Watchman Willie Martin Archive

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Rick Perry

P.O. Box 12068

Austin, Texas 78711

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Ken Armbrister

1205 E. Mockingbird

Victoria, Texas 77904

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Gonzalo Barrientos

P.O. Box 12068

Austin, Texas 78711

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

David Bernsen

P.O. Box 822

Beaumont, Texas 77704

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Teel Bivins

2400 S. Lipscomb

Amarillo, Texas 79109

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

J.E. (Buster) Brown

105 Redbud

Lake Jackson, Texas 77566

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

David Cain

6307 Club Lake Court

Dallas, Texas 75214

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

John Carona

5622 Dyer St.

Dallas, Texas 75206

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do noi mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Robert Duncan

1001 Main St., Suite 608

Lubbock, Texas 79401

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Rodney Ellis

440 Louisiana, Suite 575

Houston, Texas 77002

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Troy Fraser

101 Hwy. 281, Suite 301

Marble Falls, Texas 78654

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Mario Gallegos

P.O. Box 41

Galena Park, Texas 77547

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Chris Harris

1309-A W. Abram

Arlington, Texas 76013

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Tom Haywood

2525 Kell, Suite 305

Wichita Falls, Texas 76308

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Mike Jackson

1350 NASA Rd., 1, Suite 212

Houston, Texas 77058

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Jon Lindsay

15531 Kuykendahl, Suite 251

Houston, Texas 77090

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Eddie Lucio, Jr.

1344 Magnolia Ct.

Brownsville, Texas 78521

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Gregory Luna

318 W. Houston, Suite 302

San Antonio, Texas 78205

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Frank L. Madla

1313 S.E. Military Dr., Suite 101

San Antonio, Texas 78214

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Mike Moncrief

1701 River Run Rd., Suite 504

Ft. Worth, Texas 76107

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Jane Nelson

1700 Forums, Suite 202

Flower Mound, Texas 75028

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Drew Nixon

320 N. St., Suite 301

Nacagdoches, Texas 75961

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Steve Ogden

2700 E. Bypass, Suite 1400

College Station, 77845

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Bill Ratliff

P.O. Box 1218

Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75456

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Florence shapiro

Parkway Centre 1, 2901 Dallas Pkwy., Suite 330

Plano, Texas 75093

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Eliot Shapleigh

800 Wyoming, Suite A

El Paso, Texas 79902

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

David Sibley

411 Woodfall

Waco, Texas 76701

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Carlos F. Truan

230 Country Club Dr.

Corpus Christi, Texas 78467-7309

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Jeff Wentworth

1250 NE Loop 410, Suite 720

San Antonio, Texas 78209

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Royce West

5785 S. Hampton Rd., Suite 385

Dallas, Texas 75232

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

John Whitmire

803 Yale St.

Houston, Texas 77007

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Willie Martin

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� P.O. Box 665

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Justin, Texas 76247

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� (940) 242-0084

Judith Zaffirini

P.O. Box 627

Laredo, Texas 78042

Dear Senator:

Because of the so-called �Hate Laws� being considered by the Texas Legislature; I have prepared the enclosed so that you can clearly see what the federal government, and those who constantly cry out for �Hate Laws� are doing to Americans and Texans. Remember that those who are constantly wanting the government to become more and more powerful are, in fact, the worlds worst haters; and only want the so-called �Hate Laws� passed because they want those laws to apply to those whose belief and attitudes is different than their own, they do not mean for these laws to apply to themselves. It is fast becoming an established fact in America that there is no longer freedom of speech and it is because of these type of people who care nothing about the freedoms Americans and Texans have always enjoyed, but only in suppressing those thoughts and beliefs different than their own. It is a shame and something that our founding fathers would never have condoned. The abuses listed in the enclosed study, are some of the same abuses that our forefathers rebelled against and now it is being repeated again here in our beloved America and what makes it worse, even yet, it is happening here in Texas where Sam Houston, and other heroes of Texas history fought and won a victory to free Texans from this type of abuse.

I don�t know, perhaps you are from some northeastern state and really know nothing about our proud Texas history, but you should know the proud history of the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the fight against bad and murderous government. Therefore, I believe that it may fall on freedom loving men and women who will work heaven and earth to deliver Texans from a federal government gone mad with power; and will introduce laws, rules and regulations which will do just that.

Individual People never make war or plot the robbery of other peoples or sign scoundrelly secret agreements to do these wicked things, in fact, it is hard for most Americans to believe that others are capable of these things either. It is Governments that do such things; and thee has been precious little difference between Governments and their methods. Every single government of any importance has broken treaties, violated neutrality and slain men, women and children in wicked wars of greed. This is true of the British Government, the French Government, the Italian Government, and our own American Government.

Within just one lifetime, the British Government and the American Government has shamefully violated treaties in order to seize Egypt and to destroy the fine little Boer Republics, and has broken the obligations of neutrality at different times to injure the Chile, China, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia. The French Government has violated treaties, made war to subjugate Mexico, cheated Italy of Nice and the adjacent territory, secretly proposed to Germany to fall upon Prussia and robbed China and aided the Czars in their wicked schemes of spoliation in the Balkans and the Near East, and protected the Sultan from punishment for the dreadful massacres of Christians. The Italian Government has violated treaty stipulations and seized Greek territory, broken faith with its allies and made indefensible wars of robbery upon Abyssinia and Tunis. The German and Austrian and Russian Governments have robbed each other and between them have violated treaties and broken neutral obligations in order to rob Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, China, Persia, Rumania and Belgium, to destroy the liberties of the people and their own subjects. All these things Governments have done in just the past 100 years.

The real makers of British propaganda, French propaganda, American propaganda and every other propaganda which strives to entangle us in the political affairs and the financial affairs of Europe and around the world are the International Money Kings. It is easy to see how the bankers and privileged classes have fixed their power over European peoples, but how have they managed to fix their power over us, with our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our institutions of representative government?

���� Our Government Machinery Should Be Rebuilt: As soon as our fathers started their revolution in 1776, they began to plan the machinery of free government. They spent thirteen years on this job, and when they were through with the work, in 1789, they had built a good machine. Our system of popular government was then the best in the world. And it would still be the best in the world today, were nit not for the Jewish money power and the traitors in our own race. A study of history proves that people are always trying to go forward but governments are always doing their best to pull backward, to a totalitarian government with unlimited powers.

We live in a world as different as the world in which our forefathers lived as day is from night. We make common use every day of things which would seem miracles to our forefathers. If one of our great grandfathers should come to life and walk out into the world in which we live, such things a railroad trains thundering along; automobiles scurrying over the roads and streets; airplanes roaring overhead and men speaking to one another over hundreds of miles of distance, and buildings towering a thousand and more feet into the air, and all the other customary activities of our life would scare the venerable old gentleman back into his tomb.

Nothing could convince him that he had not woke up on the wrong planet. He wouldn't see a thing from one end of the country to the other that he saw when he went to sleep a hundred years ago, with the single exception of the old government machinery that he had helped to build still creaking on just as it was when he left the world; but he would find it near death.

Now, then, common sense should tell anyone that the machinery of government is just like any other machinery; it wears out, it needs repairing, and finally it become obsolete and should be scrapped. And that is just what we should do to our present machinery of government. It is has been changed.

Before you pass judgment on the contents of this study, examine it, its sources and evidences; then investigate and you will find even more horrendous crimes against the people in the name of the �War On Drugs� and other such subterfuges which are nothing but buzz words the federal government is using to remove our freedoms in the name of (sic) �Protecting Us.�

Thank you for your time and consideration, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Willie Martin

Reference Materials