
A Brief History of US Government Directed and

Fomented Terror

World Trade Center Bombing 1993:

"One of the largest acts of domestic terrorism in U.S. history was the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. As it turned out, the FBI was fully aware of the bomb plot before the attack took place. The Muslim group involved had been infiltrated by Emad Salem, a former Egyptian intelligence agent who was hired by the FBI and ultimately paid $1 million.

The FBI even provided the Egyptian with a timer for the bomb, prompting the Chicago Tribune to publish a report headlined, "FBI� Tipster Said He Built NY Bomb" (Tribune, Dec. 15, 1993). (Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 2001)

The Maine Bombing, 1898:

February 15, 1898, an explosion destroyed the American battleship Maine in Havana Harbor and helped propel the United States into a war with Spain.� The USS Maine that sultry Tuesday night contained 350 crew and officers.� At 9:40 p.m. the ship's forward end abruptly lifted itself from the water. Along the pier, passerby could hear a rumbling explosion.� Within seconds, another eruption; this one deafening and massive, splintered the bow, sending anything that� wasn't battened down, and most that was, flying more than 200 feet into the air...In all, 266 of the 350 men aboard the Maine were killed.

The American press was quick to point to an external explosion; a mine or torpedo, as the cause of the tragedy. An official U.S. investigation agreed. On April 25, 1898, Congress formally declared war on Spain. By summer's end, Spain had ceded Cuba, along with the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam, to the United States. In 1976, Adm. Hyman Rickover of the U.S. Navy mounted yet another investigation into the cause of the Maine disaster. His team of experts found that the ship's demise was self‑inflicted.

The Lusitania, 1915:

The Lusitania was a British cargo and passenger ship that was torpedoed and sank due to German submarine activity in May of 1915, just shy of ten years after she began her trans‑Atlantic journeying. She was used to ferry goods and people between England and the United States. The Lusitania was very popular because of her speed and luxurious accommodations. She was considered "the acme of comfort,"� and deemed a "floating palace" by her passengers (Simpson 7).

As World War I escalated and German submarines took a prevalent role in the seas; Lusitania set out from New York on May 1, 1915, with the intent of delivering material to England in spite of threats of sinking by German authorities.

Six days later, on May 7, 1915, the Lusitania took a solid hit whose sound was described by passengers as a "peal of thunder," a "dull thud‑like sound," or "like a million‑ton hammer hitting a steel boiler a hundred feet high and a hundred feet long" (Hickey and Smith� 184‑185). Though they did not explode, water rushed into the first� and second boiler rooms and caused the boat to shake from side to side. She then rose a little before a second massive explosion took her down into the sea.

The exact cause of the second explosion is a point of contention. The Lusitania shows evidence that she may have been torpedoed a second or even a third time ‑ but the second, most destructive, explosion may not have been caused by a German torpedo, but rather may have come from inside the ship. The reason behind this speculation is that the Lusitania's cargo can be called into question. She had originally� said she would take, along with her passengers, platinum, bullion, diamonds and various other precious stones, but these things were never found and port records do not list them either. She is believed� to have instead carried, under the guise of bales of fur and cheese boxes, 3‑inch shells and millions of rounds of rifle ammunition. If true, these materials comprised

"a contraband and explosive cargo which was forbidden by American law and...should never have been placed on a passenger liner" (Simpson 157‑158).

The torpedoes completed the destruction of the ship by their own power or they were aided by internal ammunition explosions. The ship sank within twenty minutes of when she was hit and took with her� 1,201 people; and left only 764 to be saved by those who responded to her SOS (Simpson 9). Many American lives were lost as a result of the sinking, and because the Lusitania was never officially in government service, the United States believed the attack on her "was� contrary to international law and the conventions of all civilized nations" (Simpson 8‑9).

The sinking of the Lusitania caused serious tension between the United States and Germany and led to America's� declaration of war against Germany.

Pearl Harbor, 1941:

In the summer of 1940 Roosevelt ordered the Pacific to relocate from the West Coast to Hawaii. When its commander, Admiral Richardson, protested that Pearl Harbor offered inadequate protection from air and torpedo attack he was replaced. On October 7 1940 Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an eight‑point memo for Roosevelt on how to force Japan into war with U.S., including an American oil embargo against� Japan. All of them were eventually accomplished.

On 23 June 1941 _ one day after Hitler's attack on Russia; Secretary of the Interior and FDR's Advisor Harold Ickes wrote a memo� for the President in which he pointed out that

"there might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way.� And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia."

On 18 October Ickes noted in his diary:

"For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."

The U.S. had cracked key Japanese codes before the attack. FDR received "raw" translations of all key messages. On 24 September 1941 Washington deciphered a message from the Naval Intelligence HQ in� Tokyo to Japan's consul‑general in Honolulu, requesting grid of exact� locations of U.S. Navy ships in the harbor. Commanders in Hawaii were not warned.

Sixty years later the U.S. Government still refuses to identify or declassify many pre‑attack decrypts on the grounds of "national security."

On November 25 Secretary of War Stimson wrote in his diary that FDR said an attack was likely within days, and asked

"how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors."

On November 25 FDR received a "positive war warning" from Churchill that the Japanese would strike against America at the end of the first week in December. This warning caused the President to do an abrupt about‑face on plans for a time‑buying modus vivendi with Japan and it resulted in Secretary of State Hull's deliberately provocative ultimatum of 26 November 1941 that guaranteed war.

On November 26 Washington ordered both US aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington, out of Pearl Harbor "as soon as possible." This order included stripping Pearl of 50 planes or 40 percent of its already inadequate fighter protection. On the same day Cordell Hull issued his ultimatum demanding full Japanese withdrawal from Indochina and all China. U.S. Ambassador to Japan called this� "The document that touched the button that started the war."

On November 29 Hull told United Press reporter Joe Leib that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December 7. The New York Times reported on December 8 ("Attack Was Expected," p. 13) that the U.S. knew of the attack a week earlier. On December 1 Office of Naval intelligence, ONI, 12th Naval District in San Francisco found the missing Japanese fleet by correlating reports from the four wireless news services and several shipping companies that they were getting signals west of Hawaii.

On 5 December, 1941 FDR wrote to the Australian Prime Minister, "There is always the Japanese to consider. Perhaps the next four or� five days will decide the matters."

Oklahoma City, 1995

Both the Federal government and the ADL were "tracking" Timothy McVeigh long before the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995. McVeigh and at least a half‑dozen other men planned the bombing while encamped at "Elohim City," a heavily‑infiltrated "Christian Patriot" community in rural Oklahoma. ATF informant Carol Howe infiltrated Elohim City before the Oklahoma bombing. ATF internal documents prove Howe was an informant who overheard McVeigh and his accomplices plotting to blow up the Alfred E. Murrah building. Howe sent over 70 reports to her superior, ATF Special Agent Angela Finley, warning that a number of people at Elohim City were planning to bomb a federal office building in Oklahoma City.

Howe was not the only government agent privy to the Oklahoma bombing however. The shadowy Aryan Republican Army (ARA) gang of bank robbers were also complicit. Aryan Nations "East Coast Ambassador" and FBI informant Mark Thomas assisted ARA leader Peter Langan, an asset of the US Secret Service. Langan, the son of a US Marine Intelligence officer, was arrested for a robbery in 1992.

The U.S. Secret Service intervened, however, arranging for Langan to be released on merely a� signature bond. Langan subsequently formed the ARA, which was, from its inception, a government black op. For example, the ARA never encountered any bank guards or other police during any of their twenty successful bank robberies. Langan and his lieutenant were only arrested in connection with the robberies after independent investigators began to publicize Elohim City's ties to McVeigh. It was at Elohim where the ARA leaders, among whom was "John Doe No. 2"� (Michael Brescia), held three meetings to plan bank robberies and other activities. (Langan's lieutenant conveniently "committed suicide" while in custody).

Many government black ops use Halloween Satanists as a cover for their crimes. In Oklahoma City it was "white supremacists" and "neo‑Nazi" patsies. The orchestration was finite and detailed, right down� to the appointment of District Attorney Robert Macy; the prosecutor who allegedly stymied all efforts to get to the bottom of the Oklahoma City conspiracy, to head the special Grand Jury proceedings to investigate a conspiracy. This is the same Robert Macy who, when asked by Oklahoma state Rep. Charles Key why Macy didn't proceed with an investigation, allegedly replied, "They won't let me."

Macy's Grand Jury delivered no indictments of ATF agents or of shadowy right wing, neo‑Nazi "useful idiots" like Chevie Kehoe. No, the only one indicted was the investigative journalist David Hoffman (no relation to this writer), author of the seminal book, The� Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror (Feral House, 1998).

Rare book collectors take note: the entire remaining stock of David� Hoffman's book was pulped and destroyed under legal threat from lawyers for agents of the FBI. Chevie Kehoe murdered gun dealer� William Mueller and his entire family in Arkansas in 1996 because Mueller had inside information on Timothy McVeigh and the OK City bombing conspiracy.

As part of the "Revelation of the Method," recall that Aryan Nations member and L.A. daycare center shooter Buford Furrow "miraculously" eluded the largest police dragnet in the history of the LAPD, to report directly to his FBI handlers in Las Vegas in full view of the television cameras.

By the same process, Chevie Kehoe of Yaak, Montana and his partner, Danny Lee of Yukon, Oklahoma, killed the Mueller family while "dressed in FBI raid outfits" (Spokesman‑Review, Spokane, Wash.

April 8, 1999, p. B‑3).

In both these cases a symbolic hint was being intentionally sent to the public concerning who Kehoe and Furrow's real handlers are. At the time of the Mueller murders Kehoe was a resident of the Shadows Motel in Spokane, Washington, where he had been staying on and off since 1994. Kehoe was often visited at the motel by a child rapist and Aryan Nations activist who was also a master gunsmith and machinist.

"Witnesses also believe McCrea and Kehoe met Timothy McVeigh at the Shadows Motel shortly before the April, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing...A former manager of the motel has reported seeing McVeigh visiting Kehoe there a few weeks before the Oklahoma

City bombing.

"...But the possible link between the Shadows Motel, Kehoe and McVeigh has been given little, if any, attention by the FBI...With McVeigh and his friend Terry Nichols convicted of the Oklahoma City bombing, there is reluctance to reopen the

investigation, federal officials say." (Spokesman‑Review, April 11, 1999, pp.

B‑1 and B‑6).

Here is a frank admission of the government's refusal to apprehend other guilty parties in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing. The conviction of the scapegoats satisfies the Federal police. Why? Because any further indictments would tend to risk losing control over perpetrators who might reveal embarrassing details and unaccounted for facts that point to orchestration of the bombing by the Federal government itself.

Elohim City was presided over by Robert Millar, himself an informant who reported to FBI Senior Agent Peter Rickel, according to June, 1997 court testimony. Millar's son‑in‑law, Jim Ellison, was also a� Federal informant. The "chief of security" at Elohim City was Andreas� Strassmeier, a German intelligence officer who was in direct contact with McVeigh in the weeks preceding the bombing and who Carol Howe implicated as a co‑conspirator.

Federal Judge Richard Matsch prohibited Howe from testifying at McVeigh's trial, saying her testimony might "confuse" the jurors. After Howe went to the media with her evidence, the government indicted her on a trumped up charge of explosives possession. She was put on trial in August, 1997. Her attorney showed that Howe possessed the explosives at the direction of the ATF and Howe was acquitted of all charges by a jury. (End quote from: Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret

Societies and Psychological Warfare 2001).