edenic Covenant

In Genesis 3:3, God has told Eve she is not to eat (partake) of the fruit (offspring) of the tree that was in the midst of the Garden. WE KNOW THAT THE TREE IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN WAS A RACIAL TREE BECAUSE IT IS DESCRIBED IN Genesis 2:17 as a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No fruit tree has a knowledge of good or evil, so it could not have been an �apple tree.�

Also, Eve was admonished not to touch* the fruit of the tree on pain of death. Certainly, touching an apple would not have called for such stern punishment. Again in Genesis 3:6 Eve saw that the fruit was pleasant to the eyes (handsome) and capable of making one wise.

�And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.�

As it turned out, partaking of the fruit of the racial tree did make Eve wise, because she knew (immediately after she and Adam had sinned) that she was naked. A fact that she did not seem to notice before the misdeed.� �to lay hands upon, to lie with.��

Fruit: Brown-Driver-Briggs� Definition: #6529� periy‑fruit

a) fruit, produce (of the ground)


c) fruit (of actions) (figurative)

Desire: Strong�s Concordance: #8378� ta�avah (tah‑av‑aw�); from 183 (abbreviated); a longing; by implication, a delight (subjectively, satisfaction, objectively, a charm): KJV‑‑ dainty, DESIRE, X exceedingly, X greedily, LUST (ing), pleasant. See also 6914

Desire: Brown-Driver-Briggs� Definition: #8378� ta�avah‑DESIRE

a) A DESIRE, a wish, longings of one�s heart; LUST, an appetite, COVETOUSNESS (in a bad sense)


Desire: Strong�s Concordance: #183� �avah (aw‑vaw�); a primitive root; to wish for: KJV‑‑ COVET, (greatly) DESIRE, be desirous, LONG, LUST (AFTER).

Desire: Brown-Driver-Briggs� Definition: #183 �avah‑TO DESIRE, to incline, TO COVET, to wait longingly, to wish, to sigh, TO WANT, to be greedy, to prefer

a) (in the Piel) TO DESIRE, TO CRAVE (food and drink)


She Took: Brown-Drivers-Briggs� Definition: #3947� laqach‑TO TAKE, TO GET, to fetch, TO LAY HOLD OF, TO SEIZE, to receive, to acquire, buy, to bring, TO MARRY, TO TAKE A WIFE, TO SNATCH, to take away

Of The Fruit Thereof: Brown-Drivers-Briggs� Definition: #6529� periy‑fruit

a) fruit, produce (of the ground)


c) fruit (of actions) (figurative)

And Did Eat: #Strong�s Concordance: #398� �akal (aw‑kal�); a primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively): KJV‑‑ X at all, burn up, consume, devour (‑er, up), dine, eat (‑er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in...wise (‑deed, plenty), (LAY) meat, X quite. (�Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.� (Proverbs 30:20)

And Gave: Brown-Driver-Briggs� Definition: #5414� nathan‑to give, to put, to set

1) TO GIVE, TO BESTOW, TO GRANT, TO PERMIT, to ascribe, to employ, to devote, to consecrate, to dedicate, to pay wages, to sell, to exchange, to lend, to commit, to entrust, to give over, to deliver up, to yield produce, to occasion, to produce, to requite to, to report, to mention, to utter, to stretch out, to extend

And She Did Eat: #398� �akal (aw‑kal�);

a primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively): KJV‑‑ X at all, burn up, consume, devour (‑er, up), dine, eat (‑er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in...wise (‑deed, plenty), (LAY) meat, X quite.

When God asked Eve what she had done (Genesis 3:13) she said the serpent beguiled her. In the first place, the Hebrew word �Nachash,� translated �serpent,� actually means �spellbinding enchanter or magician.� Now we know how the serpent could talk to Eve. It was not a snake or any reptile with which we are familiar, but Satan, in one of his many appearances.

�And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.� (Genesis 3:13)

Beguiled: Strong�s Concordance: #5377� nasha� (naw‑shaw�); a primitive root; TO LEAD ASTRAY, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) TO SEDUCE:� KJV‑‑ beguile, deceive, X greatly, X utterly.

Understanding the foregoing makes it easy to understand that the sin committed in the Garden of Eden was of a sexual nature because when Eve said she was beguiled she actually was saying she had been seduced. The Hebrew word �Nashall translated to �beguiled� actually means �to lead astray, to seduce.�

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Serpent

�Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he {serpent} said unto the woman {Eve}, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden.� (Genesis 3:1)

(1) Snakes are to be feared, and it is not abnormal to fear them. To prove that even such Godly men as Moses were/are afraid of snakes, we present the following from the Book of Exodus. We begin with Moses standing before the burning bush:

�...the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he {Moses} said, A rod. And He {God} said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses FLED from before it.� (Exodus 4:2‑3)

(2) So we can see that even Moses fled before a serpent/snake! It scared him and he fled from it. Because man has a natural fear of them. Yet here in Genesis Chapter Three, we have Eve having a discourse with a serpent/snake! With no fear. We do not believe it for a minute. We don�t know about you, but we do not believe that Eve was having a conversation with a literal snake! Not for a minute. That is simply to far‑ fetched to be believed literally.

(3) If a snake had come up to Eve she would have ran for Adam to protect her from it. She would not have simply stood or sat there and had a casual conversation with it. No! A thousand times No!!! She would not have just sat there and said: �Hello how are you?� or some such nonsense. She simply would not have done that at all.

(4) Serpent is a strange word when we look at it in the scriptures. It is translated from many different words, but it is used 38 times in the Old Testament. And is translated, basically, from four different words. But let�s only deal with one #5175 in Strong�s Concordance. It appears 31 times and every time it is translated serpent. Now keep in mind there are three other words that are also translated serpent in the Scriptures. And the total words are used some 71 times in all the Scriptures. 38 times as serpent and about 24 times as dragons.

(5) What is a dragon, you ask. Well this presentation is about serpents not dragons and to get into a long discussion about dragons would take us away from our intended subject. So we shall leave that for others to contemplate. This is because we have a problem here in Genesis 3:1 with Eve talking with this thing called a serpent.

(6) Now the scriptures say the serpent was more subtil. Well what does this word mean. To arrive at a proper answer we will turn to Strong�s Concordance again. Which says the word �serpent� is �Nachas� or �naw‑khawsh� (#5175). Which is a non‑ Israelite name according to (#5176) ‑‑ �Nachash;� the same as #5175; the name of two persons appar. non‑Isr. It also means according to #5175 a snake (from its hiss): serpent. From the #5172 which means to hiss, i.e. WHISPER A (magic) SPELL; gen. to prognosticate ‑‑ enchanter, LEARN BY EXPERIENCE, diligently observe.

(7) Also, we find the following from the Second College Edition, New World Dictionary of the American Language, p. 1300: 1. A snake, esp. a large or poisonous one. 2. A sly, sneaking, treacherous person. 3. Bible Satan, in the form he assumed to tempt Eve. 4. Music an obsolete, coiled, brass wind instrument of wood covered with leather.

The American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster 1828, Facsimile First Edition, published by the Foundation For American Christian Education relates that serpent means among others: a subtil or malicious person.

(8) The word prognosticate means to: 1. To foretell or predict, esp. from signs or indications. 2. To indicate beforehand. (Second College Edition, New World Dictionary of the American Language, p. 1135).

The 1828 American Dictionary relates: 1. To foreshow; to indicate a future event by present signs. A clear sky at sunset prognosticates a fair day. 2. To foretell by means of present signs; to predict. �I neither will nor can prognosticate To the young gaping heir his father�s fate.� So now we can see that the word �nachash� is linked to foretelling things. Or its linked to witchcraft (whisper a magic spell) and humanism. It�s linked to anything, other than the Word of God.

(9) Now let�s look again at this word serpent, and we will see that every time it appears in the Bible, it does not mean a serpent/snake. That sometimes it means either a person or a nation. For example when Jacob/Israel was relating the gifts which were given to the various tribes of Israel we find the following: �Dan shall be a SERPENT by the way, an ADDER {snake} in the path, that biteth the horse heels...� (Genesis 49:17)

(10) Is someone going to try to convince us that Dan was to become a snake. I don�t think so. Do you? It is merely a figure of speech. It means that the tribe of Dan would, or the people of the tribe of Dan would display the attributes of being sly, cunning, deceitful.

(11) The wicked are described as serpents/snakes: �THE WICKED are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a SERPENT: They are like THE DEAF ADDER that stoppeth her ear.� (Psalm 58:3‑4)

(12) Evil and violent men are described as serpents: �Deliver me, O Lord, from THE EVIL MAN: preserve me from THE VIOLENT MAN; Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war. THEY have sharpened their tongues LIKE A SERPENT; ADDERS� poison is under their lips. Selah.� (Psalm 140:1‑3)

Thus we can see by these verses, anyone who is evil or wicked is described as being a serpent or snake.

(13) Now let�s examine nations because they are also very important to this presentation. Turn to the Book of Isaiah where we find: �In that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing SERPENT, even leviathan that crooked SERPENT; and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.� (Isaiah 27:1)

(14) We see here that the Leviathan is a crooked and piercing serpent. It appears this is an allegory, talking about the enemies of Israel.

(15) The nations that came against Israel are compared to this thing which is also described as a serpent. And it appears that this would be a reference to the Grecian, Turkish and Roman Empires of that day. This is generally accepted when one looks at the narratives of the Bible.

(16) Now let�s look at Jeremiah 8:17 for another: �For, behold, I will send SERPENTS, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord.�

(17) Here again we are not talking about actual serpents/snakes. Not at all. We are talking about nations which will becoming against Israel. They will not be charmed and they will bite you. At this point some will ask what do you mean they will not be charmed.

(18) For an answer turn to the Book of Second Kings Chapter Seventeen we find Assyria came against what was left of Israel, and they told the Assyrians they would pay them a ransom if they would not come in and harm them. That�s charming them is it not? But if they will not be charmed, then they will not accept their money, gold, silver or other valuables. They will come in and bite you and destroy you. That is what Jeremiah is telling them. So we can clearly see, THEY ARE NOT SERPENTS AT ALL, they are the enemy of Israel, who will come against them.

(19) There is another like story in Amos 9:3 and another in Isaiah 14:29. Those are good stories and you should read them very carefully.

(20) We find allegories being used all through the Scriptures. No one has a problem with Judah being called a lion�s whelp (Genesis 49:9); Zebulun as a foal and an ass�s colt (Genesis 49:11); Issachar as a strong ass (Genesis 49:14); Naphtali as a hind {A red deer ‑‑ one that is fully grown} (Genesis 49:21); Joseph as a bough {branch or limb of a tree} (Genesis 49:22); Benjamin as a wolf (Genesis 49:27); All the tribes as a lion (Numbers 23:24; 24:9); Gad as a lion (Deuteronomy 33:20); Dan as a lion�s whelp (Deuteronomy 33:22); Jesus as a Lamb (Throughout the Book of Revelation); Israel as a speckled bird (Jeremiah 12:9; A nation of the East as a ravenous bird (Isaiah 46:11); Preachers as fishers (Jeremiah 16:16); Pharaoh King of Egypt as a young lion and a whale (Ezekiel 32:2); a flock as men (Ezekiel:34:30-31) and Herod as a fox (Luke 13:32). When the word �lion� is used for Judah, we are trying to really emphasize the strength of Judah. And when we use the word �serpent� we think of something sly, wicked, evil, cunning, something that hides from us, has venom, that is strong and dangerous. And that is why the word serpent is used many times as an allegory in the Scriptures.

(21) There are many more allegories which could be presented but we believe this should suffice. Was any of these men such an animal or thing? Of course not! It is simply a description of the characteristics of these separate individuals.

(22) Then we have the false doctrine of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod described as Leaven (Matthew 16:12).

(23) Thus we can clearly see that it is not at all unusual for a word to be used to illustrate something more impressively. And that is what we are talking about.

� (24) Most Christians do not have any trouble with any of these in the various verses of Scriptures until we get to Genesis 3:1. For example if we go a little further we find: �...thou shalt bruise His heel.�

Everyone knows that Scripture. And we find another one �...It shall bruise thy head...� and no one has any problem relating that to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the evil one {which most people believe to be Satan}. Nobody has a problem with that.

(25) Then: Why is it a problem when someone comes along and says THE SERPENT IS NOT A SNAKE! To some people that is a real problem ‑‑ THEY WANT THAT SERPENT TO BE A SNAKE!!! And they will scream and rant like a spoiled child if someone disagrees with them.

(26) In our opinion that SERPENT NEVER WAS A SNAKE! In my opinion that serpent was a live flesh and blood person. In my opinion it was no spiritual being, and that is not meant to refute the Satan doctrine at all. We are simply saying that this thing we had in the flesh, in the body, in the Garden of Eden, WAS NOT AN INVISIBLE, NEGATIVE ENTITY. IT WAS NOT A SNAKE THAT WALKED ON TWO FEET. It was a humanoid. Just like you and I.

(27) Let�s look at some of the characteristics of this particular serpent in Chapter Three Verse One. One of the things we know, is that it is more wise than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. Is that not what it says? There word is subtil but we will deal with that a little later.

(28) What is wisdom a trait of? Can you show us any animal in the animal kingdom which can be wise, that can be sly, that can be crafty? They only do what they do by instinct, they do not do it from reason. No animal operates from reason.

(29) Now one can condition response them, by exposing them to altering good with bad conditions depending upon what they do in response to the stimuli given them. But that is merely training them, that is not teaching them wisdom, that is not teaching them to reason.

(30) Oh, the experiments with monkeys, where some scientists say they have taught a monkey to talk ‑‑ but again that is only the animal being taught to make certain sounds as a result of varying stimuli given them. That is not the same thing. That is

not the same thing as being born with the ability to think and reason.

(31) Another thing about this serpent that everybody agrees upon, is that it walked erect like a man. This is a natural human trait. It is not the natural reaction or trait of any animal, much less a snake. You cannot find this ability in snakes.

(32) They do not stand up. Oh there may be some species which have small legs or the semblance of legs but more than likely, if the scientists would be honest, they are a species of lizard and not a specie of snake. There are some snakes which can raise their heads up quite a bit, but still, they cannot stand erect.

(33) It has been said that apes are a form of the erectus, but that is simply not true. They spend most of their time moving about on both their (hands) and feet. Oh they can stand erect for short periods of time but their natural position is on all fours. And even when they are standing erect they are bent over, they have a slight hump to their back because that is not their normal stance.

(34) And besides that, can you imagine Eve standing or sitting in the Garden of Eden and a great harry ape suddenly dropping out of a tree beside her and speaking to her. She would have been gone like a bolt of lightening. She would not have stayed there with such an animal.

(35) Now the third thing about this serpent was the ability to talk. To speak like a man. Well things are getting worse all the time for those who want that serpent to be a snake.

There has NEVER been a snake with the ability to talk; not then and not now, nor at any time in the foreseeable future. They simply cannot do so. They do not even have any vocal cords. Oh some will say what about the ass which spoke to Balaam. Well let�s look at it for just a moment.

�And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ASS, and went with the princes of Moab. And God�s anger was kindled because he went: and the Angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ASS, and his two servants were with him. And the ASS saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way...� (Numbers 22:21‑23)

(36) According to Strong�s Concordance the word �ass� or �attuwn� #860 which is the same as �eythan� or �ethan� which means: �from an unused root (mean, to continue); permanence; hence (coner) permanent; spec. A CHIEFTAIN: hard, mighty, rough, strength, strong.�

(37) So Balaam was riding upon a strong Chieftain. Not a Jackass as we know. We also find that the word �ass� can also mean a #2544 �chamowr� or �Canaanite.� As black men were used to carry burdens and people in ancient times; and some of the Canaanites were black, it is quite possible that Balaam was being carried by a strong black Canaanite Chieftain. Which would explain the �ass�� ability to talk.

(38) Now if we are going to attribute the talking in Genesis Chapter Three of a snake, then it would appear that in this respect Satan has more power than God in that he was able to make a serpent, who has no vocal cords, nor any organs capable of making or forming words, speak.

(39) The fourth thing about this serpent, was his gift of reason; which is expressed by his statement �...hath God said.� That�s reasoning. That�s questioning. That�s showing an ability to think, to reason. Thus, the serpent had four attributes:

(1) He was wiser {more subtil} than any beast of the field,

(2) He could walk erect,

(3) He could speak, and

(4) He had the ability to think and to reason.

(40) One does not find those things in snakes: Not then and not now. Those traits cannot be found in any animal or snake which has ever existed upon the face of the earth. They are found, only in what we call today, the humanoid species.

(41) Then there is the problem of a snake or an ape coming up to Eve and speaking to her without her running away. It is simply more than we can accept. It could not, it did not happen that way. But he was, whatever he was, more cunning and wiser than any beast of the field. Or any other species of beast.

(42) We can solve all these problems if we recognize that Adam and Eve were the first of the White Race {which we will explain later}. Which would not preclude the existence of other so‑called humanoids existing along with them. With this, the problem simply goes away.

It does not exist any more, because it would make it possible for another humanoid to exist at the same time as Adam and Eve. This would also make it possible for someone to appear before Eve and not frighten her away. Because she has seen him before, and has probably talked to him before. It would not be a mystery to her, it would be no surprise either.

(43) Suppose that Adam and Eve were the only two people in the whole world and Eve walks around a tree and there is someone there. And it�s not Adam! What is she going to do. She is going to scream for Adam and tell him; Adam you are not going to believe what I have found. She would be concerned. No matter what it was, unless it was someone she had seen before.

But we know from a study of Ezekiel Chapter 31 that Adam and Eve WERE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN:

��������������������������������������� What Were The Trees In The Garden of Eden?

Our people have been taught for over 100 years that Adam and Eve ate an apple or some sort of fruit from the tree of good and evil which was in the midst of the Garden of Eden. That Adam and Eve were the father and mother of all the various races, yet the Bible proves they are lying through their teeth.

It is very possible that many of them believe that story themselves, because that was what they were taught; however there are a very large number of Judeo‑Christian Preachers today who know that is false, but will not teach the truth because they are wolves in sheeps � clothing, teaching that Christ is Christ but are working secretly to destroy the Word of God; to destroy the knowledge of Christ, Christianity from the people and to destroy Christians at some future date, under laws which have been secretly passed which will allow The Execution of Christians in America! Laws such as Public Law 102‑14.

� And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. � (Mark 8:24)

But the truth of the matter is that the trees spoken of in the Garden of Eden were people! not trees such as the Pear, Apple, Orange, Pecan and etc. They were people.�

Right about now you are thinking; � All right smart aliec prove it. � So we will attempt to do so. Although we do so with the full knowledge that no one can be convinced of anything if they do not wish to accept facts when they are given. For example, there was a man in Dallas about 25 years ago who said he would give anyone $1‑million dollars if they could prove to him that the moon was not made out of green cheese. Well many tried, they took him books, papers, pictures and even some rocks that came from the surface of the moon; but no one could ever convince him that the moon was not made of green cheese because he would not accept anything they presented. So he never had to pay the $1‑million to anyone.

Please turn with us to the book of Ezekiel; to chapter 31 where we read:

� And it came to pass...that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness? Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar (A TREE ) in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs. The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees ( PEOPLE ) of the field. Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees ( PEOPLE ) of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth. All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations ( COUNTRIES ). Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches; for his foot was by great waters. ( NOW WE CHANGE AND GO TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN ) The cedars ( PEOPLE ) in the Garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees ( PEOPLE ) were not like his boughs ( SEE THE COMPARISON, THUS WE KNOW THAT THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE THERE TO COMPARE WITH HIM ), and the chestnut trees ( THEIR CHILDREN; OR PEOPLE ) were not like his branches ( HIS CHILDREN: OR PEOPLE ); Nor any tree in the Garden of God was like unto him in his beauty ( SEE WE KNOW THE TREES IN THE GARDEN WERE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT LIKE THE ASSYRIAN IN BEAUTY BECAUSE THEY WERE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR, THEY WERE NOT WHITE. THAT IS NOT RACIST IT IS SIMPLY A FACT, EVEN IF YOU DON T LIKE IT. FOR GOD HAS NEVER CARED WHAT WE LIKE OR DON T LIKE WHEN HE SPEAKS, WE EITHER ACCEPT IT OR REJECT IT TO OUR HURT ). I have made him fair ( WHITE ) by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees ( PEOPLE ) of Eden; that were in the Garden of God, envied him ( TREES CANNOT ENVY EACH OTHER, ONLY PEOPLE CAN DO THAT ). Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his top among the thick boughs, and his heart ( TREES DO NOT HAVE HEARTS ) lifted up in his height; I have therefore delivered him ( NOW GOD IS SPEAKING OF ADAM ) into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen: he shall surely deal with him: I have driven him out ( DRIVEN ADAM OUT OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, BECAUSE OF HIS DISOBEDIENCE TO ALMIGHTY GOD ) for his wickedness. And strangers ( PEOPLE OF OTHER RACES ), the terrible of the nations, have cut him off and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches ( SEE HE IS AGAIN COMPARING HIM WITH A TREE ) are fallen by all the rivers of the land; and all the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him ( HERE IS WHERE THE DEPARTING OF THE VARIOUS RACES LEFT THE GARDEN OF GOD; THE GARDEN OF EDEN AND WERE SCATTERED ALL ACROSS THE EARTH, AWAY FROM ADAM AND HIS PEOPLE. THUS GOD SEGREGATED THE RACES FROM EACH OTHER, SO THEY COULD NOT MIX WITH HIS PEOPLE; WHICH IS AGAINST GOD S LAW OF KIND AFTER KIND ). Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain, and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches ( HERE GOD IS SAYING THAT ADAM S CHILDREN WOULD ALWAYS BE ATTRACTED TO THE OTHER RACES; THE BEAST OF THE EARTH ); To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height, neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs, neither their trees stand up in their height, all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death ( ALL MANKIND WILL DIE BECAUSE OF ADAM S SIN ), to the nether parts of the earth ( IN OTHER WORDS ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE, NO MATTER WHAT RACE WOULD DIE IN THEIR TIME ), in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit ( GRAVE ). Thus saith the Lord God; In the day when he ( ADAM ) went down to the grave ( PIT ) I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees ( PEOPLE ) of the field fainted ( HERE AGAIN TREES DO NOT FAINT, ONLY PEOPLE DO THAT ) for him. I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall ( WHEN ADAM FELL ALL THE VARIOUS RACES AND NATIONS ON EARTH KNEW OF HIS FALL AND SHOOK WITH FEAR AND SADNESS ), when I cast him down to hell ( THE GRAVE ) with them that descend into the pit; and all the trees of Eden ( PEOPLE ), the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted ( HERE AGAIN TREES CANNOT BE COMFORTED ) in the neither parts of the earth. They also went down into hell ( THE GRAVE ) with him unto them that be slain with the sword ( IN OTHER WORDS EVERYONE WILL DIE AND GO TO THE GRAVE ); and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen ( HERE WE ARE TOLD THAT THE TREES OF THE GARDEN WERE PEOPLE OF OTHER RACES, OTHER THAN ADAM WHO WAS A WHITE MAN, LIKE IT OR NOT, LOVE IT OR NOT ). To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees ( PEOPLE ) of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees ( PEOPLE ) of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth; thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. ( NOW GOD GOES BACK TO PHARAOH WHOM HE IS COMPARING ADAM AND THE ASSYRIANS WITH ) This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord God. � (Ezekiel 31)

We know that the Pharaoh did not go into the Garden of Eden, because there were no such thing as Pharaoh until about a thousand years later.

(44) Now if we assume that the serpent is another humanoid and not a snake, then the problem goes away. Because the other races of the world can walk, talk, think, reason and have wisdom.

The only thing left is what does the word � subtil � mean. Once again let � s turn to Strong � s Concordance for an explanation. It is #6175 � aruwm � or � aw‑room � and means: cunning (usually in a bad sense), crafty, prudent, subtil. This word � aruwm � has been translated only one time as subtil (Genesis 3:1) and the other ten times it has been translated as crafty or prudent.

(45) Webster � s gives a little different spelling, it spells � subtil � as � subtle � and gives the following definitions:

(1) Thin, rare; tenuous; not dense or heavy [a subtle gas].

(2) a) Capable of making or noticing fine distinctions in meaning, etc. [a subtle thinker].

b) Marked by or requiring mental keenness [subtle reasoning].

(3) Delicately skillful or clever; deft or ingenious [a subtle filigree].

(4) Not open or direct; crafty; sly.

(5) Delicately suggestive; not grossly obvious [a subtle hint].

(6) Working insidiously; not easily detected [a subtle poison]. (New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, p. 1420‑21)

(46) Webster � s 1828 Christian Dictionary gives the following:

(1) Thin; not dense or gross; as subtil air; subtil vapor; a subtil medium.

(2) Nice; fine; delicate. � I do distinguish plain Each subtil line of her immortal face. �

(3) Acute; piercing; as subtil pain.

(4) Sly; artful; cunning; crafty; insinuating; as a subtil person; a subtil ADVERSARY.

(5) Planned by art; deceitful; as a subtil scheme.

(6) Deceitful; treacherous.

(7) Refined; fine, acute; as a subtil argument.

(47) Had Eve come into an adversary situation. You bet your boots she did. She had met with a wise adversary; a deceitful and treacherous adversary.

It is quite evident that before Adam and Eve sinned theirs was not a physical or sexual relationship. The Forgotten Books of Eden tell us that God, the Father, had desired to bring forth children of Light from both of them (perhaps in the same manner as Eve was brought from Adam).

But when they committed sexual sin; they were reduced to a purely physical plane of reproduction (Genesis 3:16); they lost their aura or � glory � and were driven out of Eden.

They were no longer children of light, free from toil and pain and death. Yet God � s mercy did not depart from them. The fallen man and woman were restored by God � s grace to a condition of favor. They had been given mortality and they came therefore, under the dispensation of that state of being under which God made with them a second Covenant.

See the following books for a record of the former people; Pre-Adamites; A book entitled, "Preadmites," or a demonstration of the Existence of Men Before Adam; together with a study of their condition antiquity, and Racial Affinities, and Progressive Dispersion Over the Earth, by Alexander Winchell, LL. D., and published by S.C. Griggs and Company, London: 1880, which contains 500 pages. Another book entitled, "Adam and The Adamite" or, The Harmony of Scripture and Ethnology by Dominick Meausland, Q.C. LL. D., London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington St. England 1864.

��������������������������������������������������������������������� Adamic Covenant

This Second Covenant teaches us the conditions of the life of mortal (fallen) humanity, the conditions, that is, that have governed the lives of all men since the Fall, under which, therefore we live.

These conditions remain until the coming of the Christ when he restores all things created, to their original purity. This second Covenant was partly founded in a curse, for God � s judgment came upon Adam for his sin, and the judgment bore the burden of labor, � In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread � ; the difficulty of labor, � thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee � ; the sorrow of life, � in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life � ; physical death, � dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. �

All these things, the fruit of the curse, are included in the judgment of God upon the Fall, yet how important it is to notice that even in such a Covenant, in such a statement of God � s will and purpose there is the clear promise of blessing and restoration. For you have, in the story of this second Covenant, the first promise of a Savior, the first beginnings of God � s work of redemption through the Godly seed.

It is this Covenant, made with Adam when cast out of Eden, which provides the first link in a chain that runs unbroken throughout the whole Bible; that chain of men, chosen and called out by God, who should labor for Him in righteousness, and who should be fellow workers with God to restore His dominion over the earth.

Most of the clergy believe that there were only Two Covenants; the Old Covenant (Old Testament) and the New Covenant (New Testament) but there were really nine and they are as follows.

���������������������������������������������������������� Nine Covenants With Adam-Man

Recorded in Scripture are nine major Covenants between Yahweh and Adam-man. They are as follows: (1) Edenic; (2) Adamic; (3) Noahic; (4) Abrahamic; (5) Mosaic; (6) Palestinian; (7) Davidic; (8) Solomonic; and (9) The New Covenant. This does not include the Covenant made separately with Sarah. With these various Covenants, there are several elements. All of these Covenants are made exclusively and only with the descendants of Adam. CONTRARY TO TRADITION, ADAM WAS THE FATHER OF THE WHITE RACE ONLY.

������������������������������������������������������������������� The Edenic Covenant

� And (Yahweh) Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. � (Genesis 1:28-29)

The Edenic Covenant made Adam, being created in Yahweh � s own image, responsible to multiply, populate and subdue the earth. Adam was, therefore, given the office of priest-kingship and became Yahweh � s vice-regent, being accountable to Him in all his realm.

Adam not only became king, but also high priest; making him Yahweh � s representative on earth to rule over all things therein. Thus, he found himself in charge of the whole visible creation before him, to contemplate and to make himself comfortable therewith. He was different from all men that had been before, inasmuch as he was both flesh and Spirit.

The new element in the creation of Adam was being � in the image � and after the � likeness � of Yahweh Himself. In this context, it showed his ability to have communion with Yahweh; and later made the Incarnation of the Word possible. In being fruitful, Adam became responsible for bringing forth a race after his own likeness. Contrary to today � s pseudo-science, considering all the varieties found among men, they are not all of the same family or species.

� And the LORD God (Yahweh) formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (spirit). � (Genesis 2:7)

This is the account of the creation of Adam. While forming his body from the dust, only the impartation of Yahweh � s breath made him a living Spirit-man. The term � ruddy � is used for Adam as his descendants are the only men and women who can show blood in the face. The word yasar portrays the figure of a potter at work, molding with his hands the plastic material he holds. Being fashioned from the dust of the ground, the Spirit came from the � breath � of Yahweh. He is literally a creature of two worlds; both earth and heaven claim him. Hence, Yahweh is not only the former, but the Father of spirits: � And the LORD God (Yahweh) said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. � (Genesis 2:18)

Time brought the need for a helper who would be compatible to himself. Is bride was formed from one of his ribs taken from his side as he slept. Upon receiving her, Adam was given head-ship over her. Adam, by being in charge, found himself responsible for any and all of Eve � s actions. Therefore, when Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, it was the same as if Adam had eaten of it himself. (There are other ramifications to this story which we don � t have room enough to present here). Because Adam was the son of Yahweh, Eve � s sin, through Adam, was placed upon Yahweh � s head. Because Yahweh was married to Israel, when we as Israel sinned, it was laid to Yahweh � s charge. That is why He had to suffer death in our place. Thus, Adam became responsible for his own household throughout the ages (1 Corinthians 11:8-9). Shame wrought from either party reflects on the other, but, in the end, is charged to the Almighty for He is their maker. In creating Eve, her flesh was of Adam � s flesh. The only way a couple can be of one flesh is to marry one of their own race.

� For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. � (Ephesians 5:30-31)

������������������������������������������������������������������ The Adamic Covenant

Hardly had Eve been given to Adam as a mate of his own flesh and bone than Satan entered the scene representing the family tree they were warned not to � eat � or � touch � (Hebrew terms, in this case, having sexual connotations). Thus, Yahweh placed a curse on the product of that unholy union, initiating a continual LIFE AND DEATH STRUGGLE between the offspring of the serpent and her offspring. The woman � s seed, therefore, is not that of the serpent, but of Adam. The Adamic covenant reads as follows: � And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. � (Genesis 3:14-15)

Since Eve � s seed is the same as Adam � s, the war of Genesis 3:15 is between Adam � s descendants and Cain � s. Nowhere in the Bible is Cain included in the genealogy of Adam, and the descendants of Cain, to this day, trace their lineage through their mother. Genesis 3:15 is called � The Protevangelion � which means � first Gospel, � therefore, no Gospel message is complete without it.

It predicts a perpetual ongoing hostility between the descendants of Satan and the woman (she representing White Mankind). The power of Satan was ultimately to be destroyed by the very offspring of Adam and Eve whom he had deceived. Through the seed of the woman are man, ONE would come to destroy the descendants of the serpent and their works. Adam is not mentioned in the Protevangelion (Genesis 3:15), therefore, the address is not to Adam and Eve, but to Eve and the serpent alone.

Some suppose this passage to apply to a certain � enmity � between men and serpents (snakes); this is fantasy rather than reality. The cursed serpent was to � eat dust, � and that is why today they live off the refuse of junkyards and landfills. By the way, there is not a single snake species which eats and digests dust as its food. Here, the � dust � is symbolical of the serpent � s sauce rather than his meat; while creeping and groveling upon the earth, in taking food, he must necessarily also consume the dust and filth. That is why today � s � Jews � make a lot of money from pornography and everything immoral. Not until the total destruction of one or the other will the enmity of the two seeds end. The Protevangelion is therefore the earliest pronouncement of the Gospel; the long conflict between the literal children of Yahwe and the literal children of the evil one. (The International Bible Commentary, by F.F. Bruce, page 118)

������������������������������������������������������������������� The Noahic Covenant

Genesis 6:18: � But WITH THEE WILL I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. �

Genesis 9:1: � And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, BE FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH THE EARTH. �

Genesis 9:7‑9: � And you, BE YE FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY; BRING FORTH ABUNDANTLY IN THE EARTH, and MULTIPLY THEREIN. And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, And I, behold, I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH YOU, and WITH YOUR SEED AFTER YOU. �

Genesis 9:11: � And I WILL ESTABLISH MY COVENANT WITH YOU; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. � (Genesis 6:18; 9:1; 7-9; 11)

We could go into a long dissertation concerning the various details of Noah � s flood, but it is paramount, in this limited space, to demonstrate the most important facts. First of all, the purpose for the flood was to destroy from the face of the earth the products of mixed-race marriages. The reason Noah and his family were preserved is because they were � perfect in their generations. � Here, the Hebrew word for � generations � means � race. � (Wilson � s Old Testament Word Studies, by William Wilson, page 184, Wilson specifically designates Genesis 6:9)

Yahweh made a covenant with Noah that � neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood. � But, it is more serious than it sounds, for it is recorded at a future time, under similar circumstances; and for the same reasons, that the same thing will happen, except by fire: � Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are ow, by the same word are kept in store, RESERVED UNTO FIRE against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. � (2 Peter 3:6-7; See also, Obadiah 18; Ezekiel 39:6, 9; Matthew 13:42)

One can almost visualize in their mind a holy fire from the Almighty moving at the speed of light in and out of every home where one of these resides, severing out and destroying those of mixed race; probably similar to 2 Kings 9-14 where fire came down out of heaven and destroyed two squads of 50 men of the king in Elijah � s presence. If this analogy is true, with all the multiculturalism and miscegenation that is going on in our present day, it would appear the undertakers in all of the Israel nations are going to be quite busy.

���������������������������������������������������������������� The Abrahamic Covenant

Genesis 13:16: � And I will make THY SEED as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed be also numbered. � � Genesis 15:5: � And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. � � Genesis 15:9-10: � And he (Yahweh) said unto him (Abram), Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon. And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not. � � Genesis 17:4-7: � As for me, behold MY COVENANT IS WITH THEE, and thou shall be a father of MANY NATIONS. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make NATIONS of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I WILL ESTABLISH MY COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND THEE and THY SEED AFTER THEE IN THEIR GENERATIONS (races, after all people call the English on race, the Germans another race, the French another race and etc., when actually they are all one race) FOR AN EVERLASTING COVENANT, to be an Elohim unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. � � Genesis 22:15-18: � And the angel of the LORD (Yahweh) called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, And said, BY MYSELF HAVE I SWORN, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the (Israel) nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice (Israel blessed primarily; others indirectly). � � Genesis 28:13-15: � ...I am (Yahweh) the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed (Israel) shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Mark 7:27-28). And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. � � Genesis 32:12, 28: � And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude...And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with Yahweh and with men, and hast prevailed. � � Genesis 35:11: � And Yahweh said unto him (Jacob), I am Yahweh Almighty: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY; A NATION and A COMPANY OF NATIONS shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins. �

While not all the above is promised directly to Abraham, these passages are all basically THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT. These promises constitute the basic message of the entire Bible, and are speaking of Yahweh � s Kingdom. Because space will not allow it, we cannot go into all the details of the Abrahamic Covenant in this presentation.

If one is born of a certain lineage, he is under the above Covenants from his very first breath, which he cannot in any way annul; how anyone else wanting to be under the Covenants is excluded, the claims of the Judeo-Christian clergy to the contrary notwithstanding; that those who are under these BINDING OBLIGATIONS will be chastised until they finally comply with the terms set forth, and how they have no choice in the matter. If you are of an Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, Nordic, Slavic, Scottish, Irish, Danish, Dutch, French, Northern Italian, White Spanish or related background; you are under these Covenants whether you approve of them or not.

The Kingdom is spoken of in the book of Revelation, chapter 21, as a city four-square having twelve gates, and is called the New Jerusalem. It is not an ordinary city like Dallas, Indianapolis, Denver or someplace like that, which, when we arrive, we see a city-limits sign telling us where we are. We are told this city has foundations made up of jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald and many other precious stones. These very same stones were in the breastplate of the priests. Therefore, these foundation stones represent the people that make up the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This city has a great high wall, and on each of its four sides are three gates with the names of the twelve patriarch of one � s lineage. The great high wall separates those on the inside from those on the outside. It is, therefore, a wall of racial segregation. Though the enemy today is persistently trying, in all his power, to break down this wall, it has a very firm foundation, and, in the end, he will fail.

������������������������������������������������������������������ The Mosaic Covenant

There is much that could be said concerning the Mosaic Covenant, such as the exclusion of relationships to other foreign sovereign powers. Broadly speaking, the Mosaic Covenant included the Ten Commandments portraying one � s duty to the Almighty and his fellow Adamic man. No society can long exist without laws and ordinances for they will revert to anarchy every time. Thus, a system was commanded for blessings and cursings for obedience or disobedience of certain provisions. Israel is the only people who have ever been under the Law of Yahweh. Not going into all of this in detail, we will dwell mainly on the most important feature of the Mosaic Covenant; the marriage of Israel to Yahweh:

Deuteronomy 26:17-18: � Thou hast avouched the LORD this day to be thy God (Elohim), and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice: And the LORD (Yahweh) hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments. � (These are Israel � s wedding vows).

Later, Israel would break these vows, making it mandatory for Yahweh to divorce her. By Law, the two parties could never remarry unless one or the other were to die. By Yahweh coming in Adam � s flesh and dying at Calvary, He made it possible for a reuniting of the two parties, which is defined as Redemption.

���������������������������������������������������������������� The Palestinian Covenant

Deuteronomy 30:19: � I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. �

While this is not the Palestinian Covenant in itself, this is the warning for not obeying the provisions thereof:

Deuteronomy 28: 1, 15: � And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of Yahweh thy Elohim, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that Yahweh thy Elohim will set thee on high above all nations of the earth...But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of Yahweh thy Elohim, to observe to do all his commandments, and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee. �

To understand, it would be necessary to read all the blessings and cursings of Deuteronomy chapters 27 & 38. Yahweh had commissioned Israel to kill every member of the race-mixed group of Canaanite nations, man, woman and child without mercy. Exodus 15:14-16; 23:23-33; 34:11-12; Deuteronomy 7:1-3; 20:16-17. Not only did they refuse to destroy those peoples, they adopted some of their abominable ways which brought the cursings upon them. We are going to use only one example of the cursings, Deuteronomy 28:43-44:

� The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. �

This has been literally fulfilled in the central banks which are today in all Israel lands. In the United States, we have the � Jewish � communist controlled Federal Reserve System (fifth plank of the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto). This is the same agency which collects the Federal Communist income tax under the name of The Internal Revenue Service (second plank of the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto). As the curse says, we will borrow from the � Jew, � but he will not borrow from us. Ironically, the � Jews � are the same people we refused to destroy when we were in Palestine.

������������������������������������������������������������������� The Davidic Covenant

1 Samuel 16:13: � Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward... �

Psalm 89:34-37: � MY COVENANT WILL I NOT BREAK, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. HIS SEED SHALL ENDURE FOR EVER, and HIS THRONE AS THE SUN BEFORE ME. IT SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER AS THE MOON, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah. �


David, as a lad, was a shepherd. He spent many days and nights tending his father � s sheep. The sheep could never be left alone for there were a tremendous number of wolves in those days. Because of the gun, in our day, the wolf population has been brought under control. David � s defense against the wolves was a slingshot. No doubt, he practiced by the hour to become proficient with it, so, when it became necessary, he could kill a wolf with the first shot. Later, as a young man, he would put his skill to good use by killing a giant. Thus, David became a warrior, killing many men, a man after whom Yahshua models Himself. Many might say, � Yahweh has broken his word to David, as the Throne David was nonexistent in Palestine for nearly 600 years during the inter-testament period. �

Though Zedekiah was taken captive by Babylon, and all of his sons killed before his eyes, he still had an heir, because in Israel there was a provision for daughters to inherit the throne if there were no male descendants. (Numbers 27:7-8)

Therefore, Jeremiah took Zedekiah � s two daughters (Ezekiel 17:22-24) to Spain and Ireland. No sooner had Jeremiah arrived in Ireland with Tea Tephi (Zedekiah � s daughter of the Pharez royal family) than he arranged for her marriage to Eochaidh, the Heremonn, a prince of the Tuatha de Danaans on his mother � s side and a direct descendant of Fenesia Farsa, and thus of the line of Zerah, twin brother of Pharez of the Royal House of Judah, thus uniting the Royal House of Pharez and Royal House of Zerah. Lastly, Yahshua, at His First Advent, became priest, but He is yet to be crowned King at His Second Advent.

���������������������������������������������������������������� The Solomonic Covenant

2 Samuel 7:12-16: � And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I WILL STABLISH THE THRONE OF HIS KINGDOM FOR EVER. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him...And THINE HOUSE and THY KINGDOM SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER BEFORE THEE: THY THRONE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER. �

What we MUST understand is: Our Messiah got His authority from Solomon � s throne, but He was not from Solomon � s bloodline. Actually, Yahshua was from the bloodline of Mary through Nathan, Solomon � s brother. Solomon � s line followed on down through Judah � s Kings to Jeconiah, when a curse was placed that none of Jeconiah � s seed would ever again sit on the throne. (Jeremiah 22:30) At the time of the Incarnation, Mary � s husband, Joseph, was a descendant of the cursed Jeconiah. Because Yahshua became the LEGAL son of Joseph, Joseph was able to pass on the throne to the Messiah without the curse falling on Him. Although Solomon � s bloodline didn � t follow on down to the Messiah, it did BYPASS Jeconiah � s curse through Zedekiah � s daughter, Tea Tephi, going on to Ireland.

��������������������������������������������������������������������� The New Covenant

Hebrews 8:8-11; Jeremiah 32:31-32: � ...Behold the days come saith Yahweh, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL and with the HOUSE OF JUDAH: Not according to the COVENANT that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my COVENANT, and I regarded them not, saith Yahweh. For this is THE COVENANT that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Yahweh; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them an Elohim, and they shall be to me a people. And they shall NOT teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahweh: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. �

It � s saying here that the teaching of, � you must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior � or � you must know the Lord � is going to be discontinued. It � s simply amazing, for this is exactly what Judeo-Churchianity is teaching today. It � s incredible, because it was never true in the first place.

Many today call themselves � New Testament Christians. � The question arises: What is a New Testament Christian, anyway? Some seem to be under the impression that the Old Testament dealt with the � Jews � and the Law; that somehow the Almighty had been unsuccessful with the � Jews � and, when they rejected Him, He decided to extend the plan of salvation to the so-called � Gentiles. � Many flatly state the New Testament church is not connected with Old Testament Law; that the Law was abandoned at the Stake and the emphasis is now on Grace, suggesting � whosoever � may come. Since the expression � New Testament Christian � is used so widely, maybe it would be well if someone would explain what the term � testament � means. Just what is this New Testament? If one is going to use the term, and teach it to others, they surely ought to know what the term means! Both the word � covenant � and the word � testament � come from the Greek word #1242 in the Strongs Concordance. Both words simply means � contract. � All these Nine Covenants we have been considering are thus contracts.

In a covenant or contract, it is important to have all the parties named, as no contract without naming the parties is worth the paper and ink. So, too, the contract must specify the performance expected from each of the parties spelled out in legal terms. Contracts are binding on all parties, and each of them can legally force the others to perform exactly as set forth.

Well, who are the parties of the New Testament? Does your Bible specify the party of the second part as the � Gentiles, � or � whosoever will? � The answer is NO! This exclusive contract is made only with two entities: the HOSE OF ISRAEL and the HOUSE OF JUDAH! The next question is: If you are not a member of either of these two houses, what right do you have to the New Testament contract, whatever the legal terms are? It � s obvious, YOU DON � T HAVE ANY RIGHT WHATSOEVER!!!!

Some argue the � Gentiles � are � grafted � in ,and are granted a place under the Covenant. One should be reminded that only olive branches can be grafted into olive trees. It should be noted, the olive tree is Israel � s symbol, so it is not talking about someone else. Others argue non-Israelite Gentiles became � spiritual Israel. �

No such term exists in all Scripture! Therefore, the parties named in the New Testament are the same parties of the Old Testament! Almighty Yahweh has not changed His mind and abandoned His people Israel and Judah in favor of � all men � or � whosoever will, � but made His New Testament with the very same people as before. What LEGAL RIGHT would the Almighty have for changing the parties mentioned in the contract in the middle of the stream? We may break the terms for our obligations, but Yahweh would never think of such a thing; and it is blasphemous for anyone to even suggest such a thing, FOR IT ACCUSES HIM OF FRAUD BY FORGERY.

The plain truth is: The New Testament WAS NEVER MADE FOR A SO-CALLED � CHURCH, � � GENTILES, � OR � WHOSOEVER, � AND THE BIBLE NEVER SUGGESTS OTHERWISE. Rather, it specifies a very distinct racial and national entity, with implications based on Yahweh � s Law. The New Testament went into effect the very instant Yahshua died and gave up the ghost.

Contrary to some, Yahweh does not promote universalism! What is universalism but Catholicism? What is Catholicism, but pluralism? What is pluralism, but multiculturalism? What is multiculturalism, but international Jewish Communism? What is International Jewish Communism, but Covenant-defrauding, modern-day Judeo-Churchianity?