ERM - Tape 039 - Socialism Leads To Communism




Subjects: 1. Socialism leads to Communism


We brought to you one of the stories of the reason for the rise of the KKK after the Civil War, and there are many. Then again we find that after W.W.I., the Clan rose from the ashes once again and was powerful over almost the entire United States. It was investigated by the Congress and it was proved that there was only a desire for the preservation of the race, the flag, and the Nation on the part of this organization. Another witness as to this fact is the Book by Madison Grant entitled:.. 'The passing of the Great Race' written in 1921. I have a fourth revised edition with a Documentary supplement, with prefaces by Henry Fairfield Osborn, who was the Research Professor of Zoology, Columbia University. This book was also in the Swift Library and it was copyrighted 1916, 1918, and 1921...the fourth edition revised and published August of 1921. In the preface Dr. Osborn writes:..'European history has been written in terms of nationality and language, but never before in terms of race, yet race has played a far larger part than either language or nationality is molding the destinies of men. Race implies heredity, and heredity implies all the moral, social and intellectual characteristics and traits that are the springs of politics and government.

In spite of certain teachings it is proven that environment, and in the case of mans education this has an immediate, apparent, and temporary influence while heredity has a deep, subtle, and permanent influence on the actions of men. Thus the racial history of Europe which forms the authors main outline and subject might be paraphrased as the heredity of the history of Europe. This Racial trait...or these Racial Traits dating back thousands of years must be considered. Thus conservation of that Race which has given us the true spirit of Americanism is not a matter of either Racial pride or racial prejudice, it is a matter of love of country, of a true sentiment which is based upon knowledge, and the lessons of history rather than the sentimentalism which is fostered by ignorance.

If I were asked:...what is the greatest danger which threatens the American Republic today I would reply...the gradual dying out among our people of these hereditary traits through which the principals of our religious, political, and social foundations were laid down, and their insidious replacement by the traits of less noble character.' (Unquote) In the second edition preface then Dr. Osborn wrote on December of 1917:... 'For the worlds future the destruction of wealth is a small matter compared with the destruction of the best human strains, for wealth can be renewed while these strains of real human Aristocracy once lost, are lost forever.

War takes a heavy toll of the strain of Anglo-Saxon life which has played so large a part in American history. It is destruction of the best strains ...spiritually, morally, and physically. In the New World we are working and fighting for the World of Liberty, of Justice, and of Humanity, we shall save Democracy only when Democracy discovers its own Aristocracy as in the days when our Republic was founded.' (Unquote)

Then in the first introduction to his book, Madison Grant has this interesting comment:...'Democratic theories of government in their modern form are based on dogmas of equality formulated 150 years ago, and they rest upon the assumption that environment and not heredity is the controlling factor in human development.

The Declaration of Independence, the document which today constitutes the actual basis of American institutions was written by men who believed. As we see...they wrote these words:...'We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal'...but these men were owners of slaves, and in their minds this meant merely that they were just as good Englishmen as their brothers across the sea. The words:...'All men are created equal'... has since been falsified by adding the word 'free' altho no such expression is found in the original document, and the teachings based on these altered words in the American public schools of today would startle and amaze the men who formulated the Declaration.' (Unquote)

Perhaps today we need to remember how long ago this was written and see how much we have lost over the years.

In the fourth introduction the Author says this:...'The passing of a Great Race' in its original form was designed by the Author to rouse his fellow Americans to the overwhelming importance of Race, and to the folly of the 'Melting Pot' theory, even at the expense of controversy. This purpose has been accomplished, and one of the most far reaching effects of the doctrines in this volume and the discussions that followed its publication was the decision of the congress of the U.S. to adopt discriminatory, and restrictive measures against the immigration of undesirable races and people. The essential character of all racial mixtures is a lack of harmony, both physical and mental, in the first few generations. Then if the strain survives, it is by the reversion to one of the parent types, almost inevitably lower. The temporary advantage of mere numbers enjoyed by the inferior classes in modern Democracies can only be made permanent by the destruction of superior types, by massacre as in Russia, by taxation as in England where the burdens of war and selfish interests of labor has imposed such a load of taxation upon the upper and middle classes that marriage and children are becoming increasingly burdensome. The best example of the complete elimination of the dominant class is in Santo Domingo. The horrors of the black revolt were followed by the slow death of the culture of the white man. This history should be studied carefully because it gives in prophetic form the sequence of events that we may expect to find in Mexico and parts of South America where the replacement of the higher type by the resurgent native is taking place. When natures laws are broken or impaired by humanitarian and charitable activities the resurgence of the inferior races and classes thou out the world are evident in every dispatch, for instance from Egypt, Poland, India, and Mexico. They call it Nationalism, patriotism, freedom and other high sounding names, but it is everywhere the phenomenon of the long suppressed, conquered, servile classes rising against the Master Race. Wars like the Civil War in America has shattered the prestige of the white race, and it will take several generations and perhaps wars to receive its former control, it ever does regain it. The danger is from within, neither black, brown, yellow or red will ever conquer the white race in battle, but if the valuable elements in the Nordic Race mix with inferior strains or die out thru race suicide, then the citadel of Civilization will fall for mere lack of defenders.

One of the curious effects of Democracy is the unquestionable fact that there is less freedom of the press than under autocratic forms of government. It is well nigh impossible to publish in the American Newspapers any reflection upon certain religious or races which are hysterically sensitive or even when mentioned by name. The underlying idea seems to be that if publication can be suppressed the facts themselves will ultimately disappear.

In France at the outbreak of the Great War...W.W.I., we have the authority of one of the most eminent Anthropologists in France that the collection of Anthropological measurements and data among French recruits was prevented by Jewish influence, which aimed to suppress any suggestion of racial differentiation in France, this is also true in the United States.

The rapidly growing appreciation of the importance of race during the last few years, the study of the influence of race on nationality as shown by the disputes after the war, over boundaries, the increasing complexity of our problems between the whites and blacks, between American and Japs, between the Native Americans and the hyphenated aliens in our midst upon whom we have carelessly urged citizenship, and above all the recognition that leaders of labor, and their more Zealous followers are almost all foreigners, have served to arouse Americans to the realization of the menace of the impending migration of people thru unrestrained freedom of entry here. The day of the Civil War and the provincial sentimentalism which governed, or misgoverned public opinion are past, and this generation must completely repudiate the proud boast of some of our fathers that they acknowledge no distinction in...Race, Creed, or Color, or else the native American must turn the pages of history and write...Finis America.

Now; ...Comrades............. About 85 years ago the name of Thomas Dixon Jr. would have been found at the top of any list compiled of famous American Authors. He popularized the historical novel, and his books were the first to which the modern term.... 'Best Seller' could be applied. The Major publishing companies of his day bid for the privilege of bringing out his next book. His books could be found in every public Library. His name was a household word. Today no major publisher would dare to print a book such as those written by Thomas Dixon Jr. Few public Libraries have ever one of his books on hand, for they have been systematically stolen or been destroyed. His name has been destroyed. His name has been eradicated from every modern textbook of American Literature.

Thomas Dixon Jr. wrote of events which modern political historians pretend never happened. Many years ago he sounded the alarm as to those forces that have now erased our heritage, subverted our culture, and nearly destroyed our Constitutional Republic. About twenty years ago the Salon Publishing company of Norborne, Missouri began to re-publish all of the major Dixon books thus if no originals were to be found still the stories were reproduced even tho in new covers, but exactly as was the original, and to them America is grateful. This story of a Social Adventure is called 'Comrades' and altho Thomas Dixon Jr. wrote it approximately 85 years ago still it is very timely today for he brings out the methods used where as minds are trapped as people, especially the young, are looking for the good life, and overlooking the danger signals on every side. Today we know that Socialism leads to total Communism. We see that in the 1930's that men in high places in our government were very enamored with this system, and it was called Communism...when set in place in the Soviet Union. We saw a powerful Labor Union boss go the Soviet Union and study the system, and then came home praising communism, saying at least a little Socialism would be good for America. Even tho Thomas Dixon Jr. wrote this story so long ago, still he saw the conditions after the Civil War, the same attempt to destroy this Republic using emotions, symbols, and words to influence people. And we now realize that the Satanic program never ends, for they always take two steps forward and if necessary then one step backwards, thus always are winning in their battle against Gods kingdom, because the children of the kingdom sometimes take time out to rest between battles. Just as they put the Clan to sleep after the Civil War then had to bring it forward now and then, for the enemy never sleeps, and we are always facing a stronger foe in the next battle.

Now; of course we know that our world is not perfect, we know some people are less fortunate than others. We have tried to be a compassionate people here in America and yet they tell us that here in 1985 there are even more people hungry in the United States than ever before. There are more people hooked on drugs than ever before, and so goes the story. Thus this trial run of adding socialism to our nation has not worked because it is contrary to the system of YAHWEH'S kingdom. Thus this story by Thomas Dixon Jr. is still very timely...for it happens even today.


The morning papers carried these headlines in San Francisco, California: ...'Down with the Stars and Stripes, up with the flag of Revolution'...the symbol of Universal Human Brotherhood. Come...bring your friends to the Socialist Meeting to denounce War.'

As the story opens then Colonial Worth is a well to do man now living in San Francisco. He has a son by the name of Norman, and a Ward who he has raised as a daughter, her name is Elena. Both are now young people and it has always been the Colonel's wish that these two young people he loves might marry and together inherit the wealth he has accumulated. As he reads these headlines he is furious to think some one would dare to suggest that they take down the 'Stars and Stripes' and run up the Red flag of Revolution as it is termed. But the Colonel has also given his son a well rounded education or so he thought, and now he should be ready to think for himself. And Norman is not a bit disturbed by the headlines for with freedom of speech then these people of course have the right to say anything they want. In the discussion between father and son, Col. Worth even tho conceding free speech, still cannot understand how people who have run from tyrant ridden countries of the old world, found shelter and protection beneath our flag can then turn to curse the hand that shields them. But Norman is amused by his fathers outburst and questions:...'If they propose to give you a better flag, why not consider it?'

As the discussion ends the Colonel forbade either the young people to attend such a meeting for those meetings are in a rough part of the city. But Norman now wants to go and he is a husky youth, captain of the football team, and he has no fear that he can portent himself as well as Elena, and he thus coaxes until she promised to go with him. At this time Norman and Elena are engaged perhaps more to please the Colonel than anything else but never the less they are very fond of each other. And these two from this different environment went to the Socialist meeting to see what it was all about.

The woman on the platform was known as the Red Nun for she had left her order and married, then left that husband and her children to marry a hard core communist by the name of Herman Wolf who also now sat on this Socialist Meeting platform, and who was the real power behind the movement. In their charge was a young girl named Barbara, who they had picked up in Poland, and then groomed for this day altho she was unaware of their motives.

When Norman Worth and his lady came to the meeting they were recognized and seated in the front, and it was reported to the Red Nun that Norman was the Captain of the Football team, from a wealthy family...and that he was in the audience. The two leaders of this meeting then planned to use Barbara to trap and then use this son of Colonel Worth.

Norman and Elena were surprised at the crowd, certainly this is an intellectual one, but on their faces were rebellious looks, not a smile, and altho Norman is fascinated still he felt a sense of awe, and the uncanny presence of tragedy. He noticed three or four authors in the crowd, a newspaper reporter evidently on duty, two college professors, a clergyman, 3 artists, a priest and a street preacher that he recognized. He also noticed the heavy figure of the Chairman, and thought he was well named... the Beast.

The meeting then came to order and the woman rose to speak. She wore a scarlet robe, the deep warm red of the Socialist flag, the color of human blood, chosen as the symbol of the 'Brotherhood of Man'. She began to speak:..'Comrades, tonight I retire from the platform to take up work for which I am more fitted. But I promised you a surprise and you shall not be disappointed. She then introduced a young woman by the name of Barbara.... born 20 years before at Anaheim, California in the little Socialist Colony of Polish dreamers. After the mother died this little girl was taken back to Poland by her relatives, and there the Red Nun had found her, and sent her to California to study under a Socialist professor. Now she is ready to take her place as the Joan of Arc of the Socialist cause. Barbara wore the same deep red as the older woman but over her shoulders she wore a white scarf, and she made a very striking picture as she stood there speaking so passionately. She had been raised and taught this Socialist philosophy and she knew no other. She told of all the wrongs of our world then appealed for volunteers to come, to follow her, to save the world. Most of the crowd is now on their feet and the Red Nun..Catherine stepped to the edge of the platform and calls for the singing of all things...'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'..but set to new music. She asks the crowd to mark its words and remember that they sing it now as a memory, but as a prophecy of the day when the streets will run red with the blood of the last struggle of man to break his chains of slavery. A prophecy, remember not a memory, and she has Barbara read the words, then the crowd sings.

As Norman looks into the faces of the people close to him he is struck by the fact that these people proposed no half way measures. They meant to uproot the foundations of modern society and build a New World on it ruins. They did not mean to correct the fancied wrongs, just total destruction then to build their kind of a world, and he was very impressed, but Elena is not.

It then was managed that Norman would meet Barbara and she invites him to a meeting the next afternoon. He is fascinated by this strange and beautiful girl and after a few days decides to join the Socialist movement. Elena then talks to Col. Worth about this group but he is not to worried, he thinks that Norman has had a good education and it might be good for him to also study Socialism, but he does not realize just what his son has been taught over the years, nor does he realize the attraction of Barbara to his son.

Under the tutelage of Barbara then Norman plunges into the study of Socialism. With Barbara he visits the poorest areas of the city and is shocked to see how people are living. Barbara is quick to point out that all these conditions are the results of the system termed Capitalism. A woman has lost her husband and Norman our of pity pays for his burial. They visit hospitals, jails, the morgue, and the poorhouse, four great institutions of modern civilization as Barbara terms them. Then she asks Norman how he likes his boasting of civilization. Are you satisfied with a system that drives hundreds of thousands of girls into a life of shame? Are you content with a system which produces three million paupers in a land flowing with milk and honey? Do you like a system which drives thousands to the madness of drink, and suicide every year?

Norman who had never been one to do things half way devoured every book on the subject of socialism he could find, and accepted as the inspired word of God their wildest versions of social regeneration. Thus this young man then caught the implanted idea that all the ills of modern civilization are due directly to the system they call Capitalism, and its law of wages, and was the key which unlocked every mystery of pain, and every tragedy of the soul. Thus there was only one thing worth talking about and that was how to destroy this society, root and branch and do it quickly, thoroughly, and without compromise.

Since Norman was from a wealthy family, and had now cast his lot with a class who were out to level all wealth to a common standard then he be- came very popular in the movement. He thought the Scarlet Nun was the brains of this movement in the west, even tho married to Wolf, and he never questioned anything she said.

Norman then came up with the idea that they should buy an island off the coast and there plant a Socialist colony for about 10,000 Socialists. There found this perfect Brotherhood of man, build a model city, and create a vast fund for the propaganda of the Faith. So right away Norman is put in charge of raising the money for the project. And he is busy as can be at once, and some money starts to come in, but not nearly enough. Elena worries about Norman and his involvement in this movement, but the Col. just laughed and said at the age of 13 he had joined a colony at one time, so Norman would finally see the light.

Norman is so popular that he decides to hold a great meeting on the lawn of the Worth Property, and quite a crowd gathered that July Fourth. Barbara is the speaker and she lists the socialist demands:...the earth for all people, the machinery of all production and distribution for all people. The collective ownership and control of all industry. A New Social Order, the elimination of all rent, interest and profit, a higher civilization, a real Republic, the end of the hell called war, the end of poverty, of shame, of cruelty and of crime. The birth of freedom, the dawn of Brother- hood, the beginning of Man. She went on to say:...'I preach class consciousness that we may destroy all classes. Class must perish and man be glorified. Man whose inhumanity to his fellow man has filled the ages with ashes and tears, is coming forth at last purified by suffering. We shall see his tears turned to smiles upon the faces of a nobler race. Nations are but the dung heaps out of which the fair flower of a world democracy is slowly growing. She closed her speech with these words:...'From today... let each of us swear allegiance to but one flag, the deep-red emblem of human blood, God's sign of Universal Brotherhood.'

With the crowd wildly applauding Norman leaped to the great flag pole on the lawn of his home and hauled down the Stars and Stripes which always flew high over this home, and he raised in its place the Red Standard of Socialism.

The crowd seemed to go mad, but across the lawn came the tall figure of Colonel Worth, his face ablaze with anger. When Norman refused to take down the Red Flag then Col. Worth himself hauled it down, and replaced the Stars and Stripes at the top of the mast. Then he turned to this crowd and in clear and cut sharp tones of command shouted:...'This is my flag, my lawn, get off it and do it quickly. Then turning to his son asked for a meeting with him at once.

As Col. Worth waited for Norman he realizes he has been absorbed in his business, and since his wife died 12 years before, he has had Norman in schools most of the time, and he really does not know what his son has been studying, for he took his schooling for granted. Elena tries to tell the Colonel that he has always given Norman the liberty of doing as he pleased then all of a sudden he has insulted him before his invited guests. He had not make allowances for the spell the girl Barbara's eloquence casts, nor of her seeming power to stir people.

When Norman arrives Col. Worth and his son have a long talk. The Col. tells Norman about his experiences as a boy, about war experiences and how he has seen men blown to bits as they held that flag, and when one fell others grasped it and raised it high. To Norman it may seem as just a bit of Red, White and Blue bunting, but to him it is the symbol of truth, liberty, and human progress. Tells him that as he had grown older and traveled in foreign lands the deeper his conviction that the U.S. Flag symbolized the noblest, freest ideal ever born in the soul of man and that we have to live up to its ideal of the standard of liberty, equality and fraternity, for the kingdom of human brotherhood is already here. Then he says to Norman:...'Your Socialist agitators say that I stole my wealth from the earnings of the men who worked for me. This is not true for I invented, improved mining machinery and I made deserts bloom, and gave employment to thousands of men who could not think for themselves.'

Norman broke in:...'but if labor is the creator of wealth can one man ever earn a million dollars?' No...replied the Colonel, manual labor is not the creator of wealth. The hand which executes these plans is merely the automation moved by a superior power. But Norman is still not convinced for he replies:..'Yet nothing could be accomplished without labor.'

The argument goes on and finally Col. Worth tells his son that he must stop seeing these Socialist agitators who are seeking to destroy modern civilization. But Norman leaves home to devote full time to raising money for this dream of an Island Socialist Paradise.

Elena keeps trying to bring father and son back together, and finally Norman does come home after his father calls him, comes home to live but is still enamored with Socialism and his dream to make it come true. And Elena then breaks her engagement with him so he is free to do as he wishes. Then Elena persuades Col. Worth to advance the money that Norman needs, but do it secretly so that he can try his dream of this perfect Socialist commune, for if Col. Worth is sure it will fail then that is a great way for Norman to learn just what Socialism-Communism is really like. The Col. Then finds an attorney to handle things for him, and the offer of the money is made.

The announcement was made at the next meeting, that they were launching the New Brotherhood of Man with a million dollars endowment fund. Enrollment would now be open for 2000 people who would bring this utopia to public view on an Island off the coast of California. Norman was to manage the money, and there were times when he looked into the face of Wolf, or the Red Nun with suspicion as they called him 'Chief' and stepped back as leaders, but always they flattered him and smoothed the way for him, and he forgot his suspicions.

The first shock to Normans faith in his fellow man came with the army of cranks who came to join. Every creed of Christendom, every cult of the heathen world, every 'ism' of the philosophies of the past and present came in droves. They got into arguments in the waiting room of the socialist headquarters, and sometimes even came to blows. Each conceived the hour for establishing his own particular patent for saving the human race had now came. This was an appalling revelation to Norman, to find how many of these ideas were at work in the minds of people who were evidently incapable of taking care of themselves. He spent the first week trying to listen to each one with courtesy and sympathy, but finally called on Wolf for advice as to handle these people. Wolf swiftly answered that there was only one way Comrade:...'Kick these fools into the street.' But we have accepted the brotherhood of man ...protested Norman, don't this weaken the movement? The old leader broke in:...', but these are not men, they are the results of the nightmare we call civilization. The kindest thing you can do for a crank is kill him. You are trying to do something God Almighty, Himself never undertook, that is to make something out of nothing, even with Adam he had a ball of mud to work with.'

As Norman ponders this philosophy the Red Nun also joined in the conversation saying:...'When the Brotherhood is established with 'picked' men and women we can take in new members with less care. But for now it is of the utmost importance that we select the pioneer group with the best blood in the Socialist ranks. Those who are trained men and women who believe with passionate faith that which you and I believe should be in this first group.' This should have alerted Norman but he was young and idealistic and he was being used altho he did not realize it, for these two were old hands in this Socialist cause. Finally it was decided that Wolf and Catherine would be in charge of the first roll call and Norman would organize the business details of the enterprise which was just what these two leaders had wanted.

They found an Island which already contained quite a development. In fact a hotel with accommodations for 1,500 guests had been built on it by a now bankrupt, wild-cat real estate company. But there were also vineyards, a winery, orchards, flour mill and a number of mining enterprises on the Island, and a careful inventory showed Norman they had acquired a property of enormous value worth twice the sum that the original investors had spent. The price of the Island was only $200,000.00 cash, where as the improvements were of an estimated value of one million two-hundred fifty thousand dollars. Thus Norman would now hold the rest of the million dollars in gifts in trust for Capital for the work of building 'The BROTHERHOOD'.

As steamer was purchased for the colony, and on the advice of Wolf it was determined there would be no mail service for the Islands inhabitants for there must be complete isolation from any outside influence. If modern civilization is hell, you can't build heaven with daily communications between the two places, was their slogan. Every man and woman who enters the colony must sign a contract to remain for five years. They enlist as soldiers and communication with the outside world would be by permission of the authority of the Brotherhood leaders.

Norman argues often about these arrangements but finally goes along with these plans of five years of service with every bridge burned behind them, and nothing but a dream which includes Barbara lies ahead.

On a beautiful Sunday morning the Steamship...'Comrade'..sailed out thru the Golden Gates with 2000 enthusiastic Socialist crowding her deck. The Stars and Stripes flew from her stern because the law of the port of entry required it, but from her prow arose a slender steel staff, and above the funnels and masts flew the blood-red ensign of Socialism while forme every masthead huge red streamers fluttered in the breeze. By noon of the following day the Island of Ventura was sighted and a narrow channel inland led to a perfect harbor. Wolf and the Red Nun had proceeded them, and from every flag pole on the Island the scarlet ensign of Socialism flew.

The whole colony after a pep talk swarmed to unload the ship, to clean the lawns of weeds. Everyone moved to do the necessary work to put their Paradise in order. Women who had never been inside of kitchens rolled up their sleeves, the younger ones waited on tables. Paradise was thus soon in order, and the daily life commences, and Norman promises to keep the colony informed as to how financial matters are shaping up. Promises to try to within a year turn this Island and its resources over to the Socialist organization were made. Every evening a meeting is held to whip the enthusiasm of the colonists to white heat, and to keep them in line for the work which has to be done. Behind the scene Catherine is telling Barbara she must be sure that Norman falls in love with her for they must make sure the deed for this undertaking is transferred to the leaders of this Socialist Brotherhood. Barbara has been indoctrinated well in this Socialist cause, but has not ever considered love or marriage, she is wedded to their cause, and is proud of her ability to sway people. Catherine finally reminds her that any woman who would not give both her body and her soul for the cause of humanity, if called on to make the sacrifice, is not worthy to live in the big world, this heaven and earth they have long dreamed of. And since Barbara believed this with all her soul she agreed to do what Catherine asked.

Normans father had told him to keep a clear head, and not to let pretty girls interfere with his work. He has tried thus to keep some distance between himself and Barbara but now she come to his office, and tells him she has chosen to be his secretary thus they will be close most of the time.

Just a week later there was trouble in heaven, the novelty of this life for some was already wearing off and they were tired of working at unaccustomed jobs. To ease the situation the leaders formed four departments:.. 1. Production. 2. Distribution. 3. Domestic Service. and 4. Education. Norman then asked each person to choose their permenant work. The choice to be by secret ballot. Also each head of a family and each unmarried man or unmarried woman must draw lots for the assignment of their rooms in the mission house. Why?...because all wanted to live on the south side with a view of the sea, so lots must be drawn and even tho there was some grumbling and protests some would have to live in other parts of the building.

Next Norman announced that each department needed workers, so they would all write their names and their choice of work so each department would have their required workers. Well, no one voted to do the necessary work that needed to be done to keep the colony operating. Another ballot was called, and Norman pleaded for people to keep the Brotherhood of man operating, but this second ballot was no more productive than the first. Wolf whispered to Norman that he must appoint an Executive Council with full power to act, and to appoint each to the work he or she must do.

Norman again faces the people, and they begin to ask what is wrong so he tells them that more than 600 ballots of the two thousand were for work not asked for so they must throw them out. 365 able bodied men chose hunting as their occupation instead of the work needed. 235 men just wanted to fish where as they already had nets to catch all the fish needed. 32 men and 46 women wished to preach. Thus they didn't need at present, hunters, fishermen, or preachers but they did need carpenters, hod carriers, all kinds of workers on the construction site, for they were building for the next influx of people. 365 women wanted to go on the stage, and 195 of them chose light opera, and comedy, but no one wanted to work in the kitchen or laundry or to milk the cows. No one wanted to be waitresses or milkmaids and yet the cows needed to be milked and the tables waited on. Norman had asked for 1 editor and 175 men and 63 women chose that field. Thus they would have to vote again because the Brotherhood could not live a day without the necessary workers. Norman called for heroes to be hod carriers and heroines of the laundry and so on. But the third ballot turned out the same as the other two. Barbara then bent to whisper to Norman...set up your Council members and when the council was in place it consisted of Wolf, Catherine, Barbara, and Thomas Mooney one of the stronger comrades. Now they would make the people work whether they wanted to or not. Here the Brotherhood was setting up a new aristocracy with the power to tell people what work they must do and what wages each was to receive. There were now many protests but the Iron fist of Socialism is being revealed for that is the only way their program will work. Norman is beginning to see this but Barbara is always at his side counselling him to be patient.

One day an old Negro bowed low before the judges of the council. He had worked for Normans grandfather in North Carolina and had come west, and had joined this Socialist colony out of admiration for the young leader... Norman Worth. He appeals to Norman saying there seems to be something wrong with this 'Comrade' business for he had always lived with gentlemen, but had come to the Island as an equal comrade thinking that he would pick the banjo and sing the rest of his life here in this Paradise, but now he was a hod carrier and had to associate with 'white trash' and he had not come here to do that. Well, everyone is so sorry, but they do need hod carriers to build new buildings for new members who want to come from the mainland, so Uncle Bob with head bowed low left the Brotherhood council.

Next; Saka, the Indian boy who had been educated by Col. Worth and grew up and maintained the lodge of the Worth estate, had come to the Island following Norman, but now he demanded a ticket of return to Col. Worth's hunting lodge. Catherine sought to smooth his ruffled feelings, but he snapped his fingers in her face, and they saw him no more. The crack of his rifle was heard on the mountain side as well as the smoke of this tepee seen curling defiantly from the top of the mountain, but no one went up to bother him.

Next came the cook before the council saying he must control his kitchen for some people were snooping to see if wine was used, some did not want meat cooked, one woman had destroyed 500 mince pies because she thought she smelled brandy in them. The complaints went on and on so the council members appointed a commission to conduct hearings and to make a rigid code of laws establishing the kind of food served at each meal. Within a week it was necessary to appoint a commission to formulate an elaborate code of laws regulating various nuisances which had developed in the colony. For instance a young man who worked as kitchen boy played a cornet in his room and he did not know a musical note from a promissory note, but he did disturb those people in the rooms close by. Then several women had acquired a pet parrot and those people who lived close by objected, so the parrot had to go. There was even a code of laws regulating table manners, and conduct at all social gatherings. A code of dress then was established for every occasion. This would be a Socialist Uniform of Scarlet and white for the women and a dull grey suit with scarlet bands on the sleeves, a scarlet belt and stripe on the trousers for the men.

Norman now has his hands full for disorder rapidly escalates in the Brotherhood, as people begin to slight their work. Drinking, stealing is reported as well as fighting among themselves. Something is wrong inside their system as it will surely wreck the Brotherhood. Then a murder occurs as two young men fight over a girl, so the Executive council voted to erect a jail and establish a penal colony and restore the whipping post for minor offerings.

On Wolf's advice Norman determines to use the autocratic power invested in him by the deed of the gift of money to establish the colony, and to establish a complete code of law, and enforce it without fear or favor. As the cords are tightened scores of dissatisfied people offered their resignations and asked to be returned to the mainland and their own homes. But the following notice was posted on the Bulletin board:...'Every member of the army will thus not be considered, and deserters will be tried by court martial. I am going to use my power for the best interests of the Brotherhood, and I as the cooperation of all the loyal members of the colony. Of traitors I ask no quarters, and I expect to give none.

Signed:...Norman Worth, Trustee and General Manager. This again caused much discontent so the colony administrators established a police and detective service and Norman had to listen every Friday night in general assembly to fierce debates and endless wrangles and some violence did occur. Thus a jail was established and Norman with growing anger announced that the council would now set the wage scale as to what each would earn. They were to establish a nursery for children being born, and would decide at what age each child would begin to work, and what type of work each new individual would do. There were so many decisions to make, the State must publish all books, select those appropriate for the Brotherhood, and Norman was using more and more power trying to make the Brotherhood work. He was to decide what crops were to be raised so as to try to make some money for the Brotherhood. Norman decided they would raise a large crop of melons and ship them to the mainland. This they did and the net profit was unbelievable, but the men who worked at raising the melon crop then immediately demanded a readjustment of the scale of wages. Their spokesman astonished Norman by the strength of their demands for he shouted:...'If Socialism means created all this wealth for the colony and yet we have received a mere pittance.'

If Col. Worth could have heard, he would have smiled as Norman broke in to say:...'Hold on a minute comrades, you didn't create this wealth, I did. I was the one who conceived the possibility of this crop and I tried to persuade your overseer and then had to force them to plant this particular crop. Your labor is a fixed thing year after year. All must work or die, the creator of wealth is the superior intelligence that conceives something better than the clodhoppers daily task. Wealth belongs to the creator. I made the crop, your hands were the mere automation which my brains directed and I did this for the Brotherhood.' Norman's father had used those very words as he tried to explain to Norman what Socialism was all about.

Well the farmers went on strike, the entire food production came to a standstill. Norman threatened to refuse them admission to the dining hall unless they returned to work. They replied that they would smash the door down. Discontent over the question of wages was growing all the time, and now a farm strike flared anew.

It was now necessary for the Master hand of the Brotherhood to take over. The assembly now approved Article I. of the Constitution of this new state of Ventura as follows:...'Every citizen of the state must labor according to his ability, unto every man need. Those who can work, and will not shall be made to work; this was merely the enactment into statuary law of the first principal of an effective Socialism. 'From every man according to his ability, unto every man according to his needs.' The first obvious requirement of such a law was an immediate increase of the police and detective force at the command of the regents and the board of governors. There would never be another strike on this Island...The State is now supreme.

Wolf and the Red Nun-Catherine congratulate Norman on making the right move. But Norman was not so sure as he was in the beginning for he is now beginning to wonder. Should he prolong the experiment another year, and hold the property? Or by deed convey at once the whole property to the Brotherhood and end his trusteeship? His faith in his fellow men had been shaken by the events of the past year, and yet the colony had succeeded financially. Wolf is of course disturbed that Norman is even considering not turning over the deed. So he appealed to Barbara to work on Norman for he must have that deed.

Barbara and Norman went for a walk and Norman tells her that he is thinking of giving up on this experiment, and she then hears him ask her to marry him and then they will decide whether to go back to the faith of their fathers in the old world, or stay here and settle the destiny of the Brotherhood.

Barbara must decide and she does as the Red Nun who raised her has demanded, she urges Norman not to give up his work, and finally he agrees to stay, but is sure that Barbara will love him as he loves her. As they return from their walk Barbara tells Wolf that Norman will deliver the deed in the morning. Barbara has never thought of love and marriage, and as yet she is not ready for that, but since Norman will stay then they will be close together and time will work things out between them.

On the next day Norman turns the deed over to the Brotherhood and then plunges into the work for the Brotherhood on a grand scale as he had originally planned. A second colony of 2000 persons was landed and were established in the new buildings, and immediately they began work on facilities for 5000 more new people.

But something seems amiss and Norman realizes that since he turned the deed over that there seems to be an organized plot forming to depose him from power on the part of Wolf and Catherine. He remembers that these two had always stood at the door after he had made tough decisions at their instigation, and tried to smooth ruffled feathers, and thus gathering a following of disciples. Then at the meeting this very Friday night Wolf and Catherine are nominated and elected as the new leaders of the State. A new board of governors was chosen, and not one of them were ones that Norman was acquainted with. The next morning two armed guards entered Normans room and handed him the first order of the new Regents. Norman read it with amazement:...'All citizens of the state are ordered to immediately surrender their arms' order of Herman Wolf Regent.' Normans revolver is taken, and they even search every nook and cranny of his room. And they inform Norman that the entire colony is being disarmed this very day. Then they produced another order for Norman and this one is brief and to the point...'Comrade Norman Wolf will report to the Regent at ten o'clock for orders.'

Signed...Herman Wolf Regent.

Norman stood in silence staring at this note, to be driven into another man's presence, to take orders as from a master to a servant was an idea which had never entered his imagination. He had given orders, but never somehow counted himself in the class of men who took those orders. For the first time he began to realize the meaning of the work he had been doing and began to see how unconsciously he had been forging the chains of a system of slavery for his fellow men. While the motive which moved him had been of unselfish love, still he now saw in a flash the crushing cruelty this power could be used for. Now that another man had grasped this lever of power, the whole scheme of artificial life which he had created took on a new and darker image. Beyond a doubt Wolf had been selecting the new Regents and guards from his tried and trusted henchmen. There was no way to escape, there was no mail unless inspected, no boats except the Brotherhood Steamer was allowed to land. Norman now realizes that Barbara must have known something of these plans to replace him.

Norman decides to go see Wolf at once and learn his plans then perhaps he can plan himself. Wolf looks at Norman and asks whether he came to work or to fight? Norman asked to be allowed to complete the big dredge for mining gold from the sands of the beach? But Wolf says he is going to stop all inventions. Norman says he will finish the invention for himself. Wolf informs him that he will do this only after he has worked 8 full hours a day under his direction. And the guards were ordered to take Norman to the stable where he is to clean out the stable as his work for the Brotherhood. Barbara goes to Catherine and demands that she stop this outrage, but she is refused, rebuffed, and Barbara is ordered by Catherine to the work force. Barbara then goes to Wolf who has been as a stepfather to her, and he tells her to go back to her room, no one will disturb her. His eyes sparkle as he watched the graceful little figure leave the room.

This brings on a big quarrel between Wolf and Catherine, and Wolf then informs his wife that she has no power only as his wife and he alone is boss. To pacify Barbara, Wolf did not make life to hard for Norman, but day by day Wolf quietly perfected his grip on the life of the rapidly growing colony. No one was now allowed to leave their dwelling at night. Guards now watched the people as they worked even in the daytime and the working day was stretched from 8 hours to 9.

In spite of all the restrictions Norman still found plenty of help after work for his invention, and soon the dredge was put to work. Wolf then ordered that the dredge be operated for the sole benefit of the State and ordered Norman to begin construction of 20 dredges of equal capacity. The greed for gold was now gripping this Regent of the Brotherhood.

Norman now rebels, he realizes what Wolf has in mind and he no longer will help him accomplish it. Wolf sends Barbara to beg Norman to not fight with Wolf. She says that if he will just talk to Wolf then he will be able to resign and return to San Francisco. But Norman does not believe this, even tho Barbara insists that Wolf will keep his word. At that moment Wolf himself with his men arrived to take the men with Norman away hands bound behind their back, these are the men who worked on the dredge with Norman. Then Norman turns to Barbara and said in a cold voice:...'I congratulate you for being a superb actress, deeds speak louder than words.' Barbara is crushed, she also now sees thru this whole Socialist mess, and the flings herself into Normans arms telling him that she loves him and she is sorry she was so blind. But the guards drew Norman away from her, and led him off to prison and Barbara could only follow behind sobbing quietly.

Barbara then goes to face Wolf, still she does not realize what his plans are for her. Then he tells her that he wants her by his side in this State. Which will soon be rich beyond his wildest dreams. Barbara tells him that she now knows that she loves Norman, and Socialism has lost its hold, its old appeal. Wolf just laughed at her saying he can get along without her love, but he will have her sooner or later. Barbara totally disillusioned says she will die first and she leaves his office.

Norman then disappeared as completely as tho the earth had opened and swallowed his body. Barbara finally appealed to Wolf for permission to visit Norman in prison and this was denied. Those who protested Norman's imprisonment were given the most menial jobs.

The man called 'The Bard', their poet of protest, was assigned to the rock quarry, and after about two weeks his hat was found on a rustic seat high on a cliff whose perpendicular wall was washed by the sea. Beneath his hat lay his last manuscript:...'Protest to the world.' It was entitled 'The Journal of Roland Adair, Bard of Ramcat.' It was written in blank verses and proved a most harrowing recital of the horrors he had suffered at the hands of the Tyrent Regent. With eloquence fierce and fiery he called on the salves who were being ground beneath the Tyrants heel to rise in their might and slay the oppressor. He had chosen to die, he said, so that his death song might stir their souls to heroic action.

Searches were made of the beaches for his body. His friends gathered on the tenth day to express their sorrow and appreciation in a brief formal service. A man who was an ex-minister was delivering a funeral oration when suddenly the 'Bard' appeared, pinched with hunger and his clothes covered with dirt. He had been sleeping in the open. His friends are shocked and in wonder as the 'Bard' lifted his hand to solemnly say:...'I stood on the hills and waited for slaves to rise and fight their way to death or freedom, but no man stirred. 'Did you not find my death song?' 'Yes' was the reply, 'it was found but the Regent destroyed it.' 'Well, I left ten mimeographed copies where they could not be found by people. If they have not been found my death would have been in vain. I waited to be sure...I have come back to ask?' His wife assured him that they had been found, and now an officer of the secret service laid his hand on the 'Bards' shoulder saying quietly:...'Come we will give you something to sing about that is worthwhile.' The Bard is led away, and he was flogged, and 'the Bard'.... Ronald Adair ceased to sing. He became a mere cog in the wheel of things which moved on with Swift certainty to its appointed end.

The social system here in the Brotherhood of Man worked now with deadly precision, and ceaseless regularity. No citizen dared to speak against the man in authority over him, or complain to the Regent for these men were the Regents trusted henchmen. Men and Women huddled in groups and asked in whispers for the news. Disarmed and at the mercy of the Regents brutal guards, cut off from the outside world as effectively as if they lived on another planet, despair began to touch the strongest hearts, and suicide was more common than in the dark days of panic and hunger in the old world.

A curious group of three huddled together in the shadows discussing their fate on the day the 'Bard' was flogged. Uncle Bob, the old Negro who had followed Norman to the Colony was one. A bowed man by his side spoke up to say that at one time he had lived in a model community where all wore the same clothes, ate the same three meals regularly, never over ate, all worked the same number of hours a day, went to bed at the same time, got up at the same time. But this place was San Quentin, and when he got out he found the world a tough place to live in, so he thought he would find the real life here, but altho he was sent up for two years to San Quentin, it begins to look like they were here for life.

The third man called Methodist John because he used to go around shouting Hallelujah when he first came, as he was enamored with the promises of the Brotherhood now cried in despair:...'If I could only get back to where I was.' 'Here it is just work, work, work, under the eyes of an overseer. 'Oh, Lord, how long must thy servant wait for deliverance?'

At this time a black cloud swept in from the sea, and obscured the sun. The darkness of twilight fell like a pall, and a sharp peal of thunder rang over the harbor. John watched the progress of the storm with a strange elation while others sought shelter from the rain. John walked thru this blinding rain toward the barn, and drew a lightening rod from a tree. This rod was about 30 feet long. He had begged Norman for this sometime before and Norman had made it for him. The tip of the rod was pointed with 12 shinning spikes. John seized the rod and held it over his head and began to walk around the lawn. He walked slowly past the two big colony houses as the people at the windows watched and wondered, as he passed between the two buildings he began to sing an old Methodist song:..'I want to be an Angel, and with the Angels stand, a crowd upon my forehead, a harp within my hand.' Over and over he sang as he marched, until finally Uncle Bob ran out and shook him asking what he thought he was doing. John lifted his head and sighed:...'I don't like to just kill myself, it is against my religion. It seems like taking things out of Gods hands. But I thought that the LORD in His wisdom and mercy might be kind enough to spare me one bolt, if I lifted up my rod, and put myself in the way. If HE had seen fit to do it, I would be at rest now in the courts of Glory.' 'This is a sad world brother, Uncle Bob said comfortingly, But peers like de Laws doan lib here any mo.'

Soon a Guard came and arrested John and put him in Prison for a week and he only had bread and water, and from then on any criticism however slight of the reign of Wolf as Regent was met by instant and crushing cruelty.

At the end of three months from the time Wolf took possession of the dredge from Norman, they were weighing daily gold worth $3,000.00 and storing it in vaults to which only Wolf had the keys. As new members came into the colony they were searched, and all weapons were taken before they were allowed to land, and it only took about two weeks to bring the new recruits into submission and into the work force. The only way men could win favor with the guards was to be submissive and supportive and then you could win advancement to a guard or an overseer. This road to advancement was not to be found in achievement, under the system called Capitalism, wealth is to be desired, it brings power but does have a limit however under the free play of natural law, for no man not even the poorest can be commanded to work by a superior power. He could always quit if he liked, he could choose to go hungry or apply to the charity of the society in a last resort, but he alone could say whether:..'I will or I won't', but here in the colony of the Socialist Brotherhood of Man a new force in human history had been created. Wealth beyond all the dreams of passion was now in the grasp of the Regent, and his henchmen, and they had no thought of sharing it with the Brotherhood which Norman with his fathers money had set in place.

Soon another side of the Brotherhood...power of the Regent began to show, and the theater which was built was opened, the music hall as well, and the young women of the colony...whom the Regent desired were secretly assigned by his order to the most dirty and disgusting forms of labor. When they finally protested and found there was no appeal, that they were doomed to live out their lives this way, then suddenly she was visited by the Regent. He expresses his surprise at the tasks she has been assigned to do, and if she appeals to him she was assigned to the chorus line of the State Theater and given luxurious quarters in and adjoining building. Here she studied music and dancing and then she also soon learned the art of pleasing the Regent, for a frown from him could send her back to the job she had before.

Here in the Brotherhood colony the State only could bear arms, or manufacturing arms. The system of law which Socialism had developed was so full, so minute in its touch on every detail of human life, so merciless in its system of espionage, that the very idea of revolution was slowly dying in the hearts of these captured people.

A great Palace had been built for the Regent, and a few days before the opening and dedication when preparations were complete then Wolf called Catherine his wife of many years, the woman who had helped him set up this Brotherhood, had worked for years in this Socialist Cause. But now he informs Catherine that he has a proclamation ready for the complete establishment of a Socialist State. He plans to publish this in the morning and it will go into effect immediately. The proclamation reads:...'From today the State of Ventura enters upon the reign of pure Communism which is the only logical end of Socialism. All private property is hereby abolished. The claim of a husband to the person of his wife as his own can no longer be tolerated. Love is free of all chains, marriage will hereafter be celebrated by a simple declaration before a representative of the State and it shall cease to bind at the will of either party. Complete freedom in the sex relationship is left to the judgment and taste of a race of equally developed men and women. The State will interfere when necessary to control and regulate the birth-rate and maintain limits of efficient population.'

Then turning to Catherine he said:...'You are now as of today divorced and free to marry anyone you please. Catherine is in shock and with a cry of anguish said:....'Surely Herman Wolf you have some pity in your heart? You cannot forget all we have been thru in those long dark years, all I have done for you? How I broke my vows, left my babies, and my first husband for you, and the cause, how I have not seen my loved ones since. I broke with every friend and loved one on earth for you. Have you forgotten all the work, how I fought your battles for this Socialist Cause? Can you now kick me from your presence as tho I were a dog?'

Wolf replied:...'No I mean for you to stay where you are, and take charge of my new household. Barbara will need your assistance. I have chosen her for the new Regent, I will announce our marriage at the dedication of the Palace, and you will accept this, or I will teach you to obey.'

Catherine looking into his face saw his features convulsed with fury, so she turned and left his office her bowed low, a sadder and wiser woman, but also a defeated woman for a time. Barbara of all people, the girl who she had raised and schooled in the Socialist, Communist idealogy was to take her place.....does Barbara know?

Barbara of course did not know, and the two women then began to work on a plan, a way was thought of to get to Norman held somewhere in the prison system. A messenger was found, but he could not get into the prison without an order from the Regent. Barbara decides to use her wiles on Wolf. Now she knows what he has in mind, and what he is like, then two can play the same game. She goes laughingly into his office and sits on his desk among his papers, and she closed her hand over one of his small official order pads. She asked for permission to see Norman...please. Wolf laughed and said:... 'not today my dear...a little later yes, but not today.' Then as he turned to speak with a messenger telling him to take an order to the Captain of the Captain of the Guard, Barbara slipped the order pad in her pocket and slipped from his desk. Then laughingly and waving good-by she leaves the room and hurries to her room, and wrote this order signing it with Wolf's name:...'Admit the messenger bearing this note for the delivery of a personal message to the prisoner Norman Worth'....Signed Wolf Regent.

The messenger was allowed to see Norman and tell him in person what the situation was now, and that Saka was in the hills, had built a skiff and had it ready to sail with a message for help'. Norman sent this message back:...'Saka was to go to Santa Barbara, to send a telegram to his father, and one to the governor of the State of California, asking for troops, which should arrive within 48 hours. May God give us a chance to fight.'

That night the messenger safely passed thru the patrol lines and delivered his message to Saka who immediately launched the skiff and sped away. The messenger safely returned and reported to Barbara and Catherine that all was well.

Two days later a patrol reported that troops were landing on the far side of the Island. Then Norman from his prison cell hears sounds of rifles, then in a rush troops surrounded the jail and an official lifted his hand and shouted:..'In the name of peace and dignity, of the State of California'..But Wolf with a defiant wave charged at the head of his hand picked guards. The soldiers poured a deadly volley into those ranks and Wolf fell, then the rest hesitated and threw down their arms and surrendered.

The nightmare was over, the people of the colony began to emerge to greet their liberators. In five minutes Col. Worth entered the jail and father and son silently embraced. Barbara followed then straight into Normans arms. A shout from the window guard, and the group inside the prison looked from the window to see the Sergeant haul down the red symbol of Socialism from the flag staff on the lawn, and then lift the Stars and Stripes in its place. Looking at that shinning emblem in the sky Norman slowly said:... 'It is beautiful, isn't it governor?'