Satan's Kids
Part 3 of 3
(Facts every American Christian should Know about
the International Jewish Conspiracy to control you)
By Brig Gen Jack Mohr C.P.D.L.

Satan's Kids Part 3 continued:-
This overriding passion for material gain, places the Jew in the position of everlasting antagonism with the rest of mankind. For this reason, he wages war against all those who do not belong to his clan and subscribe to his philosophy.

In his religious book, the Babylonian Talmud, the Jew shows his contempt for all "non-Jews," and especially Christians in volume ABHODAH ZORAH (26b) we read: "Even the best of the goyim (non-Jewish cattle) should be killed." in Volume SEPHER OR ISRAEL (117b): "If a Jew kills a Christian, he commits no sin;" In Volume ZOHAR II, (43a) we are told: "Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice;" while in Volume HILKOTH AKUM I (1), WE READ: "Make no agreement and show no mercy to Christians. Either turn them away from their idols, or kill."

These are but a few of hundreds of Talmudic passages dealing with the Jews treatment of Christians.

The Jew is taught that he was created to cheat and take advantage of all other people. Again, going to the Talmud, Volume ZOHAR I, (160a), we read: "Jews must always try and deceive Christians." In Volume IORE DEA (159, 1): "Usury is permitted for any reason when dealing with Christians," and in Volume BABHA KAMA (113b): "The name of God is not profaned when a Jew lies to a Christian." These teachings are hammered into the heads of Jewish boys and girls from earliest childhood, until the Jew comes to believe, that the more cunning and greedy you are, the more you will receive the approval of God. This of course is diametrically in opposition to what the Mosaic Law teaches. The Jew recognizes no armistice in his unrelenting war with all others.

Very early in their history, the Jews adopted a plan. This was to seize all the gold and valuables of every country they invaded, but allow the inhabitants to live and retain possession of their immovable property. Their argument being: "If we take their gold and the fruits of their labor, we may safely leave them their fields and vineyards. If we succeed in making their riches our own, we will be the masters and they will be our slaves."

In adopting this plan for "world-wide" conquest, they have become remarkably successful.

Let us see how they have applied the principle of MATERIAL INTERESTS in the Twentieth Century, as they follow their "age old' dream of conquering the world. They have not only plundered the world, but they have won a moral victory, by throwing the blame upon their enemies and representing themselves, always, as a persecuted people. They have sold this idea to most of the Christian world. Listen to world-known Baptist evangelist Jack Van Impe, as he speaks of this in his book ISRAEL'S FINAL HOLOCAUST. On page 52: "Jew accusers today are simply following the lead of anti-Semitics before them. People do not want to accept responsibility for the wrongs in society, so they must have a scapegoat, and the Jews have been a universal scapegoat. They take the blame of ignorant people for problems ranging from plagues to politics." On page 55, he states: "The magnitude of Jewish sufferings is difficult to take in completely. One may read of sanctions, slaughters, persecutions, and prejudices, but these are likely to simply move through the mind as historic facts without telling the whole story. The real account of the miseries of the Jews is one of feelings, frustrations, and fears. That is the human side of history." He then goes on to enumerate the woes of the Jews, never telling his readers that all these persecutions were brought on, not because of their religion, but because of their attitude towards all men who were "non-Jews."

Van Impe barely touches on Jewish massacres of Christians, by saying, on page 50: "During the period between the resurrection of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews imprisoned and executed many Christians." But he says nothing about the hundreds of thousands who were killed by Jewish manipulation in the terrible years of the Roman persecutions, or the 34-million plus, who have died under Jewish run Communism. His is an old propaganda trick, of taking your mind off the truth and leading you down the path he chooses. On page 56, he makes an intellectually dishonest statement when he says: "Abraham, the father of the Jewish race, was given an unusual promise by His Lord. This guarantee of blessings, provided judgment upon all who bring evil upon his descendants." He then goes on to quote Genesis 12:2, 3. If you can find one word in these verses which deal with today's Jews, then you have a different understanding of the English language than I.

The policy of blaming all others for their own caused ills is a Machiavellian principle (Machiavelli was an Italian nobleman, noted for his cunning in politics. He would stop at nothing to get his own way.) The Jews excel in the "double-cross." In our day, this is the very "soul" and "spirit" of International Judaism and its illegitimate child, International Zionism.

One of the reasons the Jews have been so successful in their deception, is the incredible naivete of our Christian leaders, who insist that our Christian culture is a direct offspring of Judaism, when in reality they are diametrically opposed.

The Christian world has been led to believe that Jews have been scattered over the world, because of their stubbornness in failing to recognize the Divine mission of Jesus Christ.

But history, and the Word of God itself, proves without the shadow of a reasonable doubt, that the dispersion of the Jews has been voluntary on their part and has been a "pre-determined emigration" for a specific purpose. Four hundred years before the Roman conquest of Jerusalem, during the time of the Maccabees, the Jews were already scattering to the "ends of the earth." It was an aggressive movement, with the universal conquest of the world as its final objective.

As Roman rule began to weaken, the invasion of the Northern barbarians brought about a period of transition which was vastly favorable to the Jewish element. While they were often opposed and even bitterly persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church and feudal powers, they were not held back by these obstacles.

The Jew fears only one hostility. It is competition which attacks them on their own field, in the PRINCIPLE OF MATERIAL INTERESTS. As long as you allow Jews to quietly accumulate money, they will care about very little else.

During the Middle Ages, while Europe was separated into many nations and empires, the Jews scattered over all the trading places and made their homes there, in order to carry out their trade and usury.

It is true, that their riches, which had been gathered through unscrupulous means, were often confiscated by cruel persecutions, brought on because of their avarice and immorality. But this violence was never powerful enough to stem the rising tide of Jewish money power.

As a result, Jewish establishments penetrated the chief commercial centers of Europe. One large body of Jews settled in Venice; another in Genoa; while at the same time, Jewish colonies rose in all the chief cities of Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Although these were scattered, they formed a firmly connected homogeneous (of the same kind) union. Operating under a single impulse of "power through the control of material interests," they swept over Europe.

Although they were scattered over the world, they were united through religious and historical traditions, from the Capitols of the civilized nations, to the outposts of Siberia and Tibet. They were united by a single faith. Not the, belief of Abraham or Moses, as we have been led to believe, but by their belief that they were the Chosen of God and that the treasures of the world were to be their inheritance. Jewish solidarity is so great, that if you attack a Jew for any reason, Jews on five continents will rise up in his defense, no matter whether he is in the right or wrong.

During the Civil War, General Grant was facing the Confederate forces in Tennessee. He became so annoyed by the number of Jews who were following his armies like scavengers, that he issued an order requiring all Jews to leave his lines.

Immediately a hue and cry was raised by Jews in the North and Jewish protest committees began to descend on Washington to confront President Lincoln.

The President listened, and out of the goodness of his heart, asked the General to modify his orders. Grant reluctantly complied, but added: "The Jews in my opinion have not changed for the better since the time they crucified Christ."

In the middle of the 18th Century, Jews infiltrated and controlled Free Masonry, with their terrible Order of the Illuminate, sometimes called rightly THE LUCIFEREAN SOCIETY. This was organized by the Jew Adam Weisaupt and was just another step on the road to one-world control. There are letters available in the National Archives, showing how General Washington, himself a high ranking Freemason, warned his Masonic brethren about the inroads of a Satanic organization which sought to control Masonry.

Few people who know Jews intimately, will believe you, if you state that Jews are a virtuous people. This seems to be a paradox for a people who are so immersed in sex and since many regard Jews as the "most evil of men." But the Jews are both virtuous and immoral. On one hand they show their morality, while on the other they can be abhorrently vicious. While this may seem to be a contradiction, it can be explained. The Jew is virtuous, because he practices a practical love for virtue. The Christian on the other hand has a "platonic love" of virtue. (This means a close relationship without the necessity of sexual desire.)

The Jew is practically virtuous, when it is in his material interests to be virtuous. If it will prolong his life, or enable him to gain wealth, he can be the most virtuous person around. But he can switch in an instant, to become a viciously wicked person, if the PRINCIPLE OF MATERIAL INTERESTS compels him to. When this happens, the virtuous man, becomes the vicious one, who will trample on anyone in his bid for material gain.

Thus, vice and virtue in the hands of a Jew, becomes a powerful means, to be used both as a defensive and offensive weapon. With virtue, they will be brave and face losses and misfortune; with vice, they will attack any who stand in their way and use any evil means to destroy them.

A good example of this comes to us from the 19th Century. Ilahmi Pascha, son of the Viceroy of Egypt, inherited a vast fortune from his father. He became the victim of a Jew named Oppenheimer in Alexandria, who became his banker and administered his business affairs. So brilliantly did the Jew follow his trade, that in three years, the young Egyptian went from enormous wealth to bankruptcy. This example could be multiplied many times over.

During the Middle Ages, commerce was the great battlefield of Europe. On the one side were the native born and on the other, the Jewish invaders. When the "smoke of battle cleared", the Jews were victorious. They had acquired control of the entire commercial world. A careful check of history, will show that Jewish methods of doing business, have never enriched a nation. but only puts money in the coffers of the Jew.

As is well-known, Jews seldom engage in agriculture, mining, production of raw materials, or even the manufacture of things from raw materials. He at-tends mainly to the circulation of values, exchanging worthless articles for good money.

In a great majority of cases, Jews are parasites. They appropriate what others have made from the "sweat of their brow." This is why they keep aloof from agriculture. They want nothing to tie them down to a particular area. They must be free to move at a moments notice, heading where the business action is. That means that Jews always seek out the areas where the most plunder is available.

As an example, during the time when the Italian Republics flourished, Venice, Genoa and Florence, were overrun by Jews. But when these Republics fell, the Jews packed up their treasures and emigrated northward, settling in Germany, Poland and the Netherlands, where commerce and industry was on the increase.

The Jews were the least successful in Spain, mainly because the Spanish people forced them to leave, when they realized they were allies of the Moorish invaders.

Jews are the same today, as they were 2,000 years ago when our Lord said they were Satan's kids! (See John 8:44). They have the same characteristics now as they had then. Neither time, nor habit, nor intercourse with foreign elements ever change them.

The converted Jew, Benjamin Freedman, intimate of seven Presidents, (there is some reason to believe he was the adopted son of a Jewish couple, since he did not exhibit Jewish traits) wrote about Jews who had converted to Christianity and warned, that in his opinion, the majority of them were nothing but spies for Judaism, who got into the churches to cause trouble. Jesus implied this in John 12:40, when quoting from Isaiah 6:9, 10, he said: "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and 1 should heal them." There are some who believe, with Scriptural backing, that a true Jew cannot be saved.

Because of Jewish ties with religion, tradition and hatred of all non-Jews, they will never change. You could as well expect a leopard to change his spots, as for a Jew to change his grasping nature. A Jew can be born in, or emigrate to any nation and become a Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, or an American. But without fail, if you ask him what he is, his reply will be: "I am a Jew!" His alliance is to his people, not to the nation of his birth. Jews say they can combine both qualities; but this is impossible. Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 - "No man can serve two masters" for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other..."

I have heard Jews boast: "We are Jews to our fingertips." Since there is very little beyond the "fingertips", this leaves no room for patriotism to any country except a Jewish country?

This same trend towards treason can be seen in the Jewish official who has taken an oath of office to serve and protect this country from all enemies. If he is a religious Jew, how can we believe him, if he takes the Kol Nidre Oath on the Day of Atonement? In the Talmud, this is referred to as "the law of revocation in advance." The recital of this prayer, called the "all vows prayer," releases the Jew from any obligation under "oaths, vows, or pledges; entered into during the next twelve months."

In 1844, a group of German Rabbis, realizing what knowledge of the Kol Nidre Vow was doing to the credibility of the Jewish people, tried, at the International Conference of Rabbis in Brunswick, Germany, to have this changed. But the preponderance of Rabbis speaking "Yiddish," who were Russian Khazars, meaning they had no Abrahamic blood in their veins, voted it down and the oath remains part of Jewish worship to this day.

Does this mean that a Jewish Judge is not to be trusted, if he has taken the Kol Nidre Vow? Or a Jewish Congressman? Or a Jewish lawyer? Think about this!

The Jews in America are the only ethnic group who are allowed "dual citizenship." This means they can be citizens of the Jewish state in Palestine and at the same time, have full citizenship rights in the United States. It has been proven, time after time, when the "chips are down," their loyalties are to the Jewish state in Palestine first. This action can be seen in the many "Pro-Zionist," "anti-American" actions by Jewish members of Congress.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews laid the foundations for their future power. They cleverly arranged to order a battle of usury and piled up their treasures in every country they settled, waiting patiently for the day, when they could emerge from the darkness and climb to the top of the "economic power heap."

On a spring day in the late 1800's, the old edifice of feudalism broke down with a crash heard round the world and the political and ecclesiastical institutions never recovered from the effects of the French Revolution.

This was a Jewish Revolution, as was the one which came to Russia in 1918. The path was now open for the Jewish conquest of the world. Undermined by the doctrines of Voltaire and conquered by the power of liberalism, the national and religious limitations of the Middle Ages crumbled into dust and the past was given over to the reconstruction of the present.

Just as they did later in the Century, at the end of the American Civil War, so now, the Jews led in their cries of: "Long live tolerance! Long live Fraternity! Down with rank! Away with privileges!" While the South was saved by the patriotic efforts of Americans who refused to "buckle in" to Jewish power, there was no white sheeted Ku Klux Klan to save France.

With ranks closed, the Jews now opened attacks on their enemies everywhere and as they overcame them one by one, they erected their own standard, the six pointed star of David, over the ruins they had created throughout Europe. Since that date in the 1800's, the flag of Judaism has been unfurled from the watchtowers of Europe and few and far between are statesmen with moral courage to say "No!" to anything they demand. With the exception of a few years during the 1900's, when the German people under Adolph Hitler, made a bid for national freedom and struggled to free themselves from Jewish oppression, Europe has groveled at their feet. Hitler is hated by the Jews, not because he tried to annihilate them, as they aver, but because he was the only man with guts enough to try and free his people from their clutches.

By stirring up revolutions and then lending their support for legitimacy, Jews assisted on one hand with the distribution of State-overthrowing Utopias, while on the other, they restored Monarchies.

The Jewish writer Marcus Eli Ravage, writing in the January 1928 issue of Century Magazine, recognized this when he stated: "We Jews are at the bottom of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history.. .We did it solely with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and propaganda."

Another Jewish writer, Oscar Levy, in the Preface of his book, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, said: "There is scarcely an event in modern Europe which cannot be traced back to the Jews. We Jews today are nothing else but the world's seducers; it's destroyers; it's incendiaries; it's executioners.

We know that all governments require money to operate: the men who lend are Jews - of course, and they gain both in cash and corresponding power and privileges.

During the American Civil War, both sides were financed by the Jews; as was the Russian Revolution and World Wars I and II. The Jews garnered countless billions of dollars of Gentile wealth, while the world was drenched in Christian blood, as Christian nation fought Christian nation and the International Jews set back, rubbing their hands in glee.

In 1869, Just after the Civil War, a prominent Jewish Rabbi named Reichhorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon-Ben-Iudah in the Prague, said: "Thanks to the terrible power of our International Bankers, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews harvests: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." (Remember, this statement was made before World Wars I and II, killed additional millions - and the Jews have the nerve to speak about a Holocaust!)

As atoms are drawn towards larger masses under the "law of Gravity," so nations drift towards the riches of the Jews. Under the same law, the motion of attracted bodies, becomes more and more accelerated and thus Jewish money power grows daily.

It is a simple fact, which cannot be disputed, that at the present, not one single financial operation of any size can be carried out, without some Jew participating and putting some of the profits into his own pockets.

In this manner, Jews have grown from the despised of society, to become its wealthiest, most influential citizens and have attained vast power along the way.

From the height of their economic pinnacle, they command the entire Babylonian Money System of finance and industry. There is not a man among us, no matter how anti-Jewish he may be, who in some way does not pay tribute to Jewish money power. You can count on your fingers, the politicians, preachers, industrialists and educators, who are not debtors to the Jews and therefore come under their power.

Jewish financial power resembles an imp which cannot be seen, but yet he has his fingers in every pocket. He is especially experienced in the art of seduction, having received his training directly from the "master seducer" of all times, who is his father (See John 8:44). He speaks to the Christian world today, saying in essence: "Worship me and I will lead you to happiness." While in reality, he is leading us to a death too horrible to contemplate!

Hand in hand with the phenomenal rise to power of Jewish financial interests, has been the rise of individual members. Those wandering Jews who used to be crafty speculators, old clothes men and peddlers, have now opened elegant offices in the halls of world industry.

At the close of the Napoleonic Wars, a Frankfort Jew by the name of Rothschild, rose to power as the visible head of Jewish supremacy. All other Jews bowed to this ruler. As the "king of world finances," he commanded the rallying masses of Jewish capital as surely as the Kaiser controlled the armies of Germany, or the Czar, the "hordes" of Russia.

It is impossible to calculate the power of this family, since they had at their beck and call, thousands of millions of dollars and Kings and Presidents cringed at their spoken word.

The head of the Rothschild clan was as much a world ruler, as any crowned head who had ever ruled, and his subjects were the countless millions of human beings who labored incessantly to support his splendor.

In the Twentieth Century, this Jewish family was challenged by an American family named Rockefeller. These people hid their Jewishness behind the facade of Protestantism and engaged in a "life and death" financial struggle for world supremacy.

The profits acquired by the International Jewish Bankers, were also used to improve their social standing and we see them as they mingle with and are accepted by the aristocracy of Europe and America. They longed for a monopoly of the Liberal Arts and Sciences, which were at one time open only to the higher ranks of society. Knowing they could acquire this honor only by means of engaging in literature, medicine and public education, they set out to monopolize the professions of Law and Journalism.

Today, Jewish journalists form in every state, a closely connected, powerful combine, composed of the most clever and industrious minds. who are dedicated to the furtherance of International Zionism by all means, fair and foul. They have appropriated the rights of intervention in foreign affairs, to the point where the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (an unregistered agent of a foreign power, Israeli) to all intents and purposes, controls the American Congress. Powerful men, like former Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, have tried to buck them and have learned to their sorrow, that to criticize the Jews, even truthfully, means "political suicide."

As the Jews attained social status, they invaded the Christian social world; brainwashing Christians of varying religious hues, with the false theology, that they, the one's who hated and murdered our Lord, are indeed "the Chosen People of God" and as such can do no wrong.

Blinded by Jewish cries of "brotherhood," coming from organizations formed to confuse Christians and from apostate religious groups such as the National Council of Churches; befuddled by the humane appearances of Jewish theories, our churchmen for the most part, seemed incapable of perceiving the danger which threatened the Christian world.

One look at the world of diplomacy, will show how it has been overrun by Jews. In England, Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, became the Prime Minister. The WESTMINSTER REVIEW of that time, quoted Daniel O'Connor as saying: "If Disraeli's genealogy could be traced, he would no doubt, be found to be the true heir-in-law of the impenitent thief on the cross."

There were others in England, Sir Nathaniel Mayer de Rothschild Bart; Josiah Wedgewood during the World War I; Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, who was a power in British politics.

Samuel Untermeyer, who arranged for the "International Boycott Conference" in Amsterdam in July 1933, stated: "...the holy war... in which we (Jews) are embarked is a war which must be waged unremittingly.. the Jews are the aristocrats of the world.. .this boycott must be against all German goods shipping and services.. we will drive the last nail in the German coffin

At this time, Germany was deep in a terrible depression which had been brought about by Jewish manipulation of the "money market." In 1940, the eminent Rabbi Maurice Perlman, head of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, told a cheering Canadian audience, as reported by the Toronto Evening Telegram, February 26, 1940: "The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years." This means they had set out to destroy Germany, two years before Hitler came to power. ls it any reason the German people defended themselves? It's no wonder they hated the Jews. The Jews are not the innocent, persecuted people we have been led t~ believe.

Dr. Donald C. Blaisdell, Professor of Government at the College of the City of New York, published an important document entitled AMERICAN POLICY FOR THE NEAR EAST, in the Jewish publication ISSUES, official organ for the American Council for Judaism, in the fall of 1959, he stated: '.' No minority of Irish, of German, of Polish, Italian, or Greek extraction has been able to manipulate policy to its advantage as have the Zionist leaders of the American Jews."

During World War II, the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was literally overrun by Zionist Jews and more and more evidence is surfacing, to show that President Roosevelt, deliberately led America into that War at the behest of International Zionism

The Hon. Mr. Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of Defense during World War II, wrote in his daily diary for November 21, 1941, two weeks before Pearl Harbor, that the President had told his Cabinet that morning in a White House meeting, that he wanted us to be at war with Japan, but that he "did not want it to appear that the United States had fired the first shot." He then went ahead and knowingly provoked Japan into the attack and then withheld information from the military commanders at Pearl Harbor, so that they were not prepared to defend the Island.

This intrigue, (TREASON would be a better word) came at the time when F.D.R. was making his famous "fireside chats" with the American people, assuring them that "Ah hate wah, and will nevah send American boys to fight on foreign soil, NEVAH! NEVAH! NEVAH!!"

After World War II, President Harry Truman carried on in the footsteps of F.D.R. and recognized an armed uprising of 800,000 armed aliens, who had been transplanted into Palestine as part of the Zionist plan. On May 15, 1948, he gave official recognition to the "Bandit State of the Israeli."

President Truman in 1948, used the power and prestige of the United States to compel the United Nations to accept this "gang of terrorists," as a "peace loving nation" - a nation which had come into being through terror, armed uprising and billions of American tax dollars. America has been in bondage to the Israeli ever since. We have poured uncounted billions of our national wealth down the "Zionist rat hole." Today, that country is carrying out a war of systematic genocide, against the Arab people.

When General Eisenhower became President, he also was faithful to the Jews who had put him into office. In 1956, he sent 14,000 American troops into Lebanon and stationed the Sixth Fleet off its coast to protect the Jews.

The pathway of political lies to the American people, continued under John Kennedy, always under guidance of the Jews who were in power. These were more interested in the welfare of the Jewish State than the safety of the United States and while we armed the Jewish State with our most sophisticated weapons, regardless of the cost to the American taxpayer, our own Armed Forces were allowed to deteriorate at an alarming pace, until we came dose to becoming a "second rate" power.

In 1938, the Senior Kennedy, was America's Ambassador to England. He reported to Washington, that Neville Chamberlain had told him, that it was the Jews in the United States and Britain, who forced Britain into the Second World War. Since this information had to be suppressed at all costs, Roosevelt recalled Kennedy to silence him and this was the beginning of the liquidation of Joseph Kennedy as a politician.

This story of Jewish control in Washington continued on through the Nix. on, Carter and into the present Administration of Ronald Reagan. From. the Administration of F.D.R. with 52 Jews, out of a total of 72 advisors - and many of those foreign born, we have gone on to see our most conservative President of this Century, leaning on Jews and Zionist stooges, for his top-level information.

There is much confirmation, from reliable sources, which proves that all the important legislation on file since the beginning of the New Deal in 1932, has been written by Jew',:. Not to mention the vast amount of similar legislation which has- been written at State level.

As far back as 1936, the Jewish newspaper, DER TAG, wrote on April 9, 1936: "The Jews of America, because of their numbers, interest and ability, constitute a great political force. They have not usurped this power; it BELONGS to them as of right! They are going to exercise it as they see fit. What are you going to do about it?"

Rather than endure the smears which would come their way through the Jew controlled media and the Zionist lobbyists, many members of Congress have been willing to sell future generations of Americans into virtual slavery. Spineless creatures engrossed with the egotism of the importance of their positions and believing they are the all-wise mentors of the nation, they have become guilty of the grossest hypocrisy of all times, as they have deliberately evaded the one and all-important issue which is the foundation of most of our problems. As a result of failing to strike at the root of the problem, they are presiding over the destruction of their own White race, without a seeming qualm of conscience.

Many members of Congress desire this life of hypocrisy and leave this major issue to others. Thus our internal enemy has a free and open field in which he rapidly moves toward his goal of world control.

Communism - the major tentacle of the Zionist plan for world conquest, was set up by the Jews in 1917. In other places in this book, I have shown how they openly bragged about their part in this conspiracy. It was a Jewish plot to enslave "non-Jews," whom (hey call "goyim", which literally means "cattle," and rule over them. They will scream to high heaven that this accusation is "Untrue!" but the plan is there, the proof is there and it is plainly taught in their holy book, the Babylonian Talmud and in numerous Jewish writings. These will prove that the Jews, as a whole, consider the rulership of the world, theirs by virtue of their destiny as the Chosen People of God. A careful study of the Scriptures will prove otherwise, no matter how loudly your pastor proclaims to the contrary.

I should take this opportunity of explaining the meaning of several words, which I have already used numerous times. The TALMUD is a collection of Jewish civil and canonical (religious) laws. It was begun during the Babylonian captivity of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. A new sect arose among the Hebrew worshipers, which became known as the Pharisees and which rapidly rose to become the major power in Judaism. They began a major religious work, known as the Talmud, which was not completed until some 500 years after the time of Christ. This tremendous religious work is made up of 63 volumes and is the final authority, superceding the Laws of Moses, in any matter relative to the religious conduct of Jews worldwide.

The TORAH is Jewish tradition and instructions or decisions, given by the Pharisee priests or Rabbis as a Divine revelation. It was with this group that our Lord had His most violent controversies, when He said to them: "In vain do ye worship me (God), teachings for doctrines the commandments of men," (Mark 7:7). They contain part of the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Pentateuch. The word "Goy" refers to all "non-Jews", with the plural "goyim." As I mentioned earlier, this literally means: "animal." Let's look at some of these Talmudic teachings. I will give you the Volume and page here they can be found.

First let me tell you what some of the eminent Jewish Rabbis have said about the Talniud. Rabbi Ismael said: "The teachings of the Talmud stand above all others laws. They are more important than the laws of Moses."

Rabbi Menachem, commenting on the Fifth Book said: "The decision of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah Himself asks the opinion of the earthly rabbis when there are difficulties in heaven."

Tract Mechilla: "Jehovah Himself studies the Talmud standing, He ha, much respect for that book."

KEKUT CHADASZ (171,3): "It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world."

SANHEDRYN, (59a): "Every goy who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."

LIBBRE DAVID (37): "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all the Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

SZALLOTH-UTSZABOT (17): "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."

BABA MECIA, (114, 6): "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

SIMEON HADDARSEN (56-D): "When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2,000 slaves."

MIDRASCH TALPIOTH (p. 225-L): "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew, day and night."

NADARINE, (20, B): "A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat."

MAIMONIDES, JAK CHASAKA (2:2): "A Jew may misuse a non-Jewess in her state of unbelief."

TOSEFA. ABODAH ZARA (8, 5): "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy he is NOT responsible."

MISHNA SANHEDRYN (57) (This is a good example of what our Lord meant when he said to the Pharisees: "Ye make the word of God of nonefrect, by your traditions.) "Thou shalt not do injury to they neighbor, but it is not said, 'Thou shalt not do injury to a goy.'

SCHULCHAN ARUCH: "A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer."

SCHULCHAN ARUCH: "Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets MUST be killed."

SCHULCHAN ARUCH (348): "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently is entitled to seize it up without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to the Jews in general." (You wonder why the Israeli treat the Arabs as they do when they are taught this "mental sewage" in their synagogues?)

Do I have to go on with more, and there are thousands, to prove to you that Jews are not to be trusted? How can a Jew take an oath of loyalty to America, when he becomes naturalized, when he is allowed to lie and disregard his oath? How can a Jew legally and morally take an oath of public office, if he believes these teachings? How can a Jew be expected to act as a worthy individual in his capacity as a publisher, an editor, a correspondent, a judge, a lawyer, a banker, a statesman, or an educator?

Why is it that the Jew, who is an oriental, is given more rights than the Japanese, Chinese, or Korean among us? Sounds to me like rank discrimination Yet the Jew is supposed to be the defender of Civil rights! What a hypocrisy!

The Jewish founder of modern Communism, Karl Marx, said of his people: In vain do we look for the key to the labrynth of the Jewish soul in his religion. On the contrary, we must look for the mystery of his religion in the mystery of his nature. What is the basis of Judaism? A practical passion and greed for profit! To what can we reduce its religious worship? To extortion! Who is their real God, CASH!"

So to accomplish this plan for world takeover, Jews create wars, revolutions and depressions, as a means of seizing power during the time of chaos. In the Communist textbook PSYCHOPOLITICS, the plan for the takeover of the United States, written in 1933: they say . . our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first and most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil

For hundreds of years now, this has been the Jewish plan of world conquest, on instructions from their Grand Sanhedrin of Constantinople, as laid down in their VENGEANCE PROTOCOL of 1492. To do this, they have cornered the world supply of gold and have sold the non-Jewish world the fiction that gold is wealth, instead of the land and commodities. Today, the entire world bows to the the Jewish idol of gold, and worships it as much as did the Babylonians during the time of Nebuchadnezzar. (See Daniel 3).

By their control of gold, they control the means of propaganda as I have proven in other parts of this book. They smear all those who refuse to "knuckle under" to their desires and shut off the truth concerning foreign news to our people.

The International Jewish Council which met at Basle, Switzerland in 1879, drew up a far-reaching plan entitled THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, as a formula from which to launch their world offensive. While world Jewry proclaims these to be a forgery, we should recognize that a "forgery" is merely an "unauthorized copy of an original." The Jews have never questioned the authenticity of the original PROTOCOLS which were written in Hebrew, only the English translation which exposes their plans to the world. The important consideration is not whether this translation is a forgery or not, but the fact that they have been carrying out the details of this plot, as laid down in the English translation, to the very letter. As I write, I have before me a photograph which was taken at that Council meeting, naming each member on the Council. This photograph and text, were photocopied directly from the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 2,1948 edition, page - 102.

There is much documentary proof that the Russian Revolution was planned and financed by international Jewry. Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn and Paul War-burg, members of the Jewish firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., New York bankers, advanced $48-million and trained 276 Jewish revolutionaries from New York Cities Lower East Side. These men were sent to Russia in 1917, to overthrow the established government and set up the present Communist regime. They passed through Germany, even though we were at war with that country at the time and received permission to do so from Paul Warburgh's brother, who was Kaiser Wilhelm's Chief of Espionage and the German Chancellor Van Bethman-Hallweg, also a Jew.

President Woodrow Wilson (Democrat), was put into office on the basis of Jewish support. $50,000 was given to his campaign fund, by the Jew Bernard Baruch, and he also had a $40,000 blackmail bill paid off by a prominent Jew. Baruch's money was given on the basis of passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which placed all United States Banking Reserves under control of the International Jewish Bankers and which was the forerunner of our present economic woes. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, were just a few of the names which were involved and although the Rockefeller clan has masqueraded as Gentiles, they are of Jewish descent.

While most Americans believe the Federal Reserve Banks are government owned, they are privately owned and the geographical dispersal of the twelve, represents window dressing. All are dependent on the Federal Reserve Bank of New York City, which is under complete control of the International Jewish Bankers.

These banks collect dividends resulting from interest payments of the United States Government on its bonds sold to the Federal Reserve Banks and financed of course by deposits of Commercial Banks throughout the country, USING YOUR MONEY!

The United States Government pays interest on its own credit and the International Jewish Bankers collect it and grow rich off the sweat of the American taxpayer. In 1915 our National debt was about $303-million, by 1981, it had grown to $959-billion and in 1982, it passed the One trillion dollar mark. Add to this a State debt of $111.7 billion by the end of 1979, plus God only knows how much personal debts, and you can see the stranglehold these leeches have placed on this country. They are slowly but surely bleeding America to death.

Today, in the face of almost unheard of economic woes, we see the strange sight of our Government, borrowing over $50-billion at high interest rates, so that we can give it away in Foreign Aid Programs. The major recipient of our handouts, being the Bandit State of Israeli. By the end of 1979, they had received over $12-billion in loans, (this is only what we see on the surface) and much of this has been outright grants.

Looking at all these facts, can't you see where the money power lies? It most certainly is not in the hands of Congress, where it was meant to be. By their control of gold, the International Jewish Bankers have become richer by the hour, while Gentile America bows their back in virtual economic slavery. Today the American taxpayer is paying a higher percentage of his wages in taxes, than was paid by the mediaeval serf. This was the plan of the PROTOCOLS: "Drain the entire product of materials and labor off the land and into our coffers."

International Jewry. The only way we can be free from the plague under which they have placed us, is to remove the cause. Our battle cry must be: DOWN WITH JEWISH WORLD RULE!

We must not be led astray by our hatred of a people, although the Lord knows, we have good reaspn to hate them. But our fight must be against the anti Christ, anti-freedom policies their leaders advocate.

We know God will be with us, if we seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, for He has promised us this. (2 Chronicles 7:14) He is always on the side of righteousness and against evil.

There are solutions to this problem. But the milder solutions can only come, as the Jews are willing to lift the cloud of censorship they have placed on the Christian world and when words, backed by good intentions, take the place of the weapons they now use.

As long as Jews insist on being a Jewish entity, instead of individuals, they will force Christians, as a means of self-defense, into dealing with them as an entity alien and hostile to Christian people. If America insists on allowing dual-citizenship, instead of insisting that American loyalty be to America alone, then the Jews will continue to be not only a "thorn in the flesh," but an ever increasing danger to us.

Our Constitution guarantees "freedom of speech and press" to all U.S. citizens: but if we allow an alien minority to take this away, by imposing their own censorship, then we deserve everything we will get.

Today, as the great drama of the ages unfolds before us, we have two paths we can follow. The one which is lined with the trinkets and glamor of Jewry, the comfort of the "big brother system" which will take care of us from the cradle to the grave and the other path, which offers nothing at first, except sacrifice. But in the end, the results will be vastly different. Those who seek only personal pleasure and comforts, those who believe: "You only go around once in life; so live with gusto." These will find servitude and death at the end of the road. The other path of sacrifice will end with the fulfillment that comes from loyalty, courage, duty and honor. This is the path which leads to life.

Today, the American people are offered two opinions, shall we serve God, or shall we serve the oppressors of our people?

Today, ruling over our people, is an oppressive anti-White, anti-Christ government. Will we serve it? Our fore-fathers would not! In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said THAT We "are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their lust powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever such government becomes destructive to these ends it becomes the right of the people to alter and abolish it and institute new government."

The fact that we are free gives us the right to establish and maintain a government which will enable us to enjoy the natural rights, so aptly expressed by the political philosopher, John Locke. Not only is it our right, but it is our DUTY! Jefferson said: "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, nay IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such a government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

Our first allegiance is to the "God of our fathers." His Law and our alienable rights under that law, is what make us free men and women. Our allegiance cannot be now, or ever, to an alien, heathen philosophy, which will eventually enslave us.

In 1 Kings 18:21, the Prophet Elijah asked our forefathers: "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him..." Five hundred years earlier, Joshua had asked our people: "If it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose ye this day whom ye will serve.. but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

This is the decision White Christian America must make today. Will we serve Jehovah, the God of our forefathers and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ and be free? or will we serve the god of the Talmudic Jews and become slaves? Our whole future depends on how we answer this question.

For too long, we have served the law of Baal, which is in the process of producing a raceless, soul-less humanity, which is not free, but the slave of the Jewish system of control - control over our income, our marriage, our children, our entertainment, our sex life, our education, our body, our religion and our politics. I say the time has come when this MUST be stopped. But it will only come when Christian men and women know the truth, recognize it for the truth and operate on the basis of that truth. It cannot come, as long as our churches are under the bondage of Judaism.

The time is late, the situation often seems to be hopeless. But so was the situation in 1775, when Patrick Henry, speaking before the Virginia Convention and attempting to rally his fellow Americans to the cause of freedom shouted: "They tell us sir, that we are weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be next week, or next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and a British guard shall be stationed in every house?" This is what the Jews seek in America. This is why they are behind every move to disarm patriots. How long, Christian America will ye halt between two opinions?

Today, our people are asleep. We are in a dream world, where we imagine we are someone else. But God knows who we are! He knows we are His people, even if the preachers don't! He knows who the Jews are too, and He said in Revelation 2:9 - "...l know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan." He will take care of these blasphemers in His own good time, as He stated in Luke 19:27. Christians, will you believe then, when you see the destruction of God's enemies? Will you be willing to accept the truth then?

We know this will happen, because God has said it would. When, we do not know. Are you willing to have your family live under the rulership of International Jewry in the interim period? In the face of our loss of freedom, what will your answer be?

The day of decision is here. Satan's Kids must go! One way or the other; of their own free will, or through force if necessary. In the light of Jewish crimes against humanity in general and America in particular we must take stern measures. Whether you want to accept it or not, we are in the most desperate danger of our short existence as a free nation. Soon this war is going to end in glorious victory for God's true Israel. Are you going to be in on the winning side? or will you be one of the rebels who will be weeded out of the kingdom?


The End

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