
Direct Evidence of Fair Hair and Blue Eyes in Ancient

���������������� Egypt

���������������� 102 of 115 Racially‑Identifiable Mummies Were White

���������������� 6/6/01 12:11:11 PM

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���������������� Commentary ‑‑ Direct Evidence of Fair Hair and Blue Eyes in Ancient Egypt

���������������� The mummy of the wife of King Tutankhamen has auburn hair. (61) A mummy

���������������� with

���������������� red hair, red mustache and red beard was found by the pyramids at Saqqara. (62)

���������������� Red‑haired mummies were found in the crocodile‑caverns of Aboufaida. (63) The

���������������� book HISTORY OF EGYPTIAN MUMMIES mentions a mummy with

����������� �����reddish‑brown hair. (64)

���������������� the mummies of Rameses II (65) and Prince Yuaa (66) have fine silky yellow

���������������� hair. The mummy of another pharaoh, Thothmes II, has light chestnut‑colored

���������������� hair. (67)

�������� ��������An article in a leading British anthropological journal states that many

���������������� mummies have dark reddish‑brown hair. (68) Professor Vacher De Lapouge

���������������� described a blond mummy found at Al Amrah, which he says has the face and

���������������� skull

���������������� measurements of a typical Gaul or Saxon. (69) A blond mummy was found at

���������������� Kawamil along with many chestnut‑colored ones. (70) Chestnut‑haired mummies

���������������� have been found at Silsileh. (71) The mummy of Queen Tiy has "wavy brown hair."

���������������� (72) Unfortunately, only the mummies of a very few pharaohs have survived to

���������������� the 20th century, but a large proportion of these are blond.

���������������� The Egyptians have left us many paintings and statues of blondes and redheads.

���������������� Amenhotep III's tomb painting shows him as having light red hair. (73) Also,

���������������� his features are quite European. A farm scene from around 2000 B.C. in the tomb

���������������� of the nobleman Meketre shows redheads. (74) An Egyptian scribe named Kay at

���������������� Sakkarah around 2500 B.C. has blue eyes. (75) Here is a picture of him:


���������������� The tomb of Menna (18th Dynasty) at West Thebes shows blond girls. (76) The

���������������� god

���������������� Horus is usually depicted as white. He is very white in the Papyrus Book of the

���������������� Dead of Lady Cheritwebeshet (21st Dynasty), found in the Egyptian Museum in

���������������� Cairo. (77)

���������������� A very striking painting of a yellow‑haired man hunting from a chariot can be

���������������� found in the tomb of Userhet, Royal Scribe of Amenophis II. (78) The yellow‑

���������������� haired man is Userhet. The same tomb has paintings of blond soldiers. The tomb

���������������� of Menna also has a wall painting showing a blond man supervising two dark‑

���������������� haired workers scooping grain. (79)

���������������� The Funerary stele (inscribed stone slab) of Priest Remi clearly shows him as

���������������� having red hair, (80) although he couldn't have been a priest of Set at such a

���������������� late date. A common good luck charm was the eye of Horus, the so‑called

���������������� Wedjat

���������������� Eye. (81) The eye is always blue, and the word "wedjat" means "green" (or

���������������� blue?) in Egyptian. A very attractive painting is found on the wall of a

���������� ������private tomb in West Thebes from the 18th Dynasty. The two deceased parents

���������������� are

���������������� white people with black hair. Mourning them are two pretty fair‑skinned girls

���������������� with light blond hair and their red‑haired older brother. (82)

���������������� Queen Thi is painted as having a rosy complexion, blue eyes and blond hair.

���������������� (83) She was co‑ruler with her husband Amenhotep III and it has been said of

���������������� their rule. "The reign of Amenhotep III was the culminating point in Egyptian

���������������� history, for never again, in spite of the exalted effort of the Ramessides, did

���������������� Egypt occupy so exalted a place among the nations of the world as she had in

�������� ��������his time." (84) Amenhotep III looks northern European in his statues.

���������������� Paintings of people with red hair and blue eyes were found at the tomb of Bagt

���������������� in Beni Hassan. (85) Many other tombs at Beni Hassan have paintings of

���������������� individuals with blond and red hair as well as blue eyes. (86) Paintings of

���������������� blonds and redheads have been found among the tombs at Thebes. (87) Blond

���������������� hair

���������������� and blue eyes were painted at the tomb of Pharaoh Menphtah in the valley of the

���������������� Kings. (88) Paintings from the Third Dynasty show native Egyptians with red

���������������� hair and blue eyes. (89) They are shepherds, workers and bricklayers.

�������������� ��A blond woman was painted at the tomb of Djeser‑ka‑ra‑seneb in Thebes. (90) A

���������������� model of a ship from about 2500 B.C. is manned by five blond sailors. (91) The

���������������� god Nuit was painted as white and blond. (92) A painting at the tomb of

���������������� Meresankh III at Giza, from about 2485 B.C., shows white skin and red hair.

���������������� (93) Two statues from about 2570 B.C., found in the tombs at Medum, show

���������������� Prince

���������������� Rahotep and his wife Nofret. He has light green stones for eyes. She has violet‑

���������������� blue stones. (94) A painting from Iteti's tomb at Saqqara shows a very Nordic‑

���������������� looking man with blond hair. (95) Grafton Smith mentions the distinctly red

� ���������������hair of the 18th Dynasty mummy Henutmehet. (96)

���������������� Harvard Professor Carleton Coon, in his book THE RACES OF EUROPE, tells us

���������������� that "many of the officials, courtiers, and priests, representing the upper

���� ������������class of Egyptian society but not the royalty, looked strikingly like modern

���������������� Europeans, especially long‑headed ones." (Note: Nordics are long‑headed.) (97)

���������������� Long‑headed Europeans are most common in Britain, Scandinavia, the

���������������� Netherlands,

���������������� and northern Germany.




���������������� EUROPEANS

���������������� Time‑Life books put out a volume called RAMESES II THE GREAT. It has a good

���������������� picture of the blond mummy of Rameses II. Another picture can be found in the

���������������� book X‑RAYING THE PHARAOHS, especially the picture on the jacket cover. It

���������������� shows his yellow hair.

���������������� A book called CHRONICLE OF THE PHARAOHS was recently published

���������������� showing

���������������� paintings, sculptures and mummies of 189 pharaohs and leading personalities of

���������������� Ancient Egypt. Of these, 102 appear European, 13 look Black, and the rest are

���������������� hard to classify. All nine mummies look European.

���������������� A recent discovery of Egyptian mummies from the Roman period astonished

���������������� researchers. One‑third ot the mummies were fair‑haired! Why do most news

���������������� reports from Zawi Hawass fail to mention this important fact? Here is the

���������� ������information:


���������������� The very first pharaoh, Narmer, also known as Menes, looks very European. The

���������������� same can be said for Khufu's cousin Hemon, who designed the Great Pyramid of

���������������� Giza, with help from Imhotep. A computer‑generated reconstruction of the face

���������������� of the Sphinx shows a European‑looking face. (98) It was once painted sunburned

���������������� red. (99) The Egyptians often painted upper class men as red and upper class

���������������� women as white; this is because the men became sun‑burned or tanned while

���������������� outside under the burning Egyptian sun. The women, however, usually stayed

�������� ��������inside.

���������������� Footnotes and links to the rest of this epic article can be found at

���������������� or http://community‑


���������������� Sardinian Pyramid and Abu Dhabi Mastaba

���������������� I read a strange statement in THE OXFORD ILLUSTRATED PREHISTORY OF

���������������� EUROPE that

���������������� there is a pyramid in Sardinia. If stone‑building technology spread from

��������� �������Brittany to Egypt, one would expect to find something like this on Sardinia,

���������������� which is halfway between the two. In fact, going by boat, it is closer to Egypt

���������������� than to Britanny. Here is the statement on page 199: "Somewhat similar

���������������� manifestations occur in the rock‑cut tombs of Sardinia, which may copy above

���������������� ground structures in wood, and other surface monuments such as the collective

���������������� burials of the Tombe di Giganti with their horned forecourts, and the notable

���������������� PYRAMID MOUND of Monte d'Accodi near Sassari. (emphasis added)

���������������� Here are some pictures of pyramids in the Canary Islands, Sardinia, and Sicily!

���������������� Schilfbootprojekt Abora

���������������� Address:

���������������� Changed:5:41 AM on

���������������� Thursday, May 11, 2000

���������������� Here is a fascinating map showing the location of ancient reed boats. Thor

���������������� Heyerdahl built such a raft called the Ra after the Egyptian Sun God and sailed

���������������� across the Atlantic Ocean in it. His theory is that an ancient race of redheads

���������������� in reedboats spread civilization all over the word, including the world's first

���������������� civilization in Sumer. He believed that redheads sailed up the Persian Gulf to

���������������� Sumer.

���������������� Schilfbootprojekt Abora

���������������� Address:


���������������� Here is a picture of the "pyramid" at Monte d'Accodi. It was built between 3300‑

���������������� 2800 BC and is said in this article to resemble the ziggurats of Mesopotamia.


���������������� Address:


���������������� Here is a brief article explaining that Monte d'Accodi is a truncated pyramid

������������� ���resembling a ramped ziggurat in Mesopotamia:

���������������� LUOGHI DI CULTO

���������������� Address:



��������� �������22pyramid%22&hl=en

���������������� Here is a picture:

���������������� Monte d'Accodi

���������������� Address:


���������������� Here is a great picture! If you get the page with all the pyramid pictures

���������������� click on the lower right‑hand corner to see the big beautiful picture of Monte

���������������� d'Accodi.

���������������� Schilfbootprojekt Abora

���������������� Address:


���������������� If you scroll down a page or two you will find a fascinating little article

���������������� about an expedition in reed boats proving that the Egyptian pyramids were

���������������� influenced by megalith builders from Europe:

���������������� Reed Boat Expedition Sardinia‑Canary Islands

���������������� Address:


���������������� Here is a picture of a ziggurat. Note the ramp.

��������� �������reconstruction_ur.gif

���������������� Address:

���������������� http://www‑

���������������� Mastaba in Abu Dhabi (Persian Gulf). This resembles the early pre‑pyramidal

���������������� forms in Egypt.

���������������� Bilder Christo ‑ Mastaba of Abu Dhabi

���������������� Address:

���������������� http://www.3w‑

���������������� Here is an Egyptian mastaba:

���������������� Mastaba

���������������� Address:

������������� ���http://i‑

���������������� Here are three large mastabas side by side:

���������������� Mastaba

���������������� Address:http://it‑

���������������� Changed:5:46 PM on Friday, June 9, 2000

���������������� Footnotes are at


���������������� The epilogue to this article can be found at

���������������� http://community‑

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