
Have you ever wondered why that everything was alright as far as the races in America were concerned until the 1960s and suddenly certain communist black leaders, such as Martin Luther Coon began crying out about segregation and that it was an evil thing.

It would behoove us to study The United Nations and its proclamations. For the U.S. Constitution states, according to communist Jews and traitorous lawyers, that both the Constitution of the United States AND treaties are the law of the land. The U.S. government ratified the U.N. charter giving both the U.N. charter and U.N. proclamations the power of international treaties, and thus of law. The United Nations of course it the pawn of the Jews. It is of special interest to Christian since it reveals what their own government representatives have contracted for them to do. It selects the parts of their religion which are most offensive to the Jews; parts that must be suppressed. The U.N. proclamation on race published by the U.N. Office of Public Information, OP1151‑63‑27884, in January 1964, outlines these points in detail:

U.N. Proclamations

You will notice that none of these provisions are binding upon the Jewish state in the middle east, for they are both racist and discriminatory.

"Considering that...all human beings are...entitled to all the rights...without to race, color or national origin.

"Considering that...all are equal before the law...

"Considering...the U.N. has condemned...segregation and discrimination...

"Considering that any doctrine of racial differentiation... is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discriminating either in theory or in practice. (Overwhelming evidence from scientific experiments proves the contrary. There is visual, quantitative, and measurable racial differences. History shows that no Saxon nation and the civilization it has produced has survived integration with a non‑Saxon race or nation)

"Taking into account the other resolutions...of discrimination.

"Taking into account...discrimination based on race... continues to give cause for serious concern.

"Alarmed by the manifestations of racial discrimination the form well as by...dissemination of doctrines of racial superiority... (This is where the Jews and blacks get their continual crying out that White people believe in their superiority; which is a lie, the White race are to be a servant race to Yahweh, and thus bring His blessings upon the rest of the world)

"Convinced that...policies based on the prejudice of... racial peace and security.

"Convinced...that racial discrimination harms...those who practice. (This is false, it juste the opposite, for any civilization that is not segregated is destroyed)

"Convinced further that the building of a world society free from...racial one of the fundamental objectives of the U.N. (Note: Every religion in the world, except Christianity, promotes integration and proselytizing other races)

1). Solemnly affairs...speedily eliminating racial discrimination throughout the world...

2). Solemnly affirms the necessity of adopting national and international measures to that end...

3). Proclaims this Declaration:

Article 1

Discrimination...on the grounds of race...shall be an obstacle to...peaceful relations...and as a fact capable of disturbing peace and security among peoples.

Article 2

1). No or individual shall make any discrimination whatsoever...on the ground of race...

2). No State shall...lend its support, through police any discrimination based on race... ("The Word," the "Word made flesh" and "Israel," are indivisible to Christians and their God. This article requires toleration of "evil." Israel's God has said He will destroy His people for tolerating evil)

3). Special concrete measures shall be taken in appropriate secure...rights for different racial groups. ("Affirmative action," anti‑Christian legislation, anti‑Christian media propaganda, Fort Smith Sedition Trials, anti‑separation measures; i.e., Ruby Ridge's Weaver assassinations, Waco killings, aid to Black anti‑Christian South Africa, and etc.)

Article 3

1). Particular efforts shall be made to prevent discrimination based on the fields...of religion... (Of all the world's religions, God "The WORD" of the Christians is the God that forbids racial integration. (Genesis 24:34; Deuteronomy 7:3; 28:43; Joshua 23:12‑13; Hosea 5:7; Nehemiah 13:3; 9:2; Exodus 23::28, 33; 33:16; Leviticus 20:24; Ezra 10:3, Jubilees 30:6‑13. This article is aimed solely against the world's White Christians)

2). Everyone shall have equal access to any place... without distinction as to race... (God's Law: "When the tabernacle is to be pitched...the stranger (Heb: zuwr‑racial alien) that cometh nigh shall be put to death." (Numbers 1:51))

Article 4

"All States shall take effective rescind laws and regulations which have the effect of...perpetuating racial discrimination... (This edict is the reason for the Canadian, Swedish, French, British, Australian, and American "anti‑Christian and anti‑hate" laws. The governments of these nations are Jewish agents and do the will of their masters)����������

Article 5

"An end shall be put without delay to...policies of apartheid. (These articles express the Hindu idea to perfection and could have been written in the time of Asoka The Great_

Article 6

"No discrimination by reason of race...shall be admitted in the enjoyment...of...citizenship rights... (God's Law: "A bastard (Heb: mamzer‑mixed bread, mongrel) shall not enter into the congregation of Israel." (Deuteronomy 23:2; Margin note by the reformers in the Geneva Bible 1599). "This was to cause them to live chastely, that their posterity might not be rejected."

Article 7

1). Everyone has the protection by the State...

2). Everyone shall have the right against any discrimination... ("God's Law: "Thou mayest not set a stranger (Heb: nokrly‑racial alien) over thee, which is not thy brother." (Deuteronomy 17:15) "Their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall precede from the midst of them." (Jeremiah 30:21) "Thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." (Deuteronomy 15:6))

Article 8

"All effective steps shall be taken immediately in the fields of teaching, education and information, with a view to eliminating racial discriminating... (This is the compelling reason for court rulings against the WORD in the classroom. "Read this law before all and women, and children and thy stranger (Heb: ger‑visiting racial kinsman not someone of another race)...that they all the words of this law." (Deuteronomy 31:11‑12))

Article 1

Discrimination...on the grounds of race...shall be an obstacle to...peaceful relations...and as a fact capable of disturbing peace and security among peoples.

Article 2

1). No or individual shall make any discrimination whatsoever...on the ground of race...

2). No State shall...lend its support, through police any discrimination based on race... ("The Word," the "Word made flesh" and "Israel," are indivisible to Christians and their God. This article requires toleration of "evil." Israel's God has said He will destroy His people for tolerating evil)

3). Special concrete measures shall be taken in appropriate secure...rights for different racial groups. ("Affirmative action," anti‑Christian legislation, anti‑Christian media propaganda, Fort Smith Sedition Trials, anti‑separation measures; i.e., Ruby Ridge's Weaver assassinations, Waco killings, aid to Black anti‑Christian South Africa, and etc.)

Article 3

1). Particular efforts shall be made to prevent discrimination based on the fields...of religion... (Of all the world's religions, God "The WORD" of the Christians is the God that forbids racial integration. (Genesis 24:34; Deuteronomy 7:3; 28:43; Joshua 23:12‑13; Hosea 5:7; Nehemiah 13:3; 9:2; Exodus 23::28, 33; 33:16; Leviticus 20:24; Ezra 10:3, Jubilees 30:6‑13. This article is aimed solely against the world's White Christians)

2). Everyone shall have equal access to any place... without distinction as to race... (God's Law: "When the tabernacle is to be pitched...the stranger (Heb: zuwr‑racial alien) that cometh nigh shall be put to death." (Numbers 1:51))

Article 4

"All States shall take effective rescind laws and regulations which have the effect of...perpetuating racial discrimination... (This edict is the reason for the Canadian, Swedish, French, British, Australian, and American "anti‑Christian and anti‑hate" laws. The governments of these nations are Jewish agents and do the will of their masters)����������

Article 5

"An end shall be put without delay to...policies of apartheid. (These articles express the Hindu idea to perfection and could have been written in the time of Asoka The Great_

Article 6

"No discrimination by reason of race...shall be admitted in the enjoyment...of...citizenship rights... (God's Law: "A bastard (Heb: mamzer‑mixed bread, mongrel) shall not enter into the congregation of Israel." (Deuteronomy 23:2; Margin note by the reformers in the Geneva Bible 1599). "This was to cause them to live chastely, that their posterity might not be rejected."

Article 7

1). Everyone has the protection by the State...

2). Everyone shall have the right against any discrimination... ("God's Law: "Thou mayest not set a stranger (Heb: nokrly‑racial alien) over thee, which is not thy brother." (Deuteronomy 17:15) "Their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall precede from the midst of them." (Jeremiah 30:21) "Thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." (Deuteronomy 15:6))

Article 8

"All effective steps shall be taken immediately in the fields of teaching, education and information, with a view to eliminating racial discriminating... (This is the compelling reason for court rulings against the WORD in the classroom. "Read this law before all and women, and children and thy stranger (Heb: ger‑visiting racial kinsman not someone of another race)...that they all the words of this law." (Deuteronomy 31:11‑12))