

������� WHO IS YOUR SAVIOR? ‑By Bertrand L. Comparet

�� Date:

������� Sat, 4 Aug 2001 11:30:51 ‑0700

�� From:

������� "Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

���� To:

������� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

��������������������������� ����������������


���������������� By Bertrand L. Comparet

���� All Christians denominations agree that Yahshua is our Savior,

the Scriptural authority for this is very clear. 2 Peter 1:11, 2:20 &

3:18 speaks of our Savior, Yahshua. 1 John 4:14 says, "And we

have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the

Savior of the world." Christians also agree that Yahshua is the Son

of Yahweh, upon good authority. Mark 1:1 reads, "The beginning of

the gospel of Yahshua, the Son of God." John 1:34 states, "And I

saw, and bare record, that this is the Son of Yahweh." Matthew 3:17

tells us, "And lo, a voice from heaven saying, This is My beloved

Son, in whom I am well pleased".

���� At least some of the churches also recognize that Yahshua is our

Redeemer, although they haven't any clear idea of what

redemption is. This is also on Scriptural authority. Galatians 4:4‑5

says, "But when the

fullness of the time was done, Yahweh sent forth His Son, made of

a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the

law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." Finally, some of

them take note that Yahshua is the Word, a phrase only used by the

apostle John. "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,

and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the

Father, full of grace and truth."

���� Having agreed on these descriptive titles, the area of

disagreement begins when the churches have to answer the

question, who was He and what was He? They all agree Yahshua is

in some way connected with the Godhead. Through the centuries

there has been bitter and sometimes murderous

disagreement as to the exact nature or degree of His divinity. Such

disagreements spring from lack of knowledge of the scriptures by

substituting man's doctrines for the word of Yahweh. Let's look a

little deeper into this.

���� Have we one God, or three? Under the Old Testament, the

theologians were familiar with one God. Because the priests and

scribes had, fraudulently changed the records and the manuscripts

of the Scriptures, they called that one God "Lord", as I explained in

my lesson, "Who is Your God?" The people were told that Yahshua

was also Lord, so some decided there must be two Lords. The Holy

Spirit, wrongly translated Holy Ghost in the King James Bible, is

spoken of in the New Testament as greatly exalted. Maybe they

had better not offend Yahshua by assigning Him any lower position.

���� Therefore, many began arguing that we had a trinity of Gods.

Since this so obviously led right back to the pagan polytheism, they

had to develop another dogma to meet this problem, that the three

Gods between them, constituted but one God. None of them could

understand how this could be, so they said

it was a great mystery and to them it was! Perhaps it might be

similar to the way many thousands of stockholders in Standard Oil

Company make but one corporation out of them all.

���� By the fourth century A.D., the controversy between the

Trinitarians and the believers in one God, the later led by Arius,

became so bitter that Emperor Constantine called the Council of

Nicea in 325 A.D. Constantine commanded the divided church to

settle its controversy. At this council, the Trinitarians

outnumbered the Arians, so on a numerical vote basis alone, and

the doctrine of the trinity was adopted. Perhaps some of you are

thinking of 1 John 5:7 reading, "For there are three that bear record

in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these

three are one." This verse wasn't in the original; it

was added centuries after John wrote his epistles. None of the

early Christian writers quote this verse. It was not cited as authority

for the Trinitarian position at the Council of Nicea. They surely

would have triumphantly read it, if it had been in existence then.

���� The first mention of this addition appears in the sixth century

A.D., apparently just written in the margin as a comment in some

Latin copies. Not one Greek manuscript, earlier than the sixteenth

century contains it.

Bible scholars are practically unanimous in their agreement that it

was not in the original. Accordingly, it is omitted from most of the

modern English translations such as the English Revised Bible,

American Revised Bible, Moffatt, Ferrar Fenton, Smith &

Goodspeed, Weymouth, Rotherham, Panin, New World Translation,


���� How do we answer this question, are there three Gods, or only

one? Only from the Bible, not from church hierarchies, can we

hope to get the true answer. Naturally we first find it in the Old

Testament. Deuteronomy 6:4 records, "Hear O Israel! Yahweh our

God is one God." As always, this is confirmed in the New

Testament, for Yahshua said in Mark 12:29, this was the first of the

commandments. This

doesn't look much like a trinity, does it?

� ��� Let's go on a little bit farther. According to the Trinitarians

Yahshua, being the Son is one of the three Gods. What does the

Bible say about Him? Remember, all the churches agree that

Yahshua is the Savior, so let's find out who the Savior is. We find it

first in Isaiah 43:10‑11, "Ye are My witnesses, saith Yahweh, and My

servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe Me,

and understand that I am He; before Me there was no God formed,

neither shall be after Me. I, even I, am Yahweh; and beside Me

there is no Savior." Yahweh's Bible is always consistent. In Hosea

13:4 we find, "Yet I am Yahweh thy God, from the land of Egypt,

and thou shalt know no god but Me: for there is no Savior beside


���� Old Testament? Certainly, but listen to the New Testament.

Timothy 1:1 begin, "Paul, an apostle of Yahshua by the

commandment of Yahweh our Savior and Yahshua, which is our

hope." In 1 Timothy 2:3 Paul says, "For this is good and acceptable

in the sight of Yahweh our Savior." But Paul isn't the only one who

says this. Jude 25 says, "To the only wise God our Savior be glory

and majesty, dominion

and power, both now and forever." We see that Yahweh is our

Savior and He says, "Beside Me there is no Savior." Therefore,

since the churches agree that Yahshua is our Savior, He must be

Yahweh Himself. This should not surprise anybody. Isaiah 7:14

prophesied it, "Therefore Yahweh himself shall give you a sign:

Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His

name Emmanuel, which means God with us. Isaiah 9:6 makes it

unmistakably clear, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is

given: and the government shall be upon His shoulders: and His

name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty Yahweh,

the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace".

���� The churches also agree that Yahshua is our Redeemer, but who

is the Redeemer? Isaiah 43:14 speaks of Yahweh, your Redeemer,

the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 44:6 continues, "Thus saith Yahweh,

the king of Israel and his Redeemer." Isaiah 48:17 records, "Thus

saith Yahweh thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am Yahweh

thy God". Again we see that Yahshua must necessarily

be Yahweh himself, for it is Yahweh who is our Redeemer. Then

the apostle John calls Yahshua the Word. Who is the Word? John

1:1, 3 tells us, "In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was

with God, and the Word was Yahweh."

���� Yahshua confirms this in John 8:19, "If ye had known Me, ye

should have known My father also." In John 10:30, Yahshua says, "I

and My Father are one." John 12:45 continues, "He that seeth Me

seeth Him that sent Me." In John 14:6‑9 we read, "Jesus saith unto

him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the

Father but by Me. If ye had known Me, ye should have known My

Father also: and from henceforth, ye know Him and have seen Him.

Philip saith unto Him, Master, show us the Father, and it sufficeth

us. Yahshua saith unto him, Have I been so long a time with you,

and yet thou hast not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath

seen the Father."

���� This leaves us only one remaining question. Is Yahshua the only

God, just the Son of God, or just one God out of three? Never turn

to the churchmen for the answer, why add their confusion to your

own? You can only get the answer from the Bible, the word of

Yahweh. Trinitarians speak of three Gods, consisting of the Father,

Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit was mistranslated Holy Ghost

in the King James Bible. Let's continue on and find out who these

three are. First, let us define the words themselves. By definition,

the father must be the one who begot the son. The son must be the

one who was begotten.

We have already seen that Yahshua is the Father as well as the

Son. What of the Holy Spirit? The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit

is the Father who begot the Son, Yahshua.

���� Matthew 1:20 reads, "But while he thought on these things,

behold, the angel of Yahweh appeared unto him in a dream saying,

Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife:

for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." Luke 1:35

records, "And the angel answered and said unto her the Holy Spirit

shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall

overshadow thee:

therefore also that the holy thing which shall be born of thee shall

be called the Son of God." The Holy Spirit is the one who begot the

Son, and therefore, by the very definition of the word, the Holy

Spirit is the Father.

���� In John 14:16‑18, 26 Yahshua says, "I will pray the Father and He

shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you

forever: even the spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,

because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him,

for He dwelleth in you, and shall be in you. I will not

leave you comfortless: I will come to you. But the Comforter, which

is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall

teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,

whatsoever I have said unto you."

���� Note this, the Comforter whom the Father will send is the Holy

Spirit. Who is it that shall come as the Comforter? Yahshua said, "I

will come unto you." Therefore Yahshua being God, and also the

Father, is also the Holy Spirit. This must be so, for we have seen

that the Holy Spirit is the Father who begot the Son.

���� So, the trinity of three Gods boils down to just one God. A god

who is spirit, the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit, He begot a mortal

body for His own use when He was to come as our Savior and

Redeemer. In thus begetting the body, the Holy Spirit became the

Father. He Himself inhabited that body which the Holy Spirit had

begotten and in so doing became the Son. This was one person

acting in three capacities.

���� Finally, what is His name? In nearly all our English language

translations of the Bible, we find it written Jesus. We can be sure

that this is not the name by which He was known when He lived

among us in human form. Practically all of the English Bibles are

translated from Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Greek

was a foreign language to the people of Palestine. However, some

of the better

educated among the Palestinians spoke Greek in addition to their

native language Aramaic.

���� The Greek manuscripts are translations of the original Aramaic,

which was the language spoken by Yahshua and all His friends and

disciples. In Greek Yahshua's name was written Iescus, and

pronounced Ee‑ay‑sooce. That part of the Christian church, which

was in the Western Roman Empire, where Latin

was the official language of government, as well as the native

tongue of most of those who lived in Italy, eventually translated the

Bible into Latin. The translations that were made by Jerome, about

400 A.D., became the official translation of the Roman Catholic


���� In Latin, the Savior's name is written either Iesus, or Jesus and

pronounced Yay‑sooce. When the first English translations were

made, the long familiar spelling Jesus was kept. This was not

difficult because the letter "J" was for many centuries, just another

form of the letter "I", as it still is in the Germanic and Scandinavian

languages. Early English had inherited this from its beginnings as

the Anglo Saxon language. Not until much later did the letter "J"

develop its modern English sound.

���� As you learned in my lesson entitled, "Who Is Your God?" the

name of God in Hebrew is Yahweh. This also appears a number of

times in a shortened form Yah. In Hebrew, Ho‑shay‑ah means

Savior. You are familiar with it as the name of a prophet who wrote

one of the books of the Old Testament. Our English translations

pronounce it Hosea. By combining Yah (God) and Savior, the

Hebrew name Yeh‑ho‑shoo‑ah was formed, more familiar to us in

the Anglicized form of Joshua.

���� There is every reason to believe this was the name of our

Savior. He did come in the name of the Father, Yah, and the short

form of Yahweh; with the further statement that Yah was Savior.

We note that Yahshua said in John 5:43, "I am come in My Father's

name." When Yahshua entered the city of Jerusalem, on His last

visit there, which led to His crucifixion, the people greeted Him

with joyous enthusiasm, as recorded in Matthew 21:9. "And the

multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried saying,

Hosanna to the son of David: blessed is He that cometh in the

name of Yahweh; Hosanna in the highest".

���� Some people have said the Iesous is the Greek equivalent of

Yeh‑ho‑shoo‑ah, but this is not true. The Greek equivalent, or

translation of Yah‑savior would be Yah‑soter. In all cases where the

translators took Hebrew or Aramaic names and tried to roughly

translate them with Greek letters, they bungled the job very badly.

There is not one Old Testament name, which appears in the Greek

New testament in a form very similar to the original Hebrew. Iesous

is an attempt to write Yeh‑ho‑shoo‑ah in Greek, botched as usual.

���� To sum it all up, the Bible clearly proves that our Savior,

Yahshua the Christ, was Yahweh. Yahweh had taken human form in

order to make the sacrifice for our sins on the cross. He is the

Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Even His name in Hebrew and

Aramaic, proclaims that He was Yahweh, God the Savior.

Remember that Yahshua told His disciples, "He that hath seen Me

hath seen the Father." Yahshua will soon return to reign as King of

Kings!! Then, we too will be able to see the Father.